New Poetry Recommendations

Looking Up at you

Thought you might like a view from the underside on a few of the offerings.

The Bird in my hand Shat on me Trent Dutch. This is rough as guts but still the best of the day. It is saved from being a rant by a couple of wry lines at the end. :D

Memory like Mud Angeline This poet is so cool and when she writes it's as though she is pouring warm chocalate over herself --- smooooth ! This is good but it doesn't need the last line. It is also effective without the first stanza though not recommended.

Ashes, Ashes. Wicked Eve has done some terrific stuff lately (especially Bullwhip Rose).This falls a bit short of her best .I think it's about a drunken old woman who is teased by the kids and gets burned to death, but I'm not certain, The obscurity detracted from what is otherwise beautiful expression.

Dangerous Attraction and Daisy's Critique of Sexist Language in Shakespeare are two poems by Ishtat. I admit I reviewed them because I wanted to see an Australian contribution. One is good , the other isn't.
Odd that they are so different though. :)

There were a few others which are promising but which I found hard to assess, plus about 50% best not talked about.
A Pair from yesterday

While we wait for today’s poems here are two from yesterday by Syndra Lynn that may set your thoughts to dancing if not your mind to whirling. The first is about recovery and learning to live again:
Too drunk to fly
. . .
She showed me
how to take one step,
then one more, until
I remembered how to dance.
. . .
And the second a celebration and reunion with life:
Communion at Goat Rock Beach
. . .
I danced
a benediction,
in late winter fog.
The only sound
was percussion
of shoreline and heart.
. . .
Wonderful titles both, these are two strong gifts from a raw voice. I expect both will be edited upon some future retrospection, but you can read them now while the edges are sharp and before the poet rounds them and polishes all the facets. – Go do it! :rose:
another Monday poem

Along with a few others from yesterday that caught my eye, is this offering, Denial by tungtied2u. Great phrasing and that last stanza ties the ending down tight.
Poems to watch

On Monday or Tuesday (damn calendars, I can't tell which end goes up!) a group of poems appeared by Willow Rain called "Fantasm ..." (various words fill the ellipses). They are very interesting prose poems with sparkling imagery and I heartily recommend them. This one in particular intrigued me.
New Poems of Thursday March 24, 2005

There are 18 new submissions on this the fourth Thursday of March, and I have one non-erotic "spinner" from the past.

Today's oldie is a work from a poet who no longer frequents Literotica, much to our loss and my dismay. This poem is from November of 2002. If you enjoy it, click on the name and go read some more of this poet’s work. It took me only 4 spins to find this poem by Owera.

Sky Perfection

Boundless blazing blue.

hurtling forward
slicing air.

Ecstasy of inertia.

Shrieking soul,
jubilant joy,
bursting heart.


Silent sparrows
fly from open mouth
each time I scream
my glory.

Streamlined flight of consciousness,
pulling flesh
by the hand.

Flawless blue,
sky perfection.

is my dream.

Here are some of the poems I found most interesting today.

Willow Rain continues her erotic “Fantasm” series, begun yesterday, with three more poems today.
Fantasm Masochist,
fantasm Corset,
Fantasm Flogging.
Of the three, I preferred the “Corset”. This perhaps because I am not really into the more esoteric forms of sexual behavior. I enjoyed the words, but I will leave it for the connoisseurs of such to comment on the truth of the images and their ability to draw forth emotion. I am sure there are plenty at Lit. who can give far better critique on BDSM content than I can. - I do recommend to all serious readers that they peruse Willow Rain's “Fantasm” efforts with an open mind. The poems are structurally well above the average “erotic” Literotica poem (IMHO). Whether they turn you on or not is a personal thing.
De gustibus. . .

Du Lac posted Haiku 11 today, and surprise, surprise, the poems are more than just structured as 5 – 7 – 5. There is a nice contrast between the first two lines and the final. Nature and seasons are mentioned. . . Somebody as been reading/studying/learning. – It is a good thing to watch a poet in spring as breadth and voice grow. ;) :rose:

brillobob is a new poet with five submissions who likes to write in rhymed couplets. I like new poets and search for anyone with a new eye/voice, and I won’t discourage anyone who wants to write in rhyme. A lot of this poet's couplets are "clever-cute". The poet has a mastery of his language. I just hope he will progress to more advanced formats/styles as he continues to read and write. His submission today is Packages.

There are others out there, including ***, and Uncle Pervey. Go find the ones you like (New Poems)and come back and tell us about them!

As always, please remember that our poets need your support.

Regards, Rybka
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one of the few things I like about literotica, is that in certain cases, one sees the future, even if the vision is flawed. Admitted this is flawed, Dali had some not quite as good as the The Persistence of Memorybut always of interest. This, I find of interest, a thing painted from a completly different perspective, and well worth looking at.
poet odessa
Certainly of more interest than anything I've seen in the new yorker recently...but then, I always valued originality, more than technique in the pursuit of the boring.
March 25, 2005

I just skimmed through the new poems and I'm sure there are others I'll want to recommend, but right off the bat I suggest you just read everything by Agni. He has four poems submitted today and they're all Good with a capital G. :)
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More March 25

I like these, too.

Red by Neonurotic. A little lesson in rouge hues. :D

Savannah Skye wrote a beautiful poem about war's most innocent victims-- Children of War.

My Erotic Tale's to kill a poem is very good, though I agree with the comment that the last two verses are not up to the rest of the poem. It's a real keeper though Art, and it expresses something every poet experiences. Well done.

I really like Willow Rain's fantasm masochist. I think it would be improved by a little editing to tighten it up, but it has great imagery and I love the way it builds to self-awarenss. (And her fantasm corset, submitted yesterday, is a wonderful piece of writing. Spare and gorgeous.)

I like both submissions from rogtom_69, but Ciao cara mio is my favorite.

These are my choices--there may be others you like as much or better, but you'll never find out unless you read em yourself--and while you're there you can vote and comment, too. :)

One for your feelings

I have been waiting all day for the day's reviewer to make h/er-is picks. :)
Well, I have to go out tonight and I can’t wait any longer. So I want to make a recommendation for your reading time. This is not the “greatest poem ever” nor not even one that can’t be easily improved, but it is a powerful effort and very emotionally evocative. The subject and style work well together and for the most part so do rhyme and metre, even if borrowed (aren't all rhyme/metre schemes). Go read and comment on this poem and give encouragement to this author. - It is an emotional read.

Angel on 109

A drunk man in an Oldsmobile
They said had run the light
That caused the six-car pileup
On 109 that night.

And blood was everywhere,
The sirens screamed out eulogies,
For death was in the air.

A mother, trapped inside her car,
Was heard above the noise;
Her plaintive plea near split the air:
Oh, God, please spare my boys!"
. . .

A contributing member since last December, Sugarbaby4u has been posting a poem now and then for a about a month and a half.



Since I posted the above recommendation it has been brought to the attention of the readers of this thread that this submission may have not been the original work of Sugarbaby4u, but rather the creation of a poet by the name of Ruth Gillis who does not submit poetry to Lit., at least under that name. Further, there has been some suggestion that other submissions of Sugarbaby4u may not be original with her. - I do not alter my comments upon the poem, but do withdraw and hold in abeyance my endorsement of the poet until such time as this accusation of plagiarism is resolved.

I CALL THIS POST TO THE ATTENTION OF THE WEB-MASTERS, and hope for justice for all concerned parties.

I will freely apologize to any and all that I may have wronged by any of my statements for they are solely my own opinions and in no way are they necessarily those of the owners, managers, webmasters, nor other contributors to Literotica.
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New Poems Reviews
for Saturday 26, 2005

There are 31 poems to focus on "today"
'I' read trough all of them and here are
a few of the many great poems from the list
of NEW POEMS <grin>

a concerned deciple exclaimed excited to a poet monk
"Monk Wo says you are no poet,"

"Tell Monk Wo write poetry
is better than being annoying!"

(from zen master tales <poet> replacing zen master.)

first off I found a comment on this poem
very ...Different from my own <grin>
~ and I hope this poet doesn't think all critics are this RUDE~
Want to know what I like? by poppin poppy

clip of comment on this poem~
"...your terrible crappy poems! "
of course it's by anon ... <delete comment>

I found the poem to be marvelous, at least
I did enjoy the read, Want to know what I like?
I like to read poetry <grin> I like nicer critics ...
I even liked this poem <smilin'>
2005 Here I come by Lauren91

Many things have yet to come
Many things have been said and done
I think I may be ready for some
So 2005, here I come

Many will pick at the 'bunch of repetition'
but if you look past that, you'll find a cute
and clever poem, encouraging and an emotion
we all feel, what will the year bring? bring it on! <grin>

lauren91 had another poem post today ...
This Broken House
Monochrome by The_Fool

sock on the left foot.
shoe on the right.

stumble through the coffee.

poured carelessly in the cup.


The_Fool is one of my favorite poets I admit
hands down, does that make me a fool? perhaps
but read his latest poem and you'll see why, I was
expecting a sonnet or limerick instead I got wit!
So I recalled the old way I use to read, close my eyes
clear my mind, then enter the poem with a blank mind
to absorb all it's colors, fragerances and glory
'then I see it all in black and white, monochrome
thanks Fool~

also posted today by The_Fool

Shades of colorless

after I read these I say to my self ..."self"
I want to write like that when I grow up...

Privat Melody by chezcubby1

Our two heart writing a melody.
I tenderly caress your body like a fine violin,
secure but gentle.
My fingers flow smoothly...
finding each enticing note.

chez as been sharing his fine poetic writes
but this one seemed to be a pearl of a poem
to add to his string/ list <grin> very good~

Bess by Jack Gates

My wild sexy talk was giving her a lusty thrill,
her nipples resembled thimbles in her dress.
I asked her her name and said mine was, 'Bill.'
'Elizabeth,' she said, but liked to be called, ' Bess'

I enjoyed the read and most will probably give up after the 5th or sixth stanza for it is a long poem/tale with rhyme. A good one I might add. But the fact remains that this poem took longer to write than half the poems posted this day is unique and deserved an applaud for this timely written piece. (~_~) bows humble

Jack Gates also had a Poem called 'Adam' that
posted today as well...'My Dog Slim' cute poem~
Blink and it's Gone by Angeline

The moon is palm-crossed silver
standing liberty in sky.
Life and death matter to moon
no more than ham on rye


zen master of pen, writes again, this poem
seemed so smoothe I thought it was about
as soft as a baby baby's be hind, but I blinked
and it was gone, very clever and cute poetry
by Grasshopper (angeline)

Dammit by sandpike

with the rise of gas prices this poem is priceless
I laughed and of course the realism is wrapped in the
rebate <grinin> I don't have to tell ya how clever
sandpikes writes are but another small 'pearl of a poem'

Seperation by duckiesmut

another short but very clever poem,
written with a flow like a soothing stream
of words that pool ...then 'seperation'
nice work duck ...encore!


there are a lot of poems in the list today
so please read, comment and vote your support

I was not trying to be of discord...
I was trying to play a song~
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an answer from Mrs. Gillis and thank you for the commendations! i'm glad i came back

Just to answer everyone's questions and then, back to the reviews-
i received an email back from Ruth Gillis, the authour of "The Wreck on Highway 109", and i wanted to share it with you. I suspect that SugarWhatsis has probably been here to this thread; I am hoping that if she comes back that reading Mrs. Gillis' response might help her realize what a crappy thing that was to do.

So if you're not interested, please skip over. :) I have not PM'd the poet-I left a comment on the poem and left it there, and emailed Laurel. I didn't want to spend the whole day playing Plagiarism Police...but someone might want to PM her and let her know that Mrs. Gillis was unimpressed.

Ruth Gillis said:Hi Jessica,

Thanks for your email, and thank you for reporting this post to the
of the site. Hopefully, they will delete the post.

I have found my poem, "The Wreck On Highway 109", all over the
posted without my permission, with words changed, etc. It's bad enough
post it as "Author Unknown" but to claim it as a person's own is
Yes, it's really sad when they change "elegies" to "eulogies". Entirely
different meanings, and "eulogies" just does not make sense in the
of the poem. Maybe they never heard of "elegies"?? Or a dictionary?

Thanks again for writing. I appreciate it very much.

Ruth Gillis
Ruth's House of Poetry

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jessica Lauren Awesome" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 11:10 AM
Subject: someone's ripping you off..again :(

Yes, it's "The Wreck on Highway 109" time.

The poster here has submitted your poem, under her
name, with a different title, and some changes to what
she perceived as spelling errors (well, I guess we all
don't know what an "elegy" is, huh? :p)

I have reported them to the owners of the site and
brought their plagiarism to the attention of the whole
community on the board.

i think what you're doing is wonderful. Live your life
by your own rules and rock on, lady.

Jessica Potter
Sunday on Monday...

Good Day all.. hope all had a great Easter! Hence the reason for my delayed posting of Sunday's reviews... so.. let us bring a little Sunday into Monday and read on!

My first pick..

Big Beautiful Sky Savannah Skye

A wonderful reflection of freedom and joy found in the sky. Very celestial and I love that she gives glory to the great above that we take so for granted.

A strong contrast in writing by the same poet is Fragmented

filled with violent emotional qualities done with a short style that demonstrates the death of love in powerful verse.... well worth the read..

Innocent revealed:

Shy-cue Ninja Nookie

Interesting style here.. simple complexity both in the style and in the subject... A felt a floating with the read.. and the essence of all who held the innocent candle that is put out with a sigh..

Next up..
Chiavo Chivalry dcpoet44

I take that this poem is a reflection on Terri Chiavo and her inbetween status in this life. With that view... the emotional conflicts are strong in this poem. The boxed and encumburing style for me... brings forthe the caged essence of this woman.. trapped and unable to express oneself..
a strong work thank you...

A journey worth taking..
Illusion My Erotic Tale

There is a smooth flow to this work. Small moments lacing together the exterior, silent solitude, screaming with the purity of the natural world. I don't know if it is the illusion of "the self" or another that is so strong in the ending.... It can be taken both ways. Outside/inside... two as one..reality/illusion. Those pulls are strong.. the only thing for me.. was rhyme in the first couple lines of each stanza and no rhyme. Almost like the division of the self.. and the illusion... and so many other things.
thank you for the journey..

Humming Ghazal...

Masks Melt Away... Whispermuse

this line is haunting...
For a moment masks melt away,
dripping to small corners of us.

I agree no need for the mention of the form used here... maybe an end note at the bottom of the poem ... with an explanation of the style... always a good learning tool. This is a beautiful whisper of romantic notions... I liked the metaphors used as well as the soft glow that surrounds the wording..

Phone Calls robbermagnet

I liked the powerful vision of the opening stanza .. sets the mood of the work. This is a good poem filled with strong emotions..

So there you go all.. Sunday on Monday.. hope you feel the relaxation of a Sunday afternoon in the middle of the work day! Hence.. read, post and comment on the work of all..
Du Lac~ :catroar:
My reviews for Monday...

As always, please hop in with any of today's that you particularly enjoy. :)

My favorite first:

by Angeline

A soft touch, sweetly romantic, with a flow of words that is even more delightful read aloud. The last three lines are a glimpse of perfection.

by sophia jane

I was impressed by the force with which the second section expresses that almost-indefinable impossibility. The first felt weak in comparison, and 'thing' doesn't feel nearly strong enough. The two typos are easily fixable. But she made me feel that second section, along with the impossible. :)

Strength Remarkable
by ishtat

I wasn't wild about this the first time I read it, but when I went back for a second read, I found myself glad that I did.

Deborah goodbye smiles, no omission heard,
baby content, indifferent, sleeps.
She pushes the stroller up her hill.
With unremarked strength.

Sometimes it's easier than it should be to miss those gems. Heartfelt, stark, and moving.

The Selekcja
by Whispermuse

New to the site, I hope this poet shares more. And quickly. (Did I mention quickly?)

The formless shapes, wire sculptures
of taunted men in twisted frames,
living only breath by breath,
anguished in the scarcity of hope,
suffering in abundance of death.

Reading and rereading, I couldn't decide if losing the repetition of the second/fourth verse would make it stronger. Nonetheless, these are powerful, well-crafted words.

Emerald Suffocation
by Wicked Eve

The sparsity of this only adds to its cleverness. The winged fruits wanders somewhere above my head (what can I say--> I'm short) but I loved the rest, especially the mental picture created of trees growing into thimbles.


Happy reading.
I like mentioning new poets, but I also enjoy bringing long-time Lit. contributors (who may have been recently inactive) to the attention of Literotica’s newer readers. Heck, I just like talking about poems that I like! Today there are 2 poets that you should check out and read if you don’t know them.

One is Ancient117331 who today offers us Coffee.... (I have already asked him about the words that seem strange to me.) Do go and read more of Chris’s poems.


The second is Senna Jawa who gives us a shorty, date titled 2005-03-07

Senna, in a way is like SmithPeter, in that he is a poet of great talent who takes a lot of reading and perhaps some sophistication to appreciate. (It is also perhaps important, but not necessary, to understand that English is not Senna Jawa’s native language. – I find it interesting that some of Lit’s best contributors are non-native English speakers (i.e. SJ, Liar, Lauren Hynde, et al).

Go read as you will, but please include these two poems among your selections!

I just upgraded my OS and the way I used to include links no longer apparently works. You will have to go and find them on your own, but the effort is worthwhile!
New Poems Reviews, Tuesday 29th March

Afternoon one and all, and welcome to the new poem reviews post for Tuesday 29th of March.

I managed to get some time off for good behaviour at work today, dealt with some stuff, then rushed home and on here, warm cup of tea in hand, and a new King Crimson album on the stereo, ready to do some reviews..... Unfortunately there is (currently) only 1 poem for today, which happens to be an audio submission. As I am suffering from system file woes currently I have no audio or direct X functionality on my comp, and so find myself woefully unable to review even that offering...

Instead, for now at least, I'll supply you with my random spinner from the past, found in the non-erotic poetry category.

It took me quite a while to find this little gem (I must be in a critical mood, I bypassed some well praised poetry before I got to this, and elected to skip an excellent smithpeter contribution, as I used him last week).... It comes from a member named Risiaskye, who I am wholly unfamiliar with. Entitled 'Adult Concerns', it was posted originally in November of 2001, and posses one of the many H's that adorn Risiaskyes submissions page (as well as lots of E's and W's). It follows a consistent AABA rhyming scheme that immediately develops a tone of monotiny and an almost mantra like voice. The rhythm and flow of the poem are almost musical, the voice lyrical, and the consistent metre adds enormously to the beat and song-like qualities of the poem. It uses very simple, almost common words, showing the authors skill as a poet, taking the common and twisting it to the uncommon (I've always believed art has little to do with transcription and more to do with transformation). Also the language maintains a clarity through its sparcity. The fact that most lines manage to say so much in only 2-4 words makes this poem a very enjoyable, easy to absorb poem, communicating its message clearly and with little in the way of excess.

Adult Concerns
by RisiaSkye ©

Learning protocol and refinement
involuntary confinement
Attending Very Proper functions &
seeking early retirement

Sucking in information
enduring daily degradation
Countless sleepness nights &
retaining legal representation

Health is neglected
love's been rejected
Even sunshine is unsafe &
they say fould play is suspected

Work place submission
political revision
Praying against violence &
that the cancer's in remission

The house is on a fault line
all I have isn't mine
Mustn't forget the children &
We're all just biding time.

Well, thats all from me for just now.... I'll maybe post something when some new poems arrive. Until then, take advantage of the wealth of poetry available on lit that you (probably) haven't read.... or write something of your own.... or (as I have opted for), grab yourself a beer, crank the stereo up, get some Genesis or Robert Palmer on there and let the music move your body, and you body move your mind... away from all those adult concerns you may have.
Who doesn't like rhyme? I do...

And comic poems.....

I've just got in and need to go to bed. There are some new poems up, but they'll have to wait til the morn before they get reviewed....

However, I did find this little cubic zirconia in the rough. Although it feels a little awkward, with the short then drawn out metre, I like 'Clerihew Boy' by evelyn_carrol. Its a little mouthful of fun that got me laughing... and I'm writing it down in preparation for Gleneagles '05.....
Playing God
by flyguy69 ©

affords me god-like
but my knees are weak
before this woman

Aren't all guys gods? Or is that dogs? Oh well, same letters.
This is a good read, so go read it.
Beneath the endorphin waters

Beneath the endorphin waters by Never

Here is a poem with enough strong lines that it deserves to be mentioned. There are several errors that an edit would pick up, as you can see in this quote, but these two stanzas (edited) could stand alone as a powerful poem. - Didn’t anybody else read this one? - No one else has commented.

“. . .
I live in a jade bubble
My friend is a gray cat
She brings me dead sparrows, fallen
Outside the eyes of God

The breath of his eyes dilates
To the heart of those he pick
Chosen children of the sacrament
Faith abandoned in my backyard
. . .”

Never has put up four poems so far. Reltne commented on one but I think her best is "Disintegration". There are some flaws but also good ideas driven by a powerful mind. This one is like a medaevil penitents prayer. :devil: self flagellating ?
Trent_Dutch said:
Afternoon one and all, and welcome to the new poem reviews post for Tuesday 29th of March.

I managed to get some time off for good behaviour at work today, dealt with some stuff, then rushed home and on here, warm cup of tea in hand, and a new King Crimson album on the stereo, ready to do some reviews..... Unfortunately there is (currently) only 1 poem for today, which happens to be an audio submission. As I am suffering from system file woes currently I have no audio or direct X functionality on my comp, and so find myself woefully unable to review even that offering...

Instead, for now at least, I'll supply you with my random spinner from the past, found in the non-erotic poetry category.

It took me quite a while to find this little gem (I must be in a critical mood, I bypassed some well praised poetry before I got to this, and elected to skip an excellent smithpeter contribution, as I used him last week).... It comes from a member named Risiaskye, who I am wholly unfamiliar with. Entitled 'Adult Concerns', it was posted originally in November of 2001, and posses one of the many H's that adorn Risiaskyes submissions page (as well as lots of E's and W's). It follows a consistent AABA rhyming scheme that immediately develops a tone of monotiny and an almost mantra like voice. The rhythm and flow of the poem are almost musical, the voice lyrical, and the consistent metre adds enormously to the beat and song-like qualities of the poem. It uses very simple, almost common words, showing the authors skill as a poet, taking the common and twisting it to the uncommon (I've always believed art has little to do with transcription and more to do with transformation). Also the language maintains a clarity through its sparcity. The fact that most lines manage to say so much in only 2-4 words makes this poem a very enjoyable, easy to absorb poem, communicating its message clearly and with little in the way of excess.

Adult Concerns
by RisiaSkye ©

Learning protocol and refinement
involuntary confinement
Attending Very Proper functions &
seeking early retirement

Sucking in information
enduring daily degradation
Countless sleepness nights &
retaining legal representation

Health is neglected
love's been rejected
Even sunshine is unsafe &
they say fould play is suspected

Work place submission
political revision
Praying against violence &
that the cancer's in remission

The house is on a fault line
all I have isn't mine
Mustn't forget the children &
We're all just biding time.

Well, thats all from me for just now.... I'll maybe post something when some new poems arrive. Until then, take advantage of the wealth of poetry available on lit that you (probably) haven't read.... or write something of your own.... or (as I have opted for), grab yourself a beer, crank the stereo up, get some Genesis or Robert Palmer on there and let the music move your body, and you body move your mind... away from all those adult concerns you may have.

Everyone should read RisiaSkye. She is a very gifted poet. I've been hawking her poems since I came here to Lit. She used to submit a lot more often than she does now, but every poem is a gem. You really can't go wrong with any of her poems, but here are a few great ones to introduce her to those who haven't read her--

American Autobiography

Picture in the Closet

On the Stereo, Typical

and my favorite of hers, In Memory of Naomi

(Yes Risia, I'm a leech. I'll never shut up about you.)
some I like

Jim was absent last week (we miss you!) and I haven't seen him all week, so here are the ones I want you all to be sure not to miss.

Tristesse brought us 3 new ones and I like them all!

The Far Shore is hopeful and well written.

Dirty Dancing gives us a new way to look at cast offs. I really love the imagery of this!

And Lunatic Love is my favorite of the 3.

Incandescent, she pauses behind
trees standing in silhouette
outside the open blinds;
a pale audience
to our own erotic dance.

Also catching my eye today is one of my favorite new poets here at Lit. Sabina (with a long last name...) reminds us Hell hath no fury... This is a wonderful picture of a futile attempt at sel control. The fury is well painted in her words. Read it!

Kiss of Death by whispermuse reminds me of an old Tobias Wolf short story of which I cannot recall the title. This is slam bam wham. Good.
I feel the heat
from your muzzle,
smell the acrid smoke
of your fragrance

Honey123 was inspired to 2 new offerings today and both are entertaining and provocative. The Taste of You is a well written sex act. And Take into Account might help ease the pain of tax season.

Just one more I want to mention. It's called The Naughty Bits. It was written by many of my favorite poets here at Lit and appears on page 5 of the thread I need sex! where you can also read a HOT new poem by Kundalinguini!

Enjoy your new poems and let us know which ones you like. :D

Syn :kiss:
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New Poems of Thursday March 31, 2005

I count 17 new submissions on this the fifth and final Thursday of March, and I bring one non-erotic "spinner" from the past.- I also want to note that the entries in the March poetry contest should be posted today. I really hope everyone will take some time to read them and vote in the polls. You’ll have make up your own mind as to which you like best, because you are the “daily reviewer” when it comes to this contest, and who can do it better than you? ;) :rose: ;)

Today's golden gift is a work from another poet who no longer frequents Literotica, much to our loss and the dismay of those who knew him. This poem is from June of 2002. If you enjoy it, click on the name and go read some more of his work. It took me two sessions and 19 spins to find this poem by karmadog.
haiku in a hole

Dragonflies mate like
Jets refueling in flight
Then wings beat grass blades.

Seeds of dragonflies
Must resemble metal parts--
Gears and microchips.

Dog chases squirrel
in a frenzy of bloodlust
Lifeblood on the lawn.

Dog eats squirrel read the
headline. (Pecan stuffed squirrel. Yum!)
Obit on page six.

I hope Whitman smoked
those leaves of grass. I could laugh
if I find my stash.

You want a Big Mac?
It doesn't take a disease
to make a mad cow.

Blue blazing alco
hallway monitor smells smoke
less tobacco spoor

I loved you once, but
Now you're gone. Did I lie? or
Did it just slip away.

A reggae rhythm
Marijuana high. Dancing
Under a blue moon.

Here are some of the poems I found of most interest today:

evelyn_carroll is first in line with a rather long humorous erotic offering titled Heroic Coupling. This English author is more prolific with prose than poetry, but s/he has an excellent command of the language in either form. This poem obviously took a lot of effort as well as talent to construct. Don’t read it expecting to be aroused, but when you are ready for an amusing ‘Lay’ - of an Ancient Roman style, and Macaulay or Lars Porsena is not available - you should take a look at this one. It starts thusly:
Heroic Coupling (or The Rape of the Cock)

What dire Offence from am'rous Causes springs,
What mighty Phalli rise from flaccid Things,
I sing – This Verse to Eros, Muse is due;
This even Venus may vouchsafe to view;
Rude is the Subject throughout these my Lays,
But my Aim is pure: Priapus to praise.
. . .
This same writer displays further poetic skills with a second poem of a completely different style. So when you finish Heroic Coupling go read Blank Betty.


shattered_lily is a talented new contributor to Literotica and today she presents an erotic and a non-. My favorite of the two is The Invisible Line (Woman in Glass).
The lines are flooding from my mouth,
too fast to catch.
Fingers lingering far too long. as to arrive into a dream of language.
. . .

Thirdly doing two today comes seannelson. This young left coast poet often writes in a fashion all his own and the one I like better today is an example of that style. Take a look at fancy's flight and see what you think.
. . .
I stumbled up from the cosmopolitan cold,
from the noise of hammers,
from the grunt-filled alleys,
fleeing the abrasion of legal tenders of dissection.
Beautiful years have I spent here,
sipping my 1998 Purple Griffin Cabernet,
. . .

Taste is always an individual thing so there may very well be other poems out there today that you will like even better than the ones I chose to mention. Go find the ones you really like on the New Poems board and then come back and tell us about them!

As always, please remember that our poets need your support, so RVCF. It doesn’t come back around if you don’t send it out! ;)

Regards, Rybka

Foreplay By Ear
by neonurotic ©

At it again, I can hear it
first a tap, tap
a moan
then an octave higher.

Whatever he is doing,
she likes it, "Ya
that's it, do it harder!"

It's not eavesdropping when sounds invade your ears. But don't you think neo's lazy to let others do the foreplay for him? Go read the poem. But do it quietly. This guy writes down everything he hears!


Second Nature
by Angeline ©

I love your big Mick Jagger lip,
your saddest eye. I even loved you
when you got that ugly sty.
I never count the days
that piled up to now,
nor ever look ahead,
but welcome every moment
yet to mow us down
in glorious discordant harmony.

A real love poem, because real love is a big lip and an ugly sty. Make sure to read this one. It's my favorite of the day.


There are more and I'll try to mention a few more. Please, let me know what you enjoyed reading today. :)