Need help finding right category for story


Mar 13, 2019
I wrote a story in a marathon inspiration session that hit me the other day and I think it's decent, but it has a lot of twists to it that make it hard for me to figure out where it goes. Here's the basic outline:

- Protagonist is male in high school (senior, obviously). Something of a pariah, but catches the attention of an (apparently) Bible-thumping prudish classmate who's gorgeous. They go out, but no action for a while. The mother talks to the son and says her girls (his gf has an older sister) know about sex, but it's not happening.
- Prom night. Mother gives him special dispensation. They go back to her house after prom, where she informs him she's up for sex, but anal only. It's her first time with penetration, his first anal.
- After he finishes, Her older sister barges in, excited, and his date offers her up too. He does her also, again, anal only.
- That turns into a regular thing. Both sisters will sometimes be in the room together, and there's some groping and topless grinding, but no makeouts and no genital contact.
- The mother is fully aware of what's going on, eventually events conspire so protagonist is alone with the mother and they go at it. They keep it from the daughters (who he doesn't stop banging) but the mother lets him do anything, including regular sex.

Those are the significant details. I don't know where to throw this. It's sort of a coming-of age "First Time" but it moves beyond that quickly. "Anal" is an obvious choice, but I don't know if the two sisters' actions means it has to go in "Incest/Taboo" even though they aren't "going all the way" with each other, which I feel is the expectation for those kind of stories. Same argument could be made for group sex, but again, the two girls don't really do as much with each other as I feel the category's audience would expect. And of course there's Mature to think about because of the mother.

Recommendations/opinions appreciated.
Can't say I envy you on this one. On Lit, this is virtually impossible to categorize.

It sounds to me as if the sisters are the truly dominant sexual encounters, and in my opinion, that rules out Mature. ( caveat later ) Your own musing about First Time concurs with mine. Likewise, it will not scratch the itch of the Incest readership, because the sisters aren't truly engaging. Anal is a possibility, but it sounds more like it's a secondary choice for him, and he'd rather be hitting the pussy if it was on offer. If he's particularly excited about the mother because of that, then I'd exclude Anal from consideration.

I suppose it depends on what level of groping and grinding there is between the sisters, and whether it feels sexual, or more like sibling stuff. Any blood relation sexual interaction is going to give a lot of people the heebie-jeebies outside of the Incest category, but if it comes across as competition between siblings or something like that, it will dull the edge for those who might get creeped out.

Simply banging multiple members of the family doesn't have as broad of a squick factor, so the mother is almost a moot point as far as creeping people out.

As to the caveat I mentioned earlier, if the mother ends up being something of a prize in the end — something you're building up to — then that's a possibility for Mature. It does leave a large part of the story not scratching the itch until you get there, but if you're dropping enough hints about it...

In the end, I'd put it in Incest/Taboo and curb my expectations. The farther you stray from all participants being blood related members of a nuclear family, the less the overall readership is interested. Minimize the sexual contact between family members, and it does less to scratch their itch. However, nobody in the category will have their skin crawl from that content. The fact that he's not related to any of them also removes the reason some readers in the category balk at anal. It does technically fit the category, if not what the bulk of the readership truly expects from stories posted there. It will certainly get a lot of eyes on it, even if the overwhelming majority back-click out in fairly short order.

Probably not going to pull in big numbers, but I think the combination of extremely mild incest content with anything else will put it in that same boat everywhere else... As I said, the more any contact between the sisters feels like sibling stuff more than sexual stuff, the less that will turn off people in other categories. The taboo is the theme tying everything else together. All the other elements don't quite fit any category.

That's my thoughts. Truthfully, I wouldn't even post this one here, because it simply doesn't have a home. That's why I cultivate multiple venues. Whatever I come up with has a home somewhere between the three sites. Usually, more than one. In the other two places I post, this one is a no-brainer. One is tag-based story selection, and the other has a dedicated taboo category separate from incest that's perfect for this.

Here, it's a headache and a Hail-Mary.
It's too much of a smorgasbord, I think. Wherever you put it, the die-hard category fans will baulk at the "other" stuff.
I wrote a story in a marathon inspiration session that hit me the other day and I think it's decent, but it has a lot of twists to it that make it hard for me to figure out where it goes. Here's the basic outline [ . . . ]

Recommendations/opinions appreciated.
About all I can recommend is that if it's of sufficient length, post it in the "Novella" category. Otherwise, I would put it in the most "extreme" applicable category, which is usually the safest bet when your story involves content that would be iffy for other categories. In this case, that's probably "Incest/Taboo," but also be aware that the only other categories that are similarly persnickety about content and freighted with really super-specific expectations are "Loving Wives" and "Romance."
If it divides into two halves, you could put part 1 with the sisters in Anal, then with the mother in Mature, with a note at the top saying there will be sisters in the room but they don't get together, and the second half of the story will be in Mature.

Anal will get you loads of views. Some don't like other content but any story over a page has readers who will read intro notes, so may be your best bet for luring readers into reading part 2. If part 2 summarises part 1, it'll likely do ok.
I'm with NotWise: Anal.

Here's what I'd do: Play up anal as a theme throughout the story. It doesn't have to be the only sexual theme, but make it continuously prominent, including with the mom. Maybe she's an anal virgin and envies the daughters.

It's not an incest story, so readers of that category probably won't like it.
Sure, you could make it fit a category, but this story is ultimately driven by taboo. That's the anchor holding it together. As best I can discern, that's the story the OP wants to tell. If something here sparks a new and exciting direction that ultimately makes it a good fit for a category, that's all well and good.

The story shouldn't be driven by the category, though.

Once you start putting your creativity in a box, you're on your way to being trapped in it. Write what's speaking to you first, then find a home for it once it's finished. Manage your expectations if necessary, but don't sacrifice the story you want to tell.