New here...a true fantasy i plan to write


Literotica Guru
Dec 15, 2002
Hello everyone!
this is my very first let me introduce myself. I am a 22 year old petite lady, recently married, with a 3 year old. i am very open-minded sexually-my theory is " to each their own" and "I'll try prit near anything once".

I have been thinking about writing this story that is a true fantasy of mine...and how i would like it to play out. it involves a bit of "mind" games....where my 18 year old brother in law suddenly has thoughts that he want's to be with me (of course willed to him by me) while we are spending the night at my father in law's house. instead of just rolling over and going to sleep he acts on them and a night of forbidden passion between us ensues...followed by a continuing secret passionate romance between us that occasionally cools and restarts when he goes to the naval acadamy.

so what do you think?? please let me know if it is a good story idea. i was laying on a couch opposite from him on saturday night after the Eagle's game, with my husband and my son sleeping on the floor across the room...and this was all i could think of. i got soooooo hot and bothered thinking about it.....who knows. maybe it will happen!

:nana: :nana:
(i couldn't resist the dancing banana!)
Hello, Angel

Hello Angel, I am also a virgin here; I think I am one week old now. I like your thoughts, particularly as you were lying on the couch watching him at the time.
Why not begin with a situation where he 'accidentally' catchs you naked and you find he does'nt just turn and run. Better still you walk into his room without a stitch when he is staying over. You explain that you'd forgotten he was there, but giggling with embarrassment, you still go shuffling through drawers etc. searching for something you apparently need. You've checked he does'nt mind you doing this so you continue searching while he gets turned on watching you bending down and reaching up in your search for whatever it is.

I like both of those ideas. i have teased him since he was like real young and one time he walked in on me and my husband (before we were married) and caught me in nothing but a black lacy bra....especially since my darling guy jumped off the bed to the other side so his brother couldn't see he really got an eyefull!

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I really like your idea. Since you are lying of the couch, how about teasing him with little movements that would give him views of the outline of your pussy, and other's that mimic fucking.

How would you be dressed, so that he could try something with the thought that you don't know that he is doing it.

He could have some reason to move over on the floor against the couch where you are laying. You could have on a sleeping shirt, dress or skirt that would allow access underneath.

His position on the floor could be about your knees, so that if he turned his head he could see under what ever you have on.

He finds you so irrestiable that he is willing to try something.

This is, of course, unless he is on the couch with you.
to make it more exciting on lit, I would add a little bit in the beginning (in italics so not to steal from the story) that this is a true fantasy - people really like that.

second, in my opinion, i think realism is a big issue. think of the real-life scenario's that would get you two together - you know him, he's your brother - what would you have to do to snag him? I'm sure you'll find the imaginings fun and good for your story = )

when you write it, head for the author's forum and find an editor. or the story-feedback section. the volunteer editors sadly don't answer as often as we would like.

best of luck to you = )

Good Idea!

Thanks for all the ideas....maybe i will have to try some of these in real life...see if he's up :) for it!!!

You're no 'dork' Chicklet; I've read a brother and sister story of yours. In your enthusiasm you just made a most understandable human error. Possibly, down to wishful thinking. Such thoughts give more sparkle to life. I'm sure you could do something with a young inexperienced brother in law, however.