New patient medical questionnaire


Really Really Experienced
Apr 8, 2011
I just moved to a new city (and new state, for that matter) and on the new patient medical form they gave me was a question I'd never seen before.

This particular section started out as:

Are you having problems with the following...

Getting a full nights sleep.....Yes/No
Joint pain.....Yes/No
Menstrual periods.....Yes/No
Having orgasms.....Yes/No :eek:

I read it several times and contemplated answering 'yes' just to see what they intended to do about it.
But, alas, I cannot lie. ;)

I'm happy this concerns them, don't get me wrong. I just wasn't expecting to see it on a standard medical information sheet.
The final question is sponsored by Pfizer, manufacturers of Viagra.
That y/n Orgasm question should have been more specific and asked when the patient has orgasms are they solo or with a partner; if you checked solo then they could suggest you have an eye exam. :D