Need A Quick Favor! Begging You!


Oct 9, 2012
Hey this is desperate and selfish but I need help. I'm horrible at writing erotic stories and my boyfriend asked for me to write him one about us for chritmas. So I want to give him one! I need your help..could you write it for me?

The females name in the story will be Ariel, the males name Tim...they are really in love, he's Ausralian, she's American, (don't know if that matters) jut make it erotic and really passionate. Talk alot about how much they love each other. It can be short but please make it good. I'll repay you in any way that is possible! Thank you sooo much!

Ariel description:Latina, brunette, long hair, slim, tall, b cups, very toned, brown eyes, exotic look, tan skin

Tim: black hair, muscular, blue eyes, white, pale, VERY tall, six inches down there, not circumsized, australian

Uhm..been together 6 months, VERY in love and passionate about each other
anyone up for the task? You would make my Christmas soooo much better! Please someone, find it in your heart to do this for me. I'm begging you!
Hey this is desperate and selfish but I need help. I'm horrible at writing erotic stories and my boyfriend asked for me to write him one about us for chritmas. So I want to give him one! I need your help..could you write it for me?

The females name in the story will be Ariel, the males name Tim...they are really in love, he's Ausralian, she's American, (don't know if that matters) jut make it erotic and really passionate. Talk alot about how much they love each other. It can be short but please make it good. I'll repay you in any way that is possible! Thank you sooo much!

Ariel description:Latina, brunette, long hair, slim, tall, b cups, very toned, brown eyes, exotic look, tan skin

Tim: black hair, muscular, blue eyes, white, pale, VERY tall, six inches down there, not circumsized, australian

Uhm..been together 6 months, VERY in love and passionate about each other
anyone up for the task? You would make my Christmas soooo much better! Please someone, find it in your heart to do this for me. I'm begging you!
Wow. I've heard of last minute gifts, but this is close to last second.

I considered hacking out a few paragraphs. It would be short. It wouldn't be good. I am not up to the task.

Talking about how much they love each other woun't be enough. SHOWing how much love with actions is important.

Have you thought of the two of you writing the story together? You can feed off each other, bounce ideas back and forth, maybe discover a secret desire that has remained buried and share it together in real life. Deciding how to tell it, either in first or third person, will be important. Maybe more important is what happens in the story. Not just which sex positions get used. What events transpire? What journey do the characters take? How will they be different at the end than they were at the start?

Some friends of mine did this once, write together. They were both poor writers so they wanted me to help them. It was difficult to watch them. As the evening went on they got more and more excited. Her nipples looked like they'd burst through her clothes and his erection was really uncomfortable. They eventually trotted off to their bedroom and I slipped out of their house and went home. We never did finish the story. It became one of our private jokes to mime writing something. They're married now with two kids who can't understand why it's so funny for their Uncle Aaron to grab a pad and pencil and pose, pencil poised, with head cocked to one side.

So I suggest the two of you spend an afternoon naked together in bed, pen and paper ready, and do it yourselves. It might be the best present you can give.

Unless he like fishing. Shimano makes some fine reels.

Good luck.
Hey this is desperate and selfish but I need help. I'm horrible at writing erotic stories and my boyfriend asked for me to write him one about us for chritmas. So I want to give him one! I need your help..could you write it for me?

The females name in the story will be Ariel, the males name Tim...they are really in love, he's Ausralian, she's American, (don't know if that matters) jut make it erotic and really passionate. Talk alot about how much they love each other. It can be short but please make it good. I'll repay you in any way that is possible! Thank you sooo much!

Ariel description:Latina, brunette, long hair, slim, tall, b cups, very toned, brown eyes, exotic look, tan skin

Tim: black hair, muscular, blue eyes, white, pale, VERY tall, six inches down there, not circumsized, australian

Uhm..been together 6 months, VERY in love and passionate about each other
anyone up for the task? You would make my Christmas soooo much better! Please someone, find it in your heart to do this for me. I'm begging you!

I'd think the point is that it came from you. If you don't think that you could write a "story" well, you might try writing down a fantasy that you have - or making an audio recording, if you're concerned about the writing process
Why don't you just steal a story? Use the search function, search the thousands of stories here, copy/paste it onto your computer, and change the character names and descriptions. Voila! Instant story.

I'd offer you one of mine, but none of them really fit what you are looking for. I'm just not that romantic.