New Jersey Lit People --- Just venting about the weather

Yes this is actually a thread about the weather, not someone's cock, ass or pussy...nor is it some sort of a metaphor for fucking (for those of you literary types). This is an actual rant about the goes...

I don't know about you, but I have concluded that we have received totally shit weather in NJ this year - never more than 3 or so days of clear pleasant weather during the summer. Maybe a bit better in Spring but not really....

And, it didn't help that the first few days of September have been putrid also. Gah....I feel ripped off!!! Anyone else care to commiserate with me? You do not need to show your tits to do so...

This was in the personals - so I have to assume you're looking to meet girls from our area? I have to admit, it's pretty clever ;)

Two words - Indian Summer
Please do not show me your tits, dude

I am seriously considering a move to California...Sunny Southern Cali....I will brave the traffic there in a heartbeat....
I am seriously considering a move to California...Sunny Southern Cali....I will brave the traffic there in a heartbeat....

SoCal is great but, trust me, they get their share of shitty weather, too.

And the traffic really does blow!! I mean... suck!! No... I mean... bite!!!

BTW, the last three days of August were amazing here in the Garden State and it isn't half bad out now either. I guess we gotta' take it when we can get it (the good weather, that is)

this thread gets more action than the nj thread that was around a while ago!

What part is everyone from?