

say hello to my little friend ! lol..
I had three...

I am over it now...with help...

NeoCrack'll kill ya!
someone else mentioned them to me and now I have 2 got the original one for signing up and then I adopted one. They are soooo addicting
On Saturday, Claire's stores are getting in some Limited Edition petpets.

There will be 4 WHITE Doglefoxs per store.

I want one
I have four pets.

Aldranna is my Eyrie
LadyZelle is my Ixi
Mirshann is my Aisha
RaarsAtYou is my Kougra....

they all also have their own petpets....a Noil, Anubis, Selket, and Lyins.. respectively....

*sigh* I'm pathetic....
*points to her signature line*

CLICK THERE! I want the referrals. :p

Yes, the site is very... very... VERY... addictive, in a strange way.
AriaSilverfyre said:
I have four pets.

Aldranna is my Eyrie
LadyZelle is my Ixi
Mirshann is my Aisha
RaarsAtYou is my Kougra....

they all also have their own petpets....a Noil, Anubis, Selket, and Lyins.. respectively....

*sigh* I'm pathetic....

Did you know that Claires have Noils too? I have several Pets, A Wocky, a Moehog and a Bruce. They all have petpets too. A Catamara, Angelpuss and a Snorkle.

silly silly addiction :rolleyes:
I have two: Santisanti the Yellow Meerca and Ooeytooey the Blue Grundo. Ooeytooey's mainly there to eat up my extra food, but I'm growing rather fond of her.

I Have A Lupe, A Nimmo, A Garrl, And A Grundo:D

I Also Have A Pathetic Guild....Good Gracious!
Barely__There said:
Did you know that Claires have Noils too? I have several Pets, A Wocky, a Moehog and a Bruce. They all have petpets too. A Catamara, Angelpuss and a Snorkle.

silly silly addiction :rolleyes:

Yes I did. In fact my fiance' bought me one and stickers to go with it. tee hee... now if only they would release an Anubis....
My little siblings play with those things all the time and I fucking hate those things! I never get to be on lit when I go home because of those fucking things!
Do Ya'll Battle?

I Never Used To, But Now I'm Slightly Addicted!

On A Dark & Rainy Evening, FlintVonFang
Found Me Hiding From The Dreadful Waterdrops & Fighting Off
The Bone Chilling Cold!
HE Picked Me Up In His Strong Teeth, Wrapped Me In
Purple Furs & Brought Me Home To The GrunchLands,
To Live & Serve Him As A Loyal, But Free Grundoservant.

All Hail FlintVonFang Of The GrunchLands!

As FlingVonFang's Loyal MoonFroggie,
I Do Solomly Swear To Uphold All That Is Good &
All That Is Right In GruchLand & The World!

I Owe My Life To FlintVonFang, For He Helped Me Escape The
Misery Of Cyber Adoption & Street Life.

All Hail FlintVonFang Of The GrunchLands!


I Owe My Life To FlintVonFang!
He Was There For Me When All Of Tyrannia Was In Turmoil, And My Parents Were Killed. He Is A Great Warrior And I Forever
Swear My Loyalty And Love For Him And Only Him!

All Hail FlintVonFang Of The GrunchLands!
I Am Completely Crazed!

FlintVonFang!Flint Von Fang

A Majestic Creature That comes from the far reaches
Of Neopia, In the Deathlands Mountain Caves. Known for his
Quick wit and Hot Temper, He Is A Most Feared Member Of The GrunchLands!
The Only Lupe Known to have violet eyes and a silver tongue.
Activities enjoyed: Reading, Singing & Combat.
my 13 year old daughter has been playing for 2 years, and neopets is my home page at home grrrrrr:(

and she has this to say:

"I have 4 pets: a red ixi, a red kourgra, a red chomby (which I spent lots of NP buying a potion), and a yellow gelert.

I would also like to say that you should join The Flaming Faeries Guild, made by my friend's friend... the fourth largest in the Fire Faerie Volcano area.............. hehe"

and that my friends is total Greek to me..... is she addicted...yes, is she acccomplished??? don't know.
Oh God ...

I have four. Well ... technically I have 7 since I run my honey's daughters for her.

I try to abandon them but then I feel like such a shit for thinking it.

I am cursed.

Cursed I tell you. :(
I had two and I abandoned them!!!! yes yes i know im a bad mommy....;)

But now i am making it up with my latest creation!!! mawhahaha:D