NBC dumping the President?


Aug 20, 2000
NBC is under pressure to sack Jeb Bartlett because of Martin Sheen's anti Iraq war views. Advertisers are threatening to boycott the show. Who else could they get to carry that show? Although it's full of fine actors. Who else could play a convincing caring president?

From this side the water it doesn't seem like there is an anti war movement in the US. But are people afraid to speak out for fear of losing their job?
Jeb Bartlet for President!!!

I love that show. I want a man of integrity and conviction to be my president. It will never happen- could never get nominated in the first place.
Charlie is busy shooting Spin City.

Emilio is pretty much available.
West Wing makes plenty of money in the right demographic for NBC, and they aren't going to lose any advertisers they can't replace in a heart beat. Everything's fine.