

Really Really Experienced
Jan 1, 2010
Mr. G and I had a get together of some of his and some of my friends at my house yesterday, before hand I told him that I wanted to talk about limits and conditions and it turned into a very interesting discussion.

My big conditions are that we have a 100% monogamous relationship. No affairs or bringing other people into our relationship. The sexual aspect of our relationship needs to be kept as discreet as normal, vanilla people. I do not want to be publicly outed as a submissive. I am fine making it clear to friends and family that he is the boss in the realtionship and all that, I just don't want him to make me do extremely humiliating things if front of others. Lastly, no marks that can not be covered my normal clothing. Otherwise, I trust him not to "hurt" me (in the wrong way ;))

I also wrote him a list of things I want him/us to do, I don't have the nerve to say to his face "Whip my butt and make me drink your pee." I went into the other room for a few minutes while he read it. He was shocked by one item and flatly refused, as did my ex-dom, otherwise he was very happy and excited.

He told me of things that he wanted me to me/us to do. Happily, there was a lot of overlap. He wants to do fisting, which intrigues me, but I worry about stretching, he has large hands. He dropped a bomb on me too. I told him I would do it if he wanted me to, because he was the boss, but it if we end up doing it, I know it will make make uncomfortable.

All in all, I very pleased with myself, I can be timid in relationships and it felt good to lay down some markers early on.