Needing to get laid


Really Really Experienced
Nov 6, 2002
Alright....i'm about to explode...double clicking the mouse can only last for so long...I really need to get laid.....any volunteers?:)
Sure, do you have a full tank of gas in the car because its going to be a looonnng drive?! :D
PepperminTrish said:
Can I have any of the volunteers that you don't manage to get too?
Of course sweetie.....i always share;)
Frimost said:
Sure, do you have a full tank of gas in the car because its going to be a looonnng drive?! :D
lol.....damn sorry i don't......
bend over!


i've been wanting to fuck you for a long time girly!

you can have her next TR....and luckily my plastic doesn't no sloppy seconds for you! ;)

mmmmmm that Lacy butt.....mmmmmm mmmmmmm good....
We could always have a 3some.....or 2 some Ginny could watch

always glad to help a lady in need, but i am very busy today, maybe i could have a raincheck!!
Re: lacylady

ljmo said:
always glad to help a lady in need, but i am very busy today, maybe i could have a raincheck!!
lol@ raincheck
LacyLady said:
We could always have a 3some.....or 2 some Ginny could watch

watching and rubbing while you get fucked sounds perfect!
Can I have any of the volunteers that you don't manage to get too?

How about I screw Lacy and then I can fuck you afterwards PepperminTrish? :p

Then when I'm done Ginny, you can lick them both clean like a cat preening. ;)
I would be more than happy to help you with this dilemna. Where can I submit my resume?