new poems

November 7, 2002

This thread has been languishing and there have been some great submissions of late. Too many, unfortunately, for me to even get to all the good ones on today's list! Please check the new poems list whenever you can; there's so much good poetry here at Lit.

walking pretty in ankle weeds by smithpeter

Check your zipper,
take a look-
is it steel, copper, brass or
take a lick
sharpen your long and growing,
glowing magnetic stick

My goodness SP, whatever are you on about? LOL. Another wonderful submission from one of my favorite poets ever ever ever. The images are just vivid and the content. Oh my. May his sticks forever flame.

Fizzle Fish by Xtaabay

Tickling tingles
on fishy scales,
grasping forest,
vast forest,
yellow-green grass forest.

This simple poem ripples along like the water fishies um fizzle through--rhythmic and truely poetry in motion. (Rybka, is that you?)

The Power of No by just pet

a thousand shattered images
cascaded from her
to lay upon the empty sheets
in pools of his disappointment
coating the rills and valleys
of the night before

This is an interesting contrast, I thought, to Xtaabay'a poem, which felt like a delightful watery journey. Here, just pet has taken the single moment of a "no" and exploded it into that strained forever when two people realize it's not to be. Powerful image.

Silent ebb by Softmystri

taking and giving the sight of my eyes
the feeling of my heart
as if they were no more
than tides on a beach.

It rolls in. It rolls out. A lovely extended metaphor from a new poet. Welcome Softmystri!

The Limo and the Fete by JUDO

Laughter's echo peels and a chica samba rings.
Colored décor reflects the culture's spicy flings.
But in the dark, two eyes flow moist and hide --
The grass is always greener on the other side.

Young love leaves the fete on giddy feet
Against a tree, embrace to kiss, their heat complete,
But the black and long distracts their tender pride --
The grass is always greener on the other side.

Look at that will you? Is she not the undisputed queen of poetic form? And not even just a sonnet. And not even just a kyrielle (which I can't even goddamn pronounce, for heaven's sake) sonnet, but a sexy little samba through the ghetto, or is it Eden? Really, Edna St. Vincent Milay never wrote a modern sonnet that switches and sways so invitingly. I'm in love with this poem.

Bricks by RedScully

Keeping out the
Wolf in my heart,
I set the mortar,
Place a brick
Tamp it down,
Like a little pig
Learning from past mistakes.

I'm liking this newer poet to Lit, and this poem, I think, is particularly good. Very creative way to describe the process of shielding the heart. Forget straw and sticks. Welcome RedScully!
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Re: November 7, 2002

Angeline said:
Fizzle Fish by Xtaabay

Tickling tingles
on fishy scales,
grasping forest,
vast forest,
yellow-green grass forest.

This simple poem ripples along like the water fishies um fizzle through--rhythmic and truely poetry in motion. (Rybka, is that you?)

I'd be happy to accept it if it was! I love Xtaabay's work! :rose: :rose: - However I doubt that she regards me highly enough to write about me. :(
From reading her poems, I have come to believe that she is at least partially "Native American". (That she is a "she" is also an assumption, but I read the poems as from a feminine point of view.) - If Xtaabay is of Native American heritage, I hope she (?) continues to post where I can read her verse! She is as good a "story teller in verse" as anyone who currently posts on Literotica!
I wish I had Xtaabay's worldview. - I just wish I knew how to pronounce her name! ;)

Regards,                       Rybka

She is as good a "story teller in verse" as anyone who currently posts on Literotica!

I could not agree more Rybka! I have loved every poem of hers I've seen (and she's a she--I know cuz I looked at her profile)!

Xtaabay, I'm thinking your name is pronounced thusly:

Ex--tah--bay (stress on first syllable; last syllable has a long A)

Is that correct? (I've wondered, too, though I'll be damned if I know what it has to do with poetry.) :)
Re: November 7, 2002

Angeline said:
The Limo and the Fete by JUDO

Laughter's echo peels and a chica samba rings.
Colored décor reflects the culture's spicy flings.
But in the dark, two eyes flow moist and hide --
The grass is always greener on the other side.

Young love leaves the fete on giddy feet
Against a tree, embrace to kiss, their heat complete,
But the black and long distracts their tender pride --
The grass is always greener on the other side.

Look at that will you? Is she not the undisputed queen of poetic form? And not even just a sonnet. And not even just a kyrielle (which I can't even goddamn pronounce, for heaven's sake) sonnet, but a sexy little samba through the ghetto, or is it Eden? Really, Edna St. Vincent Milay never wrote a modern sonnet that switches and sways so invitingly. I'm in love with this poem.

Thank you, Angie. You and the poem have a room this Friday night at the Hilton. lol.

- Judo
Thanks JUDO

you're very kind. I was hoping, for the Milay comparison, for airfare too, but ty
Re: Re: smithpeter and his E

JUDO said:
And how rare is that? I think I've only ever seen one other of those here, Eve. Wow!

- Judo
I think sp and beths virtue both had one a couple of months ago.
This has really gone to sp's head. He's getting all uppity about it and so I probably shouldn't have even mentioned it. :catgrin:

Thank you Eve and Judo.
I think I will take up the challenge of reading your poems backwards, Eve, and then ring you up and disguise my voice as my twin brother Alan. Your head will spin!
Re: blush

smithpeter said:
Thank you Eve and Judo.
I think I will take up the challenge of reading your poems backwards, Eve, and then ring you up and disguise my voice as my twin brother Alan. Your head will spin!
Or you may end up with the satanic message. But if you do get my number, please give it to Alan. You've told me all about him and he appears to be a superior individual. And besides, he's broken up with that Marie, so this is a good time to make a move on Alan! By the way, shame on you sp for stealing Marie from Alan. I'll have to do my best to console the poor man.
Re: blush

smithpeter said:
Thank you Eve and Judo.
I think I will take up the challenge of reading your poems backwards, Eve, and then ring you up and disguise my voice as my twin brother Alan. Your head will spin!

Twin??? No shit. There's another one? The mind reels.

- Judo
How Many Smithpeters

does it take to change a lightbulb?

no wait....

JUDO said:
Twin??? No shit. There's another one? The mind reels.

it's a daunting thought, isn't it?

P.S. My daughter thinks you're very cool JUDO, but I had to hide your AV.
Re: How Many Smithpeters

Angeline said:
does it take to change a lightbulb?

no wait....

JUDO said:
Twin??? No shit. There's another one? The mind reels.

it's a daunting thought, isn't it?

P.S. My daughter thinks you're very cool JUDO, but I had to hide your AV.

Maybe I should go to the more PG-13 variety then? Would it look the same in boxers? Hmmm...

- Judo

Stick with the panties, gf. Your AV is far from the only thing I don't let her see. I just didn't want to have to explain it. lol

"Well, honey, Mommy's friend has a picture of her panties because because uh...."

hahaha no way
Re: PG-13?

Angeline said:
Stick with the panties, gf. Your AV is far from the only thing I don't let her see. I just didn't want to have to explain it. lol

"Well, honey, Mommy's friend has a picture of her panties because because uh...."

hahaha no way
You can show her Wicked Eve's bird. My bird AV isn't wearing panties... but... Wicked Eve's bird sounds kind of indecent, doesn't it? Anyone want a peek at my bird?
Nice Bird

It's a very nice bird indeed. I think, nonetheless,I shall continue my policy of never letting either of them see this site, period!
Re: Nice Bird

Angeline said:
It's a very nice bird indeed. I think, nonetheless,I shall continue my policy of never letting either of them see this site, period!
As a mother, I don't blame you one bit. We moms need to protect our kids... and have our little secrets. :)
Our Little Secrets....

Yeah, like who really finished the mint chocolate chip ice cream (me, although I alluded to my daughter that it was my son).
Re: Re: November 7, 2002

Rybka said:
I'd be happy to accept it if it was! I love Xtaabay's work! :rose: :rose: - However I doubt that she regards me highly enough to write about me. :(
From reading her poems, I have come to believe that she is at least partially "Native American". (That she is a "she" is also an assumption, but I read the poems as from a feminine point of view.) - If Xtaabay is of Native American heritage, I hope she (?) continues to post where I can read her verse! She is as good a "story teller in verse" as anyone who currently posts on Literotica!
I wish I had Xtaabay's worldview. - I just wish I knew how to pronounce her name! ;)

Regards,                       Rybka

Good detective work! Yes, I'm a "she", and yes, I'm of Native American heritage. Sadly, I didn't know you well enough at the time that I wrote the Fizzle Fish poem, so I didn't write it specifically for you. However, now that I know you have a thing for fish, consider it dedicated to you :)
Re: Xtaabay

Angeline said:
She is as good a "story teller in verse" as anyone who currently posts on Literotica!

I could not agree more Rybka! I have loved every poem of hers I've seen (and she's a she--I know cuz I looked at her profile)!

Xtaabay, I'm thinking your name is pronounced thusly:

Ex--tah--bay (stress on first syllable; last syllable has a long A)

Is that correct? (I've wondered, too, though I'll be damned if I know what it has to do with poetry.) :)

Good guess, but no. It sounds like Eesh ta bi (long i sound) ee. Accent on the ta, the bi and ee as one syllable.

You might not be surprised to know that it's Yucatec Maya :) The Xtaabay is a female spirit that lives inside of large ramon trees. She comes out at night to seduce men, take their souls (although personally i try not to do this). A man whose sould has been taken by her wanders around the village talking to himself, basically becomes insane -- or he dies.

I got stuck with this nickname when I lived in the Yucatan. The people said that I looked like the Xtaabay -- they say she has really long hair and is very pale. For a while they were a bit scared of me, and they actually tried to take me to the ramon tree to see what I would do (this was before I understood anything about this). Because I didn't show any familiarity with the tree, they concluded that I was not dangerous. But I never did find out if the nickname was positive (i.e. "she looks pretty enough to be the Xtaabay") or negative (i.e. "damned freaky woman! She's going to steal our souls!")


Very lovely poems! I voted for you ! :D Thank you Blue for letting us all know !
11/16 reads

I must admit, I'm not as enamored with some of the current Top-List favorites as others seem to be. (No offense intended to anyone.) Perhaps it's just me...we all know how subjective poetry is as a reading exercise.

In any case, I was happy to find several poems well worth a read, posted just today. There are some familiar faces from this thread and this board, and a few that I didn't recognize but hope to see again.

A very interesting and provocative prose poem by a popular favorite. Once again, she earns her reputation with a beautiful, innovatively constructed look back at childhood and the complicated nature of familial love.

Apple of His Eye by Angeline

" ...and thus I confess

that really I was crooked out of line I confess here hiding near the end of poem..."

A disconcertingly up-tempo piece which reads like a combination of lament and threat. I've not seen him before, but I'll look for him again.

Seriously by Sir Phoenix

"go round inside this head
like you knew just what i said
had every bad intent
but it's just what I meant"

Ah, one of my favorite local poets, though I probably shouldn't say that as I hear his ego is growing at an alarming rate. (;)) This has the feel of a "found poem," and a meditative quality that just works. Great economy of words.

printed on a kite 1 by smithpeter

"we spent and expired
so what we did was
worry about you,..."

Another well-known-to-Lit poet gives us a misleadingly short and simply worded inquiry into what it means to be invisible. I can't quote much, as I don't want to give it all away, and it really is quite short.

No See by Blue Dolphin

"Does anyone miss me..."

Now, I'd never heard of this person before, and after reading this piece I found myself wondering why not. Whatever its flaws, this paints a scene in images and emotion, and does it so clearly that you're right there with them.

Riverwalk by ignatz33

"the lazy lover's chatter
half muffled by the stolen kiss
or the laughter of complicity..."

I haven't played this game for a long time; thanks for letting me play today. And thank you all for today's reads.

Now, go read...and vote!

Re: 11/16 reads

RisiaSkye said:
Another well-known-to-Lit poet gives us a misleadingly short and simply worded inquiry into what it means to be invisible. I can't quote much, as I don't want to give it all away, and it really is quite short.

No See by Blue Dolphin

"Does anyone miss me..."


Thank you for the comment Risia
much appreciated

no problem with your comments on top lists
we alll have our own preferences
ty again
"as I hear his ego is growing at an alarming rate."


laying like the others
in the yard
in a pile positioned
rather curiously
beside another

it must mean egos
are afoot upon the land
and within striking distance

get to the basements
and lower reaches
unless a marksman or
lady archer to perch
on tree tops