Never Mind

It's been up for a little while - maybe two or three months(?). If you write successions of multi-chapter stories, it's a great tool to present the story parts in the order you prefer rather than relying on a sorting algorithm with strict rules about naming.
It's been up for a little while - maybe two or three months(?). If you write successions of multi-chapter stories, it's a great tool to present the story parts in the order you prefer rather than relying on a sorting algorithm with strict rules about naming.
Yeah, I just found it in the support section.
I haven't yet played with it until just this moment, and definitely think it's an interesting feature, although ultimately I'm not sure how it will increase readership in any meaningful way.
I looked at it when it was first announced. It has some issues.

I tried setting up a new name for my series along with adding a better description, and it didn't work. And it shows a two-chapter series for two (of five) old stories I replaced and requested deletion a year and a half ago.
I played with it and the three problems my list had have been corrected.

There is one problem with it... you can't create a new series from your online stories, it wants you to select from your current machine instead of your online list. I have several sets of stories that need to be in a series.
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The computer I work on, is my current machine. I have two others I use for other things.

I tried to add a stand-alone store to a current series and when I try that a file window pops up asking me for the name of the story file on my machine, not from the list on Lit.