New author and community member

Sep 2, 2012
Hi all,

I've been a longtime reader and lurker on this site. My favorite genres have varied through time but right now I am really into the "erotic-couplings" with a focus in adultery genre.

Anyway, I decided to take the plunge and register. I just posted my first attempt at a story this afternoon. I did this one without an editor but would be open to the idea in the future pending feedback from the community.

Hope you all enjoy your Labor Day weekends and get a chance to read it should your schedule permit this week.

Welcome aboard! Good luck with your first story and remember there is a feedback forum if you want to post the link to it when it posts to get some opinions.
Welcome to the AH, fellow erotican. Sit back and enjoy the crazy antics here. Post on the various word game threads and also drop a link to your stories. :)

Most of all, have fun because that is the motto of the AH. Beware of trolls though.
Thanks everyone. Just curious, how does one add an Avatar (as opposed to a profile pic) to their posts? Or is it something that must be earned from the administrator?
Thanks everyone. Just curious, how does one add an Avatar (as opposed to a profile pic) to their posts? Or is it something that must be earned from the administrator?

You can get an avatar after you have reached 100 posts.

A quick way to add up posts is to play some of the word chains games.
Welcome to the madhouse. No the inmates are not in charge but it can look that way at times.

Relax, put up you feet and have fun.

Definitely put a story notice in your sigline for us.. for the lazy people around here.
Welcome. Yes. A link to your stories would be appreciate once the story goes live. Remember to disregard the worst and the best comment you get. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
Welcome. Yes. A link to your stories would be appreciate once the story goes live. Remember to disregard the worst and the best comment you get. The truth is somewhere in the middle.

Unless it's Loving Wives and then all bets are off. :D
Welcome to

[size=+4] ScouriesWorld[/size]

And good luck in all your writing endeavors...





the tenth circle - the superstars...
thanks. who are the people in the pics?

Some are the actual persons, some are not. I am the sun god Ra. ;)

Please ignore Scouries, he's the resident troll and a pimple on the AH's butt cheeks.

Welcome to the funny farm. Watch out for the goats and sheep, they like to nibble your socks and trouser legs. :D
Everyone, I posted a thread in the story feedback thread. As you could see in my signature, my first story has been approved!
Welcome to the Hangout!

Like TE999 said, don't feed the resident trolls and you'll be fine. Also avoid scouries fake contests and you'll do great.

Enjoy your stay in this nuthouse!