New Neighbor controls Young Maddy (closed for Elise_Costello)

Jack and Maddy relax in the tub

When Maddy's orgasm hit, Jack saw her hands release the edge of the granite counter, grabbing his shoulders with a fierce grip. Her face was skewered with passion and her pussy was contracting around his cock as her body gave in to the pleasure of his cock.

He watched, fascinated, as her head rolled from side to side, her eyes closed until the tensions in her body gave way to a calmness. When she opened her eyes, they were both panting, trying to catch their breath after another wild sexual encounter. Their eyes were glued to each other and he was content to look at his lover without so much as a word. They had fucked and fucked again all day and now they lay on a kitchen counter top covered in gooey sticky chocolate and whipped cream. If someone would have walked in on them, they would have surely laughed at the sight.

Jack smiled down at her as she pushed some gooey strands of hair out of her eyes. "With such a beautiful woman, my cock only wants more and more," he laughed in response to her comment. He chuckled when she scooped up some of the creamy confection and licked it tell him it was the best dessert she ever had.

"Don't worry about walking baby," he said sliding his softening cock from her cave. "I have just the thing to make you relax baby." Sliding off the countertop, Jack pulled her through the gooey mess and into his arms. "I'll clean this up later but right now I need to get my lover cleaned up."

Jack smiled when she laughed and then his lips found hers, kissing her deeply as he started to walk out of the kitchen. Leaving all the food behind, he carried her upstairs to the master bathroom. Setting her down on the edge of the whirlpool tub, he looked at her chocolate covered body and then turned on the water. "Stay right here lover," he said as if she was going to run away.

As the tub filled with warm water, Jack retrieved a number of candles from the bedrooms. Walking back into the master bathroom, he saw Maddy had already slipped into the warm water, her eyes closed and head lying on the back of the large tub. He quickly lit the candles and then placed them on the wide shelf around the tub.

Turning off the overhead lights, he smiled as he slipped in behind her and then pulled her back against him. They needed some downtime and what better way than to lay in a tub of warm water while candles provided the only illumination. "You feel good kitten," he whispered in her ear while his hands slid over her arms and breasts. "Close your eyes and relax kitten. Just feel the tips of my fingers."

The slight touch of his fingers was not to excite her but to relax her tied muscles. He had a feeling they were not done for the night as her body slumped against him and he wondered if she was going to fall asleep as his fingertips traced her body.
Maddy let Jack lift her into his arms, still amazed how effortless he made it seem. Or how effortless it was for him and his big, strong, glistening muscles. The kitchen lights faded as he took her back upstairs to the master bedroom, then to the master bath. Soon the air was filled with the sound of running water waiting to welcome her into it's cleansing, soothing arms. Jack sat her on the edge of the tub and told her not to run off as he left to get something. The blonde girl grinned, letting the unbuttoned shirt slide off her arms and onto the floor as she slid into the bath. As if her hips or legs had the strength after the proper fucking Jack had been giving her all day and night...

The whipped cream and chocolate smeared all over her skin began to come off as the water lapped at her skin, the heat making her muscles start to ease. She let out a long breath, moving her arms through the water as Jack came back into the room. She watched him set candles all around the tub, lighting each carefully and turning the light off above them. The mood shifted in slight, no longer just fun and heat and mischievous. It felt more...intimate. Sensual. Sweet, even. Maddy couldn't help but smile softly as Jack slid in behind her and his hands moved over her skin. Everything washed away as he rubbed and swirled his fingers against her back, along her shoulders, and down her front.

Her nipples perked up, but she was ignited. His movements were slow and deliberate, soothing her tired muscles under the firm touch. Pale pink lips parted in a soft sigh of contentment as she closed her eyes and let herself drift away. The sound of Jack's breathing and the water moving around them was such a soft sound, his voice so mellow and warm.

"Mhm...Y'know, you're gonna make me get used to being spoiled." She muttered softly, slipping a bit further into the water. "Heh, actually I think I already am...How could I not be totally into this? Being treated like a princess or something." She turned her head to the side, leaning it against the front of Jack's shoulder as she felt herself almost ready to doze off. " 's just so nice, being treated like this. Never have before, that's for sure. You're just something special I guess, Jack."
Reflecting on their relationship

They were two tired sexual warriors needing a bit of down time to restore their energy. Jack's fingers moved slowly over her skin, feeling the goosebumps. He was not trying to entice her for more sex, at least not just yet. They both needed the hot water to soothe their bodies. He listened to Maddy tell him he was spoiling her as she sank deeper into the water.

He laughed when she added that she was being treated like a princess and then she seemed to try to burrow her head into his shoulder. Her voice was trailing off as she told him she had never been treated like this, saying she thought he was something special. And then Jack could hear her soft even breathing and knew she had dozed off. "That's because you are something very special Maddy," he whispered in her ear not sure if she heard him. He heard her soft voice murmur something but couldn't make out what she said. For the moment he was content to let her sleep as the hot water began to cool off.

After a short time soaking in the tub, Jack kissed her ear and whispered, "Time for bed Maddy." It had been a long day of sex. Hell it had been a long day and a half of non-stop teasing and sexual adventures. As he urged her to get out of the tub, she was still half asleep. Quickly toweling her off, he carried her to the bedroom and lay her on the bed, covering her naked body and then he joined her, cuddling her against him like a big cocoon.

Jack listened to her soft even breathing thinking about Maddy and all they had done in the last two days. Meeting her and her parents and having dinner where whey played cat and mouse games under the table. And then she came to his house afterwards and they started off having a wild 69 in his bed before they did the same in the pool. He smiled thinking how later that first night they watched each other mutually masturbate through the windows of their bedrooms.

He stifled a laugh thinking how the next morning she woke him up with a great blowjob and then later after they fucked and showered, she let him introduce her to anal fucking. He loved that she was an adventurous woman, not afraid to do almost anything for the thrill of sexual pleasure.

Looking down at her soft smile as she slept, he thought of their lunch at the taco restaurant and running into his co-worker, Brian. She was definitely a frisking woman dropping her fork on the floor and teasing him right in front of the customers without getting caught.

Closing his eyes, he saw her dancing for him in the living room before fucking her tits and then her tight pussy. All this memory of their torrid sexual trysts started to have an effect on his cock. He felt it thickening how he stuffed her panties into mouth and then spanked her for her misbehavior in the restaurant. But she loved the spanking and then she succeeded to take his cock down her throat and he remembered how excited she was at accomplishing the feat.

Jack felt her stirring and her hand slowly moved on his back but he could tell she was still sleeping. He thought of meeting her friend Sarah who had a lot of the same brashness and boldness of Maddy. He remembered how Sarah gave him the once over a few times and he was sure she was very jealous of Maddy. And then after fucking in the living room, he had tied Maddy's wrists and ravished her body while Sarah listened on the cell phone. He smiled thinking of Sarah getting herself off while her best friend was being fucked.

He felt his cock jerk a little when he thought of the massage and then dessert in the kitchen just a short while ago. Pulling her tighter against him, he knew he had found the perfect woman for him. She was beautiful with bright blue eyes and blonde hair, smart and adventuresome. He didn't think there was anyone else on this earth that could satisfy his carnal desires and kinks the Maddy could.

His eyes were getting heavy as he felt her shift against him one more time. What would tomorrow bring or the next day or the day after that. She talked about going away for a weekend with her friends and wanting him to go with her. And he smiled thinking how he told her he wanted to fuck her in her own bed with her parents sleeping in the same house. As sleep overtook him he wondered what was going through Maddy's devious mind and smiled knowing that the future would bring more exciting sexual encounters.
Soft beams of light trailed in through the window blinds, falling across the sleeping face of the delicate blonde. Maddy rolled over, letting out a gasp. Her muscles strained as she tried to move much at all, though it quickly was followed with a soft chuckle. Her lips spread into a wide grin as she looked to the side. Jack looked somehow even more handsome with his features fully relaxed as he slept. The soft curve of his lips, the gentle flicker of his eyes moving beneath his eyelids. The girl's slender fingers moved along the line of his jaw, down across his chest as it rose and fell with each quiet breath.

For the life of her she didn't remember getting into bed, or much after they went up for a bath after 'dessert'. Feeling firm, strong fingers against her skin, the heat of water lulling her to sleep--but the rest was just a wonderfully comfortable blank. The girl hoped he didn't have too much trouble wrangling her to the bed, though being she was quite slight and he was so strong he probably had everything under control. Leaning over with a slight grimace, Maddy gently placed a kiss along Jack's temple, his lips curling up in the corner as she leaned back. She bit her lip, taking in the sight a bit longer before her thoughts grew more wicked.

Carefully her hand move down from his chest and over the rippling wave of abs, glad to see he hadn't slid any underwear on before crawling into bed. Pulling the blanket back, Maddy was greeted with Jack's morning glory bobbing in the air when he rolled over. She was pretty sure he was still asleep, though he could have easily been just letting her have her fun while he pretended. Either way, the blonde wasted no time in sliding down in the bed and laying over the man's legs, the throbbing cockhead looking plump and poised for her waiting lips. Sleep had left her parched, and while she knew she would still probably need a glass of water after, the thought of a big creamy mouthful sounded like the perfect way to start her day...She spread her lips and gently wrapped her hot mouth tightly around Jack's tip, swirling her tongue along the underside as she peered up to see if Jack was rousing or not.
Jacks wakes to a wonderful sensation

A kiss, fingers trailing over his body, and movement on the bed. Jack was in a very deep sleep and while he felt something stirring against him, his brain commanded him to forget it and sleep. His body reacted to the stirring but the movement and touching was not going away. It was turning into a real erotic dream.

He let out a soft moan when fingers wrapped around his cock, holding it upright in his dream. A smile crossed his face as the feeling of fingers tightened around his cock. What a lovely dream, having strong tender fingers holding onto his semi-erection. And then there was something wet touching the tip of his cockhead and he groaned in his sleep wanting more of the lovely sensations.

The sweet sensations were growing stronger and when he reached out with his hands, he felt something .... hair. His eyes fluttered open and he saw Maddy's wide wicked grin and then it all came back to him, she had spent the night!

Thoughts of putting her bed and snuggling with her until he fell asleep crashed around in his brain. Lifting his head he watched as she stared at him but her lips never left his cockhead. "Mmmmm what a way to wake up," he whispered wiping the sleep from his eyes.

What a glorious way to start the day, having a sexy blonde lying across his thighs, lapping at his cock. "I hope you enjoy your breakfast kitten. I know when you're done I'm going to enjoy mine."

Her infectious laugh and the glint in her eyes told him she was glad he was awake. Jack had never met any woman who had the sexual appetite of Maddy. She told him once he was a fucking machine but she was too. Her insatiable appetite for sex was like an aphrodisiac to him. He wanted her over and over and it was all he could think about.

His fingers wound some of her blonde locks between them and he looked into her bright blue enchanting eyes. "I'm glad you're here baby." He watched as she let his cockhead pop out of her mouth and then with a long slow motion, her tongue started at the base of his cock and slid over the veiny tube until she dipped it reached the tip again. It was as if she were caressing a priceless object, sucking the head into her mouth and then against running her tongue up and down the hardening shaft.

What a way to wake up. Jack could get used to waking up this way every day but he knew life would eventually have to be dealt with. But for now he was pleased to see the pretty blonde neighbor enjoying her breakfast. "Ohhhhh yessss my sweet kitten, enjoy your breakfast." He knew she was not going to stop until he filled her mouth with his cream. He let out a low groan when she started to take more of his cock into her mouth, loving the way the sensations were building up inside him.
Maddy had been enjoying Jack while he was still dreaming, but it was always better to have his satiny voice filling her ears with his sweet words and hearty groans. His fingers curled into her hair, those beautiful eyes catching hers when she glanced up and gave him a wink. Oh she was definitely going to enjoy her breakfast. No better to start the way than with a thick, hot, creamy load filling up her insides...

"Well good morning, you." She mewled as she pulled away for air, moving her tongue around the ridge of his cockhead. His shaft glistened in the soft morning light wherever her tongue wandered. Maddy took a few moments to draw intricate little designs along the skin, the throbbing of Jack's heart pumping through the engorging flesh. He was getting close, and she was dragging it out just a tiny bit. Savoring the moment...the look on his face as his breathing hitched and his grip tightened in her hair on its own. It was deliciously sexy to see how much she affected him with just a bit of effort. Especially because he had such an effect on her. Every little touch, every hungry glance, every jolt of pleasure and desire he welled inside her by just being in the house across the fence.

It was still surreal, overwhelming to think. She felt drunk and dizzy thinking about the whole scandalous trist. Insides all twisted in warm knots and her skin always feeling on fire. It was unlike anything she'd felt before and god, was it everything! No wonder even Sarah got some secondhand from how strong Jack's sexual appetite was. How voracious he made Maddy.

The girl grinned and wrapped her lips around Jack's cock once more, with renewed vigor. She enjoyed teasing and torturing him only so much; she wanted to see him reach his limit. To hit that moment of ecstasy and feel him throb and fill her with his hot creamy goo. Bobbing her head quickly, Maddy worked his cock inside her mouth, preparing her still sore throat muscles to take all of him. It hurt, but only a little--and it felt too good to not want to feel him stretch her out and shoot his cum right into her starving guts.
Enjoying Maddy's mouth and tongue

He smiled and groaned seeing her teasing him, tempting him to pull her hair and force his cock down her throat. The sinister grin on her face was erotic and sensual as she teased his cock with her fingers and tongue. "Take your time kitten," he moaned pulling his hand from her head and then supporting his weight on each of his arms. From this vantage point he could watch every touch and kiss with ease and he was not disappointed.

The way she drew intricate designs with her teasing tongue brought fresh moans from his lips. God she was making him hot and horny for her this morning. She knew exactly what to do to make his cock throb with anticipation of what was to come. His wife never would have thought to tease his cock the way she was doing this morning. With each lick and kiss his hip began to move to the silent music she was playing. The song she was playing started out slow but then she took the head of his cock into her mouth and he knew the tempo was about to get animalistic.

His breathing became deeper, more pronounced as her song heated up. He groaned when he saw the deep sensual look in her eyes and knew the sexual musical crescendo was about to begin.

When her lips wrapped tightly around his cock and her fingers began to stroke its length, his head reared back and he let out a long loud moan of pleasure. Closing his eyes he didn't have to see what was happening between Maddy and his cock. She wasted no time, bobbing her mouth up and down while stroking his cock and then massaging his balls.

Taking him deeper, his hips joined in the hot sensual beat of her song, rising and falling as his cock slid into her throat. He let out a guttural moan when her throat muscles squeezed his cockhead before releasing it so she could grab a quick breath. He had never like this in the morning and he wished for a moment the sweet torture and pleasure would never end.

Opening his eyes, he looked down at his lover, her eyes glazed over with lust as she devoured his cock like a possessed animal. He saw his cock lathered with her saliva and his precum and he knew he was about to lose all control.

"Fuck kitten ..... " he murmured as his hips moved on their own wanting to help her in her quest. "Ohhhhhh fffucccckkkkk," he yelled as his head rolled back again and he felt the uncontrollable urge wash over him. His hips rose off the mattress and lay suspended as the throbbing muscle exploded deep in Maddy's mouth.

Each breath was loud as he watched his young neighbor take each blast into her mouth. Her fingers tightened around his shaft, stroking it, forcing him to give up all his seed. When the last of his seed spewed into her mouth, he looked at her with adoring eyes.

"Come up here and give daddy a kiss before he has his breakfast." Jack watched her smile, his cream dripping from the corners of her mouth as she crawled up over his body like a satisfied lioness. He was so happy she came into his life and he never wanted her to leave. He was hooked on his sexy neighbor, hook, line, and sinker.
With all the extra effort and gusto put into the blowjob, it didn't take Jake long to blow his load and fill her belly with his tasty cum. His whole body seemed to unwind the moment after his release, his eyes watching her lips as he told her to give him a kiss. Maddy grinned as she clamored up along Jack's body before giving him a deep and tender kiss. Her tongue brushed along his to give him a taste. Though admittedly, she had greedily swallowed most of his orgasm up. But that was okay; if he wanted breakfast, he wouldn't have to look far.

The girl's supple little pussy was soaking wet from her arousal and ready to be savored. Biting her lip, Maddy rolled onto her back beside Jack and pulled up her knees. "Well I think turnabout's fairplay, right? Better not make you wait; breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all." She batted those eyelashes as Jack moved like a man in the desert coming across the oasis. His fingers ran up her legs and down her thighs before stopping at her hips. It took no effort to hoist her bottom half up to his mouth, the heat of his breath almost impossible to feel as her cunt burned for attention. Succulent and sweet, her perfect pussy lips blushed in anticipation to feel his tongue delve into the depths of her slit.

Maddy let out a wispy moan as she felt the first contact. Jack was so forceful and yet gentle with his motions, pushing his tongue deep into her cunt as his nose buried against her clit. Those sturdy hands held her captive as he ate out her puffy little pussy like a good daddy should. It left the blonde waif unable to do more than writhe and moan against the sheets, her hair falling across her face. Her slender fingers gripped the sheets, her own orgasm following quickly behind and sending an extra little gush of her juices along Jack's tongue.

On the nightstand there was a violent buzzing; her phone. She was still fuzzy from the quality way Jack had just eaten her out, but she knew it was her phone. It was a 50/50 chance that it was her mom or Sarah. One could be problematic, but at that moment she couldn't care.

"Oh Jack, you know just how to eat your baby's pussy so good! How am I supposed to even not wanna be sitting on your face?" She chuckled, trying to catch her breath as he laid her back on the bed and crawled over her to share some of her sweetness.
Having Maddy for breakfast

He chuckled seeing her eagerly crawl up to kiss him and when their lips met, Jack tasted some of his salty cream on her lips. She had swallowed a lot is his cum since he erupted deep in her mouth. He licked his cream off the sides of her lips and then they kissed deep and passionately.

The eager smile on her face made Jack laugh when she broke the kiss and rolled onto her back. "Yes kitten, turnabout is fair play and while breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it is better not to devour it but to savor every last morsel." Her infectious laugh filled the bedroom and when she spread her delicious thighs open, Jack eyed his prize. While he wanted to tease her, he sensed she was ready to burst at the seams when she lifted her hips eagerly for his mouth.

Jack saw the thin rivulet of liquid oozing from her and smiled as he leaned down and tasted her. Oh god how she tasted so good so early in the morning. 'Maybe I will stay home today and play with this deliciously sexy neighbor.' But that thought evaporated knowing he had an important meeting later this morning. But that didn't stop him from having erotic thoughts of what they could do all day in bed.

Wrapping his arms around each hip, he drew her to him like a magnet drawing two pieces of metal together. He didn't hesitate, driving his tongue deep into the wetness and feeling her hips buck against his face as a loud moan escaped her lips.

Jack's tongue flicked inside her hot tunnel and when he pulled back, he flicked his tongue over her swollen bud, smiling as her hips ground against his face. He loved the way her body squirmed and undulated on his face. He sensed she was extra horny this morning as her hands gripped his hair, shoving and pulling his head from spot to spot.

As his tongue lapped up and down her wet slit from the opening to her cave to her sensitive jewel, he saw her hands leave his head. When they gripped the sheets and her hips rose off the mattress, he knew she was at the boiling point. And then he felt her body shuddering, rocking and rolling from side to side and up and down. Just as her pussy boiled over, he heard a buzzing sound. For a moment he couldn't comprehend what the hell was buzzing before realizing it was her cell phone.

There was no way she answer it as her juices flooded from inside her soaking his face. He had eaten her before but today was something different. There was an unusual amount of juices flowing from her pussy. Jack did his best to lap up all of her juices but there was so much that some dripped onto the sheets.

When she started to calm down he pulled his head back knowing his face was covered. He smiled when she told him he knew how to eat pussy so good. Swiping the back of his hand across his lips he looked up at the sexy blonde. "Kitten I want you sitting on my face anytime you want. I love tasting your pussy."

Jack kissed her pussy lips, and then began a journey up her taut stomach, flicking his tongue over her moist skin coated with perspiration. They would have to shower again before leaving and he wondered if they could keep their hands and lips off each other. Stopping at a rock hard nipple, he blew some hot air on it and then kissed the tip before sucking it into his mouth for a few moments. Following suit with the other nipple, he kissed his way to her throat and then up over her chin to her mouth, sharing her rich juices with her.

Laying beside her, he gathered her into his arms like a protective cocoon, kissing and running his fingers over her delicate body. His tongue fresh off the adventure of delving into her pussy, entered her mouth to find a greedy and welcoming tongue. Their kiss grew deeper and more pronounced until he finally pulled back, breathing hard. Looking into her crystal blue eyes, he knew he would never have enough of her. Hell, right now he wanted her again. But the sun was climbing into the sky and they would have to wait, hopefully not very long, until they tore into each other like hungry animals.

A loud buzzing interrupted the serene scene and Jack smiled. "I have a feeling whoever is trying to reach you wants you. Not as badly as I want you again kitten." He chuckled when she playfully hit his arm and then turned away to reach for her cell phone.
Maddy grinned heartily as she came down from her latest orgasm, the buzzing from her phone breaking through her bliss once more as Jack made a comment. She gave him a gentle smack on his arm before she grabbed the device, staring at the screen and sighing. "Yeah--two missed calls. Mom." She lets out her breath and sits up more, her bare skin glistening still with sweat from their morning shenanigans. The taste of Jack's cum was slowly overpowered by a mild bitterness as she thought of why he mom would be calling so early. It wasn't an emergency because there was only two--but it definitely wasn't anything good.

"Here, gimme a sec while I take this okay?" She said, giving Jack a quick peck on the lips that slowly turned into a bit more lingering. How could it not, with the taste of her juices still sweet on his tongue? Moving away to the bathroom, Maddy went to start the shower and hit the call back button. Her mom picked up on the second ring, about as quick as she expected. "Hey mom, what's up?"

"Wow, you're up pretty early for a sleepover. Or are did you two stay up all night again?" Her mom sounded curious, but not suspicious so--it felt like a good sign at least.

"Ah y'know how how Sar gets. Still kinda running on school schede I think though. Just wanna sleep in and the body's like nuuuu. Just calling to check in ma?"

"Uh...kind of. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to spend some time with me today. I think it would be good for us. We've both probably said things we shouldn't have lately. Plus, you know your dad is an awful shopping buddy. You can bring Sarah, even."

Maddy put her hand in the shower, testing the water absently as she listened to the offer. It sounded...nice. But only if the two of them could keep their claws in for an entire afternoon. Sarah to play ref would definitely help. Or at least back her up. "Uh, sure. Sar's still sleeping so let me ask when she's up kay? Probably won't be more than a couple of hours. I'll roll her before noon if she still isn't up. Meet you at the mall?"

"Sounds you, Madelynn."

"Mhm. You too, mom." Maddy heard the line hang up, the water now the right temperature. She texted Sarah about the day's plans and sat her phone down on the bathroom counter. Moving to the door, she opened the door to the bathroom to peer into the bedroom. "Hey lover boy; want to help me get cleaned up for realsies? Gotta go shopping today with my mom and Sarbear, and I imagine you sir...need to go to work today." She bit her lip, running a hand through her mess of hair. "Also, I'm sorry we've gouged your water bill the last day and a half, heh. Maybe we should think of other places to fuck that isn't just your bedroom, your pool and the bath." She gave a haughty little wink before moving back to the shower and stepping in, wetting her hair as she waited for the sound of bare feet on the tile.
Shower Delight with Maddy

Jack lay on the bed, smiling after another amazing sexual bout with Maddy. She had taken his cock deep into her throat like a pro even though a yesterday was a first for her. 'More practice,' he thought envisioning his cock buried deep in her mouth while his hands held her blonde curls. And the taste of her pussy, when she gushed all over his face brought another smile to his face. They were made for each other ..... the only thing on their minds was to please each other as much and as often as they could.

He heard the water running in the shower but he also heard her muffled voice. Making out only some of the words, he knew she was talking to her mom next door. If her mom knew how sneaky Maddy had been last night, she would be pounding at his door with the police in tow. But apparently Maddy pulled it off and her mom was none the wiser. The image of her mom formed in his brain and he wondered if she knew. The way she looked at him the other day was not the look of a friendly neighbor but one of curiosity. Did she have eyes for him?

His thoughts were interrupted when he saw her naked figure standing in the door frame asking him if he wanted to help her get clean. So she was going to spend the day with her mom and best friend. He chuckled as he got out of bed thinking about the conversation her and Sarah would have with her mom around. He doubted they would talk about last night's adventure when Sarah was the recipient, hearing their lovemaking while getting off herself.

"If you're going shopping then I guess I'll have to go to work," he laughed calling out to her as he approached the bathroom. Taking a quick glance at the bedside clock, he noted that he had a little bit of time before he had to leave. Thinking of leaving, he smiled as the vision of Maddy hunched over the front seat of his work truck, hiding from the prying eyes of her mom.

Slipping into the shower behind her, he watched for a moment admiring her backside once again. A surge coursed through his balls and he smiled as he stepped up to her, reaching around and capturing her soft mounds. Nuzzling up against her, he kissed the back of her neck, shoulder, and then her ear. "I think we need to make sure my little kitten is all clean for shopping."

Her body pressed back against him, her head turned and he captured her lips, kissing her deeply. His fingers toyed with her hand nipples standing at attention from the water and his roving fingers. As the kiss deepened and lingered, his right hand released the nipple after pulling it outward, hearing her soft moan into his mouth.

Slowly and methodically his hand moved lower until he felt her vulva pushing back against his hand. His lips surrendered hers for only a moment. "I can't get enough of you kitten. You make my cock hard just thinking about you." He kissed her again as his fingers began to explore her pussy once more.

This was something he would never tire of ...... bringing and receiving pleasure from Maddy. He pushed his hips against her backside, his cock sliding between her thighs to rub against her aroused pussy. He had to have her again.

Turning her around, he smiled down into her bright eyes filled with expectation of what was about to take place. Pressing her against the glass wall, he reached down with his hands, picking her up easily. Her hands gathered around his neck and she kissed him with more violence and need.

When the kiss broke, he whispered, "Don't worry about the water bill kitten. If I have to pay double for water, it will be worth every penny." He kissed her hard, her back pressed against the steamy glass as his cock found the entrance to her love canal. "Yes worth every penny," he said as his cock slipped past the tight opening, feeling the intense heat of her welcoming cunt.
Maddy had been expecting Jack to follow her to the shower, knowing he couldn't control himself at all with the thought of her naked and wet. The girl bit her lip as she felt him behind her, his hands roaming over her slick skin as his lips left a trail along her shoulder, up to her ear. A moan escaped her lips at his words, knowing exactly what they meant. He certainly wasn't aiming to get her clean as he toyed with her nipples, his hand brushing between her legs. Her body shuddered, needy still despite all the fucking they'd done over the last couple of days. "Oh god, Jack..." she moaned as she felt his fingers slip past her outer folds. Her juices were already coating his fingers as he moved closer, his throbbing cock slipping between her legs to tease her hungry little slit. Maddy didn't have to ask for more, Jack already turning her around. The glass was a little chilly on her back compared to the water as he lifted her up, arms wrapping around his neck to make sure he had a good hold of her. The girl stole a kiss, passionate and wild. He joked about the water bill, his shaft suddenly filling her as it pulled a loud gasp from her lips.

"Mmmn, Jack--t-this isn't ahh, gonna get me very clean." She mumbled around her moans, nails gently digging into his shoulders as she gripped him tight. Her cunt was still sensitive from cumming so hard earlier, every thrust like lighting through her aching hole. The girl wasn't telling him to stop, though. God, anything but! She tossed her head back, rocking her hips against his as best she could in this position, though she was all but helpless to take his dick however he wanted like this. It was so hot, like every time had been so far, to just let him use her pussy as he pleased. The feel of him stretching her so good, his shaft throbbing as he was starting to get close--it drove her wild. A few more thrusts as she was keening like an animal, her pussy spasming in orgasm as her fluids gushed. "Ohhhh, Jack, stuff m-my little pussy up with your cum!" She begged, her arms clutching him desperately. "I wanna feel you dripping from my cunt all day. Pl-please, daddy! Gimme your yummy cum, please!"
Emptying his load into Maddy

With Maddy pressed against the wet glass of the shower, Jack heard her pleas for him to unload into her pussy. As he began to pump his cock inside her, Jack felt her pussy pulsating, squeezing his cock as lay deep inside her. She was holding onto his shoulders for support while he legs wrapped around his hips, her heels digging into his tight ass muscles.

His hands were supporting her ass, fingers digging into the soft flesh while she buried her head into his shoulder blade. He felt her lips kissing his shoulder and when her teeth nipped at his flesh, he let out a moan of passion.

All thoughts of going to work were buried deep in the recesses of his mind as they rocked together in unison. The water beat down on them, soaking their skins but doing nothing to dampen their lust for each other.

Jack kissed her shoulder, his lips working their way to her neck and them upwards until his lips found hers. Their lips brushed softly for a moment before crushing against one another. Jack sucked Maddy's lower lip into his mouth, feeling her tongue swiping at his as if to ask for permission to enter. Letting her lips free, he instantly sucked her tongue into his mouth.

Their passion was rising and when the kiss broke, they looked into each other's eyes, knowing the time was arriving when they could no longer control their climaxes.

Jack leaned back creating a space between them. He admired the way her breasts swayed and with each thrust. Her hard nipples stood at attention and while Jack wanted to suckle on them, he was getting so close to losing control.

Then the sensations became unbearable as hips rocked back and forth faster with more force. Her pussy was squeezing harder and then he knew he was not in control. "Cum with me Maddy. Cum with your daddy," he moaned as the first torrent of cream filled her cavern. Each successive blast sent more of his sticky cream into her as she neared her own orgasm.

"Cum for daddy ….. soak daddy's cock with your hot juices," he demanded watching her head lean against the wet glass, eyes closed, breathing hard and raspy. She was so close to joining him.
The girl bit her lip as she felt her asscheeks sticking to the wall, only so wet since she had spent more time being fucked up against the tile than actually in the water. Jack heard her pleas, his cock growing harder inside her as he gave her just what she begged for. Maddy felt her toes curl as she screamed with every pulsating throb of cum Jack spilled into her. Her whole body felt like fire as he ordered her to cum, as though she wasn't just about to from the hot sticky mess and thorough fucking he'd given her. So much for not taking too long to meet up with her mom.

"Ohhh Daddy, I'm cummmming! I'm cummin' all over y-your cock! Ahhn! Yees--don't stop!" She cried out, knowing they probably needed to stop at some point. Jack had work, she had to do family stuff. But God, this feeling--this pleasure. Everything that was Jack and their little scandalous triste had Maddy wanting more. She'd joked about being addicted before, but in the back of her mind she wondered if in a way she actually was.

Slowly they stopped, Jack easing her down on shaky legs and being a true gentleman, helping clean the cum from her hole with his fingers as the water ran over them. His lips were on her neck, fingers moving inside her as she tried to remember why it was so important to go home. The more she tried, the harder it was to think of anything but Jack's fingers, his lips, his arms.

"Mmmnnnh--Jack...We have things to do today. Important things. Don't you have work?" She asks, knowing the answer but giving him a playfully hungry gaze. " mom's gonna wonder what's taking me so long. What if she gets suspicious and tries to peep on you?" She can't imagine the look her mom would get; she'd probably kick down the door and start berating them before either could get dressed. "You gotta keep your hands off me so I can go, Jack. If you leave it up to me, we're gonna be in here all day, panting and naked and fucking 'til we pass out." He was too delicious and perfect and fucking hot for her to be able to resist.
Getting on with the day

What a way to start the day, fucking in the shower. Jack laughed at her comment about having important things to do today. "What's more important than just fucking like rabbits all day baby," he said kissing her neck.

Jack thought of Maddy's mom. She seemed overprotective of Maddy but maybe that's what mothers are supposed to do. But there was something else about her mother, the way she looked at him. He had seen that look before, women sizing him up with their eyes. Did she have thoughts about him and her? She was married but was she happy? Did her husband satisfy her sexual needs?

He chuckled and kissed her when she told him he had to keep his hands off her. "I can't resist the woman that makes me think of sex 24/7." Jack knew he had to get to work and he had to take her to Sarah's house. She was supposed to be sleeping at her friends house, wasn't she?

They dried each other off, each taking certain liberties touching and caressing parts they enjoyed. It seemed to Jack that Maddy was taking more time drying his cock, stroking it against the soft terry cloth towel. "If you keep that up baby, you won't get out of this bedroom until tomorrow."

She pouted and he kissed her again before they both dressed for the day. When they were ready, Jack and Maddy climbed into Jack's work truck in the garage. As he backed out of the garage, he snickered. "We have to make sure your mom doesn't see you." Grabbing her hair, he pulled her down so her face was in his lap. He smiled, regretting what he had done hearing her say something like, "what do we have here?"

As he passed Maddy's house, he saw Maddy's mom looking out the front window. He waved and she waved back and then he groaned feeling her hot breath on his covered cock. "You can get up now kitten," he said when they were out of sight of her house.

Her only response was to meow like a cat and rub his cock while she placed her mouth over the growing lump. Jack shifted in his seat, trying to concentrate on the road while his lover continued to caress his hidden meat. "If you keep that up kitten, daddy's going to have to pull over to the side of the road."

Jack knew that was not possible with the early morning rush hour so he could only grin and moan occasionally while she played. Eventually they arrived at Sarah's apartment and only then did Maddy lift her head, her face filled with a mischievous smile. She leaned up to kiss Jack and then moved to leave the truck.

"When will I see you again baby," he asked knowing that he wanted her again right now. But he also had a business to run and she had to go shopping with her mom.