New member here.


Feb 5, 2013

I am daunted by the sheer amount of talent and ability of writers and editors on this site. It's seriously high quality work.

I work in the construction industry but I have always enjoyed reading and I like most different genres of literature and poetry .

I do have a story I want to bring up to a standard that could be posted but my education in English stopped at O Level.

I am looking for an editor who could work with me on a vampire story. Although
my education ended at sixteen, I have a powerful , highly visual imagination
and ( I hope this is an incentive) I grew up near the ruins of the most Gothic stately home in the UK . If you're into Romanticism wait until you find out who lived there! I spent a lot of time clambering over stones and imagining I was talking to ghosts,long before 'Gothic' became fashionable again. Also ,my main character in life was a young biker, and I'm a former biker myself, so I think I can blend my experience into the story's background and characterization.

This is a very hot but gentle , hopefully funny and tender inversion of teenage vampire lusts after teenage girls. My vamp doesn't ,he can't stand most girls his own age and he's on fire for on a 'plain' middle-aged English lecturer who works in the nearby university, but it's completely impractical for her to take him in, and she's got a heap of marking to get through before next Friday.

If anyone wants to have a go at editing my story or thinks they know an editor who would, please contact me or kindly forward my details on.

I'm not sure about my current user name : I stared at the screen and went blank. I think I'll change it later.

Thanks in advance.
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Welcome and you make your story sound interesting and show that you're a good storyteller (and you're mysterious about it--what house?). It would help in elliciting interest in working with you if you would provide the number of words in what you have so far and indicate whether it's a completed story that needs assessed and worked with or something not yet finished.
Thank you !

How many words ? Maybe wordage is going to slightly annoy you . Currently about 5000. It can be broken into two parts for chapter one .

The problem is, and I swear to you I'm not making this up, I'd been trying to write for weeks but it was all boring dead writing .

Last night I put some of my old music on and imagined I was riding my bike down the roads and back lanes in the moonlight . I ended up back at this house and I 'became' the character in the story, (although it's written in the first person from his perspective). It was like being in a trance for five hours.

What's going to annoy you? Well, at the moment everything's in expanded note form ;all the descriptive phrases are there and the structure's right, in fact the whole story is 'there,' like a series of movie clips that can be recalled in my head. There's couple of poems without structure as well which can be slipped in as prose . So I think the sensible thing to do is to edit as best I can , say 1000 words per night and then hand it over bit by bit to someone who really knows what they doing.

It might not appeal to anyone , so I'm thinking don't invest a whole week working 5000 rough words into prose, instead fire 1000 words off to various editors, and wait for feedback, also that way I won't be wasting their time either. The whole thing might be a self indulgence, but I don't think so because
it's written with a readership in mind and it's not anything like my own fantasies.

It's not a standard genre vampire story and as I said previously it seems curiously tender and possibly funny , the kind of humour you could build on, and there's a whole fictional universe that could naturally develop around this quirky relationship.
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Just to add to the above


'Brand new' stunningly beautiful top of the apex sexual predator lusts and pines after mature woman. She firmly believes he's whole universe out of her league and in any case he is way too dangerous to handle outside the confines of the environment where he is being safely kept. Female character considered old eccentric, probably already dried up , lifelong confirmed 'spinster' by her arrogant daughter and students. Sex with this young 'innocent' vampire is more mind blowing and being around him makes life more vivid and 'visceral' than anything they could imagine . If only they knew.

Its 8.11 here in the UK - I'll work until midnight and if you or anyone else wants to skim through what ( I think) I can do I'll aim to send 1000 words over to you at 12 pm.
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Just a comment on the handing it over thing. Fiction isn't best done bit by bit. It can't be assessed as a story until it is a story. 5,000 words is short by Lit. standards, by the way. It's barely over one Lit. page, and the norm seems to be three Lit. pages (something between 7,500 and 11,500 words). So, I wouldn't bother separating what you have into two chapters.
Just a comment on the handing it over thing. Fiction isn't best done bit by bit. It can't be assessed as a story until it is a story. 5,000 words is short by Lit. standards, by the way. It's barely over one Lit. page, and the norm seems to be three Lit. pages (something between 7,500 and 11,500 words). So, I wouldn't bother separating what you have into two chapters.

Okay . Sounds like good advice. I'll see what I can do.