New here, but a prolific writer someplace else...


Jan 3, 2013
I should have asked this before submitting my stories, whoops. I'm a prolific writer over at, and a friend just turned me on to literotica. I submitted a few of my old stories already. Is there anything I should be doing to prove they're really mine and I'm not swiping stories from other writers? Thanks!
Are you using the same pen name on both sites?

If not, it might be a good idea to add "I also write as xxxx in other places" to your bio.

That should nip things in the bud, as all plagiarism complaints come from readers. At the very least, they should challenge you first, rather than leaving plagiarism comments on your stories or reporting them to Laurel.

It's highly unlikely that Laurel is going to know it was posted elsewhere without someone saying something.
Are you using the same pen name on both sites?

If not, it might be a good idea to add "I also write as xxxx in other places" to your bio.

That should nip things in the bud, as all plagiarism complaints come from readers. At the very least, they should challenge you first, rather than leaving plagiarism comments on your stories or reporting them to Laurel.

It's highly unlikely that Laurel is going to know it was posted elsewhere without someone saying something.

Thanks! I added it to my profile. There was a comment on one of my stories saying they read it on nifty and that they hoped it just took me awhile to upload it here. I responded in the comments that I was indeed the same person.
A welcome :kiss: for the little newbie from the good little witch.
Hi, Dopplergaydar, and welcome to Literotica and to the Authors' Hangout. :) It's a nice place to hang out when you feel guilty about not getting any writing done. :D
Welcome to the madhouse. The rubber walls really are there for your own protection. Ignore the bars on the windows, they just add decor with the stripped sunshine. :) :eek: :cool:
Welcome. I was a bit concerned a little while ago, when I was posting my stories on multiple sites. I ended up changing my names on all the sites so that they were the same wherever I was writing... although a brief line in the bio would, on reflection, have done the same job :D
I post stories here, on Smashwords and on Amazon. I only ever had a little trouble from Amazon who said they'd found one of my stories elsewhere. As soon as I told them it was definitely my story, they continued to process publication. I think having the same name on all sites is better, as then it's more obviously your story.

Welcome to the site - Literotica is a great site to publish on and this Hangout is hilarious! The most intelligent trolls I ever came across, and some really good-hearted people too. Always come up with fascinating information - sometimes on the topic you asked about. :D

