New Granddaughter


Licker of Boxes
Apr 5, 2003
At 4PM today, my newest and probably my last grandchild took her first breaths. :) The mother is my youngest daughter, and she does not attend to have any more children (This is her second) and neither do any other sons or daughters.

My wife and I will be going to see her, and my wife will be spending time with the baby, the mother and the older child, who is almost seven years old. I will be returning home by myself, so I will probably get more writing done this week. :)
Her name is Jessie. That's not short for anything, like Jessica; it's her complete first name. Personally, I would have preferred to give her a longer and more formal name that would look good on a shingle, and have a built-in short form, but they didn't ask me.
Aw...congrats Box! Enjoy that warm, squirmy, soft bundle of snuggly kissableness!

Congratulations and best wishes to all! :)

(And I'm with you on the name.)
Her name is Jessie. That's not short for anything, like Jessica; it's her complete first name. Personally, I would have preferred to give her a longer and more formal name that would look good on a shingle, and have a built-in short form, but they didn't ask me.

My mother's first name was Jessie. She liked it even though she had middle names she could have used.

Jessie Matthews (Mrs Dale of Mrs Dale's Dary Radio Programme) was a great dancer and movie star in her younger days, sometimes her dancing was compared to Ginger Rogers.

When Jessie is older, she can decide what she wants to be called.

Personally, I would have preferred to give her a longer and more formal name that would look good on a shingle

Like Pauletta? Mind you Jessie is the perfect ‘transgender’ name. Could be a boy or a girl…

Or did your daughter throw Pauletta in as the young child’s middle name – Jessie Pauletta Boxlicker. There is a certain resonance to it…

Anyway congrats boxy


but could you tell the kid to stop crying...​
Congratulations Box! Spoil the shit out of her and the rest of them as well.

My oldest daughter is getting married in a couple of months, but I'm still hoping it will be a few years before I hear "grandpa"
Thanks for the congratulations and best wishes, guys. Today I saw the baby for the first time. In all honesty, she isn't much to look at just now, and doesn't have much to say that is intelligent. She's kind of ugly even, with her red face and her eyes squinched shut and the drool and the fat cheeks. All she does is cry too, actually more of a whine. However, I am confident my granddaughter will grow up to be a PhD, and her schooling will be partly paid for by the scholarsip she wins as Miss America. :D
Congratulations, Box! Pink, frills, lace, and earings make all girls beautiful. Don't for the shoes!:D
Somebody needs to like them, or the human race will go extinct.

Babies, I mean.
