
Ruby Black
Oct 23, 2023
Hello Everyone,

I am writing this post after almost giving up in the hopes that one of you may be able to help me out at the very least. I am unsure why but this particular story has some kind of effect on me and my brain is unwilling to let this go and I feel obsessed with reading it one more time, which I should have bookmarked. I have been searching for a story that I read on Literotica for the past few months extensively even using tags, only to come up empty handed. I am unsure if Literotica has removed it under someone's request or in violation of the rules in anyway or if the author themselves has taken it down.

I have posted the same thread in other Forums such as Story Discussion Circle, Authors' Hangout and General Board Lounge to help myself find it faster through all you kind souls.

For the life of me I can't recall the title or the author. I do not remember many details about the story. The below information is all that I can remember and hope it will be able to help you in giving an understanding of that story. The story was, probably, in the Non-Human, Sci-Fi & Fantasy or Novels & Novellas category as best I can recall.

Protagonist - Male (Name unknown)
Demon/Goddess - Anabeth/Anabell or something like that...
Other characters - Bast, a gremlin or goblin.

In this story a man falls in love with the goddess of death or a goddess of death falls in love with a human. Her friends are Bast, Kali, a gremlin or goblin. He has sex with all of them except for Kali (Indian goddess of destruction). He battles another (male) god who tries to kill him and take back his Ex. Among the chapters, there is a chapter where he visits Mike Radley's Home Full of Horny Monsters (Which I am currently reading and going gaga over it :p, It is a must read for all Non-Human/Sci-fi genre readers).

If any of you remember such a story or are even able to find the story. I beg you to let me know... Please keep the thread alive by commenting so other's may come across it.

Thanking you in advance.
~Ruby Black
Hi all,

I was able to find the story and the author thanks to the help of @writeranabelle and @Mandlovu in a different thread.

Thank you for all the help everyone!