new or used?


a work in progress
Feb 22, 2002
with most things i prefer to buy older, pre-owned, classic, vintage and/or pawned items. i've owned only one brand new car in my life. only one brand new guitar. a few new fishing poles but not many. only two new guns out of the 10 than i own. i like antique furniture and accessories.

with appliances and electronics i generally buy new for obvious reasons. most of my hand and shop tools i buy new but i like the feel of used things and the thought that someone else has created with them or lived on them or driven them. i can almost feel the music that someone else has put into a used guitar or flute.

how about you...old or new?
I'm waiting for the paperwork to clear on my russian wife for $10K. I'll let you know then.
If something is broken, I'd prefer to be the first to have broken it.
HeavyStick said:
I'm waiting for the paperwork to clear on my russian wife for $10K. I'll let you know then.

In what way is she "old" or "used"?
Mona said:
If something is broken, I'd prefer to be the first to have broken it.

Spoken like a true businesswomen. ;)
The one thing I always prefer to be used is a house. I absorbs the feeling of previous residents. You can feel if it was a happy house or not (I believe). New houses have no soul and take too long to get one.
Somethings I like old, somethings I like new. I swing both ways. :D
that could be a part of the difference i suppose. i do enjoy fixing things but i don't usually buy broken stuff, just used. and i keep stuff forever. i'll use and repair something until it's so used up most people would be embarrassed to own it and then i'll try to figure out some other way to use it.

but the real reason i buy used stuff is that i like the way older stuff feels. handles are already broken it and i pick up a kind of input from whoever owned it before. nobody else feels that way?

i started to say something smartassed heavy stick but i'm not sure you're joking. :D
acitore_vuli said:
Bedding, condoms, toothbrushes, toilet paper and underwear have to be new. Everything else, used is ok.

I'll start saving Scope for you.
For $10K, I hope if she's used, she's not defective.
(Unused would be best.)
unclej said:

i started to say something smartassed heavy stick but i'm not sure you're joking. :D

Why should I go into debt before I get married, I hear it happens later on. ;-)
Hey, unclej

I like vintage. I love old, heavy, cast-iron equipment. I love the old, heavy, steel bodies of vintage vehicles. But, I like the power of turbo-charged and computerized ignition. I like the smoothness of new bearings and fresh springs. I guess I am split on this. I have some of each, and value all of it individually.
i've heard that about you marksgirl...

that's exactly what i mean guilty can feel the other people and generally it's a good feeling.

good point av
Vintage is good.
(If the product is on display).

I don't trust myself with using vintage stuff.
I'm not that careful.

I don't expect other people to take care of things the way I would.

Plus everything I own automatically falls into two categories - those I keep and those I dispose.

And I know how I treat things I intend to dispose of...
I love vintage jewelry, I have the most awsome pair of amber screw on earrings that my little brother gave me. They are so cool I'm afraid to wear them in fear I will lose them, and I know how much he paid for them.
it seems that the manufacturers chose a long time ago what we were supposed to keep and what is disposable. i find it a little sad that you can buy a vcr for sixty bucks and it would cost you fifty to have it looked at if it needed repair. they are truly disposable. i just bought a new digital camera and by the time it wears out or i break it or loose it it'll be obsolete anyway. but guns and guitars cars and things of that nature were truly made better 30-40 years ago when and so i much prefer them over the newer stuff.
hey marksgirl...i'm just guessing here but i'll bet that if you had a new...oh, let's say boytoy, that by the time you set him free he'd be used. am i right or am i right?
I'm not marksgirl, but I'd have to say that he'd be more experienced, thus adding to his value.
Damn those market rates!
Who can afford discarded toyboys anymore? :p
shoot mona..i'm thinkin' more of a used up husk of a man. maybe no use to anyone.:D