Nebraska Anyone???


Literotica Guru
Nov 27, 2002
Just wondering if there is anyone out there from Nebraska??? We figure out of thousands of people there have got to be more than us. Would love to talk! Looking for erotic chat, maybe more, who knows. Let us know. Our e-mail is if you prefer that. Can't wait to hear from you!
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Just curious, why do you refer to yourself(s) as "I" and "me" if you are a "Cpl"? Some sort of multiple personality issues?

Personal, indeed, and perhaps a therapist.
Good call

I didn't even realize I was doing that, that is a very valid point. I will be sure to change it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
WE are still deciding whether or not you, or youse two, is a troll...
By the time you get that nice, new shiney avatar, we may have made up my mind...


definately not a troll. Just a "me" tonight. Flying solo. Probably the reason for all the "me's" and "I's" Who the hell knows, could also be that it's 6 am and I haven't been to bed yet. I'll/We'll figure it out later.
PM you?

PMing you is not an option. I can e-mail you, add you as a buddy, or ignore you but PM is not an option for you...look at your thread reply. I can't PM you.
OK, I see how that works...Well, if it makes you feel better about anything...I'm laughing. Well, not exactly laughing, more like chuckling. Whatever it is...
Of course I'm the bigger man for having had a joke at your expense! The yolk's on you!

Think of it as a troll test...

The test of a man at Lit is not here, it's here! (...and I wear a size 13 shoe, too!)

I am hoping that wasn't supposed to make any sense because it didn't. Oh well, I spose my little brain just can't take it...


Not really but it sounded good.

I think I may feel a chuckle coming on...
Welcme to Lit, may all your wishes come true. Post a lot and let everyone get to know you. Beware of the trolls, as they can be nasty.
Thank you

Thanks for the welcome. Well, I have definately posted a lot tonight. I only had one til about an hour and a half ago. What exactly is a troll?

;) Gotta love all the stupid questions......
A troll is someone who comes into a thread and spews filth and negativity around for no useful purpose. Tehy see his/her flaming going on and it must please them. Hanns_Schmidt is a great(?) example
i see

makes sense. haven't encountered him yet, have heard about him though...i'll beware