need help!


Jan 8, 2003
my girlfriend enjoys when i finger her; however, after a little while, she cries, is this normal? can she ever orgasm? The same thing happens during sex...

Is there anyway to stop the crying?
Please help! Thanks...

my opinion

awwww, dude, that really sucks for both of you. obviously, this girl has been through something bad, or she's just into being a drama queen. if it's the former, i would definately suggest stopping, and asking her what's wrong. or better yet, talking to her before anything happens, but that can be a little ask her if she's been abused or something, and be really understanding and offer to help her in any way. chances are, she's been through some bad shit, and maybe she would agree to therapy...i know, a little dramatic, but i can't imagine a reason behind this that wouldn't require therapy. hope i helped. stick in there.
shes never been thru anything like that at all, it just seems that instead of orgasming or whenever she gets really excited she cries, and shes not even upset when she cries, it seems to be a natural reaction, thats what my question is about, is this normal?
(thanks for your post though!)

When you say she starts crying....what kind of crying? Just a few tears or more like sobbing?

Personally (yes you may call me a drama queen, but oh well..) there have been times with my SO when it was so intense, so intimate, that I found myself crying. But not an uncontrollable sobbing. Just tears....but they were good tears.

Have you asked her why she is crying? You asked if she can ever orgasm....does she not have orgasms now? Your best bet would be to ask her what she needs you to do at that time....continue pleasing her or stop and hold her.

Hats off to you for caring though!