Need help on a particular blowjob scene!


Jun 15, 2021
Ok, so get this:
There's a family in a van. The parents are sitting in the front, two kids - seven and nine years old respectively- are sitting in the middle while one horny teenage guy and one horny teenage girl, both over 18, are sitting in the back. The kids and the parents don't see the horny teenagers and the teenage girl gets an idea and gives the teenage guy a blowjob. No fucking, just blowjob.

Question: Would this get rejected according to Literotica's rules? There are kids in the car but they don't see the teenage girl giving the teenage guy in a blowjob scene.
Almost certainly, yes.

No kids anywhere near the action ever.

Switch the kids for OAPs and your golden.
Have the mother turn back and give the young boy a wink. As if she knows whats going on. It could be her friend and its the mothers daughter giving the bj. It could mean that she taught her how. Or it could mean shes wanting to give him one too. The whole mothers teaching sex kinda kink. OR… have the Dad turn around and wink… my Bi side coming out. But yea, i wouldnt put young kids in the car scene. But maybe other adults. They do it in secret but they all know whats taking place😏. Later on perhaps they all stop and the simple BJ turns into a big orgy scene. Just an idea.
Highly recommended to not have the underage kids there.

Do they hold any plot signifcance in your story?
Question: Would this get rejected according to Literotica's rules? There are kids in the car but they don't see the teenage girl giving the teenage guy in a blowjob scene.
Yes. Kids need to be out of the room, out of the car, if there is any sexual activity going on.

Why are they necessary in the story?
Answer is yes, it gets the boot
Question is why do you need young kids in a sex story?

Solution, drop the kids completely, or make them 18/19 and have the other two doing whatever behind them, if you feel there needs to be more than the parents for some reason.
If you absolutely, for some reason beyond a shadow of a doubt, need the kids to exist for some narrative reason, just move them out of the car. You're the writer! You can make up a reason for them to not be there. Maybe the horny teenagers come up with a reason to leave later, so mom drives the kids separately in a different car and it's just dad and the teenagers.