new poems

Re: 02-10-04

Lauren.Hynde said:
Once again, there's nothing like checking the list and read all the new poem yourself. These are only some that caught my attention:

The Alchemist Of Atrophy
by Blue Dolphin ©

The alchemist of atrophy
stares with darkened eyes
into the very recesses of my mind
casting his spell of sin

A dark vision of life and death, well worth the read.


why thank you Lauren
that was very kind of you.
Re: 02-10-04

Thanks for the mention, LH.......Sp deserves some credit on that one for introducing the writing live thread, and Angeline for the edit, including those sexy brackets :p LOL

Lauren.Hynde said:
Once again, there's nothing like checking the list and read all the new poem yourself. These are only some that caught my attention:

by _Land ©

I wish that she had ridden a broom
instead of my cock, sealing my doom.
She cackled frightfully with glee,
invoked a charm, ensnaring me.

A witchy poem! Very controled, even if the words evoke anger. Could probably benifit from an edit. I, for one, would like to see those bracketed bridges go...

Lauren you biatch!

the brackets were my idea!

(and oh yeah ty for the mention) teehee

P.S. are we gonna have another download party later?
Re: 02-10-04

Lauren.Hynde said:
The Anticipation of a Fast-Moving Squall Line
by JUDO ©

She's seen me looking.
Casting an eye down her blouse, she doesn't straighten.
Instead, the blouse droops lower
And her chin raises, daring me to see.

By far, the most arousing poem I've read in recent times. My heart is still pounding. Why am I not surprised to see Judo's name underneath the title?

Thanks for the mention, Lauren. Anticipation... The great tease.

- Judo
I enjoyed quite a few of the new poems today. The one that stood out to me has not been mentioned:


[color=light blue]No longer silk, it's October clouds
the interior warmth of your thighs;
my tongue, a vessel advancing through the night
of perilous channels with familiar Hispanic names,
the scent of ravenous sea unfolds in velvet,
in my mouth, shattered the mystery of the algae;
your body, below, welcomes rain and breath and dawn.[/color]

This is a beautifully erotic poem.

*edited because I screwed up the link!*
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Thank you for the mention, nakedangelina. And for your kind feedback :rose:
I had totally overlooked that poem. It's not all bad, is it? :D

And Angeline?
The brackets might have been your idea, but I still think the poem would be better without those verses altogether ;)
I mostly lurk here these days, as I don't have all the time I'd like to get into the discussion and give it the depth of attention it merits. So, imagine my surprise to have been mentioned. Thanks, Lauren, for the promo. :rose:

And I agree with angelina--"October" is lovely.

JUDO? Honey, why aren't you in *my* neck of the woods? I just wanna be sandwiched in between you & CRaZy. Pretty please? ;) "Squall" was one of your best to date.

Best to all,
RisiaSkye said:

JUDO? Honey, why aren't you in *my* neck of the woods? I just wanna be sandwiched in between you & CRaZy. Pretty please? ;) "Squall" was one of your best to date.

Best to all,

Thanks, RS. Now, wait a minute, I thought the lovely CRaZy was straight? Ah, yes, this is a fantasy site, isn't it?

You want that with white or wheat?

- Judo
October 7, 2001

Lots of new poems today and lots of new poets, too! Here are some that caught my eye.

Domina Suess by Madridiot

“Said the Domme to the sub, your behaviour is bad
I've told you before, you're driving me mad
You need to be punished, you don't seem to learn
that an orgasm's something that has to be earned"

Somewhere the Sneetches are screaming and the Lorax lamenting that Suesseology could come to this, but boy I like this poem! (And I bet the Cat in the Hat would love it—what do you think Thing 1 and Thing 2 were doing in…well never mind).

Poetry by DarkDreams

“Suddenly springs forth
blood flows upon white paper
Happy now
the Beast
crawls back in its cage and sleeps “

It sure feels that way to me sometimes! This is a poet new to Lit, I think. DarkDreams has a few poems posted today. Check them out.

Justice by lunagoddess

“He loves the struggle
For it shows passion.

He hates the battle
Because of the frenzy.

He hopes it will end
The beckoning pain
So he can forget his shame.”

A nice effort for showing the ambiguous nature of the relationship described. I’m so glad you posted lunagoddess. Welcome!

Sara by steveleenow

“Embrace me Sara and
drench me in your
passion, unforgiving
of the dreams we so
desperately try to shatter.”

steveleenow is another poet I’ve not seen here before. He has a passel of poems posted (like that alliteration?!), and they are all very good, IMHO. I really really liked another one that I did not list here, “The circus is coming to town…” His phrasings have a simple, direct way that I find powerful. I like direct and clear.

Devi’s Kiss by Stargirl32

“Hot and moist
Dry as dust
God didn't get you
So The devil must. “

We’re all ready for Halloween, I guess. I liked this Stargirl32, although for a minute there I thought it was about what my dog sometimes does to the backyard (silly me).

Another Supper for the Monster by Senna Jawa

i follow my one way thread
there is no way back
there is little to look forward
even you
can't see through
it's a maze
an amazing mess
but the sun is low
the thread is about to end”

Maybe it’s the Ariadne spider reference (I’ve always loved that name) or maybe it’s because I am seeing—more and more—the nuances of language play in SJ’s poems, but this one really caught my attention. His other posting today, “dreamy senselessness” is very good too.

as we become more international by Palau

“your breasts are just as mine as ever
your small voice
my goodbye
my sad slink alongside your merry welcomes
you're narrow not knowing”

It’s all about the contrasts, baby. And I love the small, mean quality suggested by “narrow not knowing.”
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I felt this poem was worth a second look...... I really enjoyed the read......

by belmoira ©

"This is my confession
Alright profession
Of obsession
Because I
Yes I
Am compulsive
And by that I mean impulsive"
New - 10-15-02

A few that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
I hadn't read it in the other thread, but obviously appropriately titled. The Man with the slow, if only so... (sigh)

I dream of a man so slow
He touches me here
then takes a pause
before touching me there

A Man So Slow
by weed©
Okay, you got me. A delectable morsel.

before it
hits the sheets

by meko©
A subject seen often, but pretty well told here.

Secret touches, secret loving.
Hidden truth locked in your heart.
Secret pain every time you were leaving.
Never knowing how long we’d part.

The Love Flowed Through
by sidney328©
A poetic worship of a brush often missed

with the blood
of berries

Painter of the Desert
by Xtaabay©
A moment -- defined.

a whisper; a lick
my muscles tighten - waiting
so much tension.. almost tanglible

by Aphrael©
Tasty musings after midnight

Now what's a single girl suppose to do
With thoughts that turn a crimson hue...
Such unexpurgated tales she could devise
When imagination is set free to fantasize

Coitus Nocturnus
by Callibombe©
A mystery, a fable.

till waves of love
waves of passion
lift me up to let me
me rise above the
curl of foam and ride
in Aphrodite glide
back to the land

by Angeline©
And a gumbo good time was had by you, sexy mama.

Some old spirit came this way riding
west burning candles riding Papa Legba
through coffee-scented Congo Square
beating rhythm in the dust forever making

Mojo there

Night Tripper
by Angeline©
New - 10-18-02

A few that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
Three memories and now...

The desire to possess each other filling our souls,
and I took you there, in that Spanish garden
under that blue sky and that bright sun,
no shame, just joy, as our bodies became one.

As I Walk Along...
by Man Ray©
Jewels, yes, but is this a dedication for the Lit member?

Her nights are filled with dreams of you
And her days are spent reaching for others.
She is an angel, soaring in the clouds
With the emotions of a mother and a lover.

by DreamOfSun©
Message in a bottle

and encompass my soul
and you will stay
eternal light within the canyons of my memory

Before Oblivion
by Blue Dolphin©
Like looking through a relationship's kaleidescope

Sometimes I want to take you, use your body,
rape you with a passion that consumes my soul.
Sometimes I yearn for your gentle touch,
your fingers tracing a delicate path across my heart.

by Man Ray©
Cheeky, humorous and lyrics

Nothing seems to entertain
Like the way
We like to ease the

One For The Road
by Pane©
Another New Voice!

Karmadog mentioned Xtaabay in the "titles" thread. I recommend you give her a read for the value of her writing.

Regards,                       Rybka
Blue Dolphin

Wanted to mention how impressed i am was with Blue's new poem, Before Oblivion, He has always been a descriptive writer in the posts I seen here, but I really like what he's doing with free verse. It seems his forte.

Re: New - 10-18-02

JUDO said:
A few that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
Message in a bottle

and encompass my soul
and you will stay
eternal light within the canyons of my memory

Before Oblivion
by Blue Dolphin©
thank you for the mention dear lady
Re: Blue Dolphin

Angeline said:
Wanted to mention how impressed i am was with Blue's new poem, Before Oblivion, He has always been a descriptive writer in the posts I seen here, but I really like what he's doing with free verse. It seems his forte.


Many many thanks for this Angeline
especially as I admire you, and your work so much
I feel honoured dear friend
You are Most Welcome BD

although i must say that, looking back at my post, i am horrified by my egregious typos! I must have been half asleep. Your excellent poem deserves better than that!

In any case, I'm looking forward to reading your next effort!
New - 10-21-02

A few that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
Belongs in Senna's suicide thread. Death, where is thy penis?

A rest from the worry
And loneliness I fight
You think I am a happy girl
With no cynicism in sight

Death Comes Knocking
by gingerfx©
Rough neighbors

Skepticism crashes in
waves drenching faith,
high cerulean blue memories

south of serenity
by nakedangelina©
Been there and so... Done that.

Though this poem maynot be a poem,
and the song maynot have the same meaning,
and the tears that I cry, maynot have the same taste,
my love for you will not change, it will remain.

by Babylove©
And now, a visit to a man at the end of his rope...

I would clean your chimney for a year.
Two, if you wore lipstick down low-

less soot, more joy, on knees
by smithpeter©
Poetry within poems.

Forget that they are
published as poems.

A live person
penned and posted
pieces of themselves.

I tried and found
a line profound
in each.

new poems 27Oct02

Fear of the multiple orgasm? - by Xtaabay
"What does this say about us?"

My Soulmate - by Simply Me
"a friendship forged with words"

Butterfly Sky - by Xtaabay
"And me, without my wings"

Another one falls. - by CJS6
"he cries for her, he yells for her but words are only that"

goodbye - by smithpeter
"poems are billy clubs for fingers"

The Trees Are Crying - by Arden
"bruised emotions fill the sky"

My Pledge to My darkone - by ladydraggon
"it’s been like that right from the start"

How you changed Me -by ladydraggon
"you changed my world with a simple gift"

LiFe -by HotNCguy
"So fuck you and your grasp within"

Storm breath - by Senna Jawa
"Over years, the wars away on and off and on"
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New - 10-27-02 & 10-28-02

A few that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
When I first saw the title, I had to look it up, but couldn't find "aires." Is it the Euro English version of "airs" as in, putting on the? And what is it that needs holding, SP?

a fetish of left hands
rooms full of left hands
grasping testicals

Drawing in the Aires
by smithpeter©
Big brush stokes of longing

our wagon with four kids and a dog
and two cats, moving every three years
to another city,

Storm breath
by Senna Jawa©
A nice painting

bruised emotions fill the sunless sky
with violent streaks of blue and black

The Trees Are Crying
by Arden©
fast little lines of sharing

And when I got there,
past the blasted boulders,
between dark forest edge,
crickets, grasshoppers fleeing,

Butterfly Sky
by Xtaabay©
Simple and to the point

When fate took a hand in odds so very small
that I wonder how it could have happened at all

My Soulmate
by Simply Me©
New - 10-29-02

Two that caught my eye. - Judo ;)

I've noticed a trend lately of less and less poetry being posted day by day. I think many of the poets who used to contribute mightily have left for other sites (some of their own creation) and no longer contribute much to this one. Well, hopefully, the wheel will turn and a new crop of poets will join in the fun.
Somewhere in the middle of this long thought, I sighed.

I still don’t understand why the stars
are as bright now as they were in the 1970s

Breathing Without Oxygen
by Angeline©
Deep passionate candy wrapped in the funny papers

Where do you think it’s going,
This winding, rocky lane?
To endless joy and happiness
Or indescribable pain?

by quilty pleasure©
New - 10-30-02

No new poems posted by Lit today. I guess Laurel just didn't have time last night to get to them. (* sigh *) - Judo;)
Re: New - 10-29-02

JUDO said:
Two that caught my eye. - Judo ;)

I've noticed a trend lately of less and less poetry being posted day by day. I think many of the poets who used to contribute mightily have left for other sites (some of their own creation) and no longer contribute much to this one. Well, hopefully, the wheel will turn and a new crop of poets will join in the fun.
Somewhere in the middle of this long thought, I sighed.

I still don’t understand why the stars
are as bright now as they were in the 1970s

Breathing Without Oxygen
by Angeline©
Deep passionate candy wrapped in the funny papers

Where do you think it’s going,
This winding, rocky lane?
To endless joy and happiness
Or indescribable pain?

by quilty pleasure©

Thanks for the mention. How I longed to be noticed!!
GP:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: