Naughty Fairytales: Beauty and the Beast - Open


Virginal Temptress
Apr 13, 2013
’Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.’ Never had this been illustrated more than in the life of her boss, Nicholas Crane. A year ago he had taken up with Constance O’Leary despite clear warnings that the girl was unstable. Eventually the relationship blew up and Constance sliced at one side of his face while he slept one night. The doctors did their best but he would have to live with the scars for the rest of his life. Over time Nick became very bitter and his employees became afraid to even approach him with anything. Nick ran an advertising agency in Boston that had been doing well but was now suffering from his isolation.

One assistant after another up and quit because of his attitude. Then came Isabella LeFleur, the daughter of Pierre LeFleur who had gotten caught stealing from Nick. It was obvious right off the bat that there was something different about her. She was a lovely woman with warm brown eyes and a smile that lit up a room but she wasn’t vain. Quite the opposite. The girl seemed oblivious to how her looks caught people’s attention. Nick’s attitude was even worse with her than it had been with the other girls. Bella wouldn’t cave in under a bitter attitude.

It surprised everyone that she stayed on but the girl was there day after day. Bella had seen a side of him most hadn’t. One night when everyone had left she found him drunk in his office. He was muttering that he was a beast and there were tears running down his face. It broke her heart and she saw past the beast into the man that lay there. With time her feelings for him grew and she had to admit it. She had fallen in love with the beast. Bella never really saw the scars when she looked at him. Those vibrant hazel eyes haunted her with the sadness in them. Her mother said that you see someone’s soul through their eyes. Quietly as always, she sat at her desk doing her work, trying not to think about the man she wanted more than anything. Bella wasn’t even sure he remembered what she did for him that night.

Nick had calmed a bit since she had started working for him but it was only a slight improvement. He was still so defensive about his face that she didn’t know how he was going to take what she was about to ask him. It was late so she knocked, waiting him to bellow at her. When he didn’t she came in anyway and sat in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk. They had both received invitations to a gala that was happening later in the week. Derrick Tremayne, the host, had an interest in Bella and was the reason she received one. Nick’s invite had been a formality in respect for his family. “I wanted to talk to you about the gala.” Nick was standing, looking out the massive window onto the city. She could see him visibly stiffen at the mention of the event.

Bella fiddled with her hands, having problems keeping her heart from flying out her chest. “Would you please look at me? I was taught it’s rude to talk to the back of someone.” Once she saw those eyes again, her nerves began to falter a little. One deep breath later and she just said it. “I was wondering if you would be my date for the gala?”