Near Death Experiences?


Literotica Guru
Feb 1, 2003
I saw a show on this tonight.

One side's a spiritual event. They're less upset about death, because they've seen the light tunnel, their past family, warmth, peace, happiness. Some have even heard conversations going on in their room, read numbers on packages higher than their sight line, and seen people walking in the halls etc. while out of their body.

The other side's a biochemical event. Neurons snapping as the brain gets deprived of oxygen produces the light tunnel effect, and the other feelings are cause by the nerves dumping across the synapses in the brain.

What do you think?
I go with the last explination. Though I never saw a tunnel, or, any of taht, I remember getting VERUY dizzy, &, felt like the room was spinning. Though, maybe what I had wasn't a near death experience, at all.
Nora said:
I have faith in science.

Thanks Nora, I do too.

The one thing I couldn't refute was the woman who could read the name and numbers on the top of the lamp that was over her as they were operating. I thought maybe later she had someone come in and look and tell her, but according to the reporter, the woman told th doctor the number just after she woke up.

nasty1 said:
I go with the last explination. Though I never saw a tunnel, or, any of taht, I remember getting VERUY dizzy, &, felt like the room was spinning. Though, maybe what I had wasn't a near death experience, at all.

Thanks nasty1. There wasn't a real criteria for the experiences, so I don't know either.
why couldn't it be either? Humans are not just biology, we are also spiritual beings. So when all that stuff is going on in your brain, is it impossible to believe your spirit takes a trip?

(If that comes across as hostile, I didn't mean for it to.. it was just a point that came to mind)