Naoko's news, views and shoes thread

LOL, I must check those!

I've run in very quickly, to say that I emailed Rachel Bloom's contact on her website, to let her know I'd reviewed her song on my blog, explaining that it reviews stories as a kind of Sex Ed. She emailed back just now and said 'Very cool'!

I feel like she probably did when Ray Bradbury said he liked the song, LOL.

Hey guys! Curl4ever is going to do some reviewing for me, so I have done a little review on a couple of his stories:
Curlever on Brawna

I also had this hilarious thing happen. To start with, my friend the burlesque doyenne was telling me she was on jury service. I grumbled that I never get asked to go to jury service and she said I am too subversive! That's pretty rich coming from someone who got a tax rebate on their tit job (and very fine they are too:p), I was very flattered.

Then I got this email:
I have been informed that one of my clients has a link on your website pointing towards them. They have expressed the desire to have this particular link removed. I was hoping you would be kind enough to either remove this link and any further links pointing to my client’s website or forward this message to the relevant team. The link can be found on:
[address of blogpost about how to write good wines up as background to smut]
I hope this isn’t too much trouble for you?


I had this wonderful image of someone spending their day anxiously crafting a polite email to the tiger lady erotica writer. I of course wrote straight back politely saying I had removed the offending link, and to my great delight the guy wrote back again to thank me so I was able to say:

Not at all. My sincere apologies for any embarrassment your client has suffered.
My butler will be round shortly with the broken link on a chased platter - as soon as he has served my matutinal cognac.

Sadly, he then wrote to say it was just that some software had thrown up the association between his client's business and erotica as some kind of spam, and he was writing to a number of people who seemed to be linked to his client in a spam-y way. For a minute I actually thought someone had read my lovingly crafted blogpost on fine wines! :rolleyes: LOL.

I'm just back from a wonderful week in Rome. Piglet and I tromped all over the eternal city, and saw the Colloseum, Raphael frescos and the Garibaldi monument. And ate lots and lots of gelati! The food was sensational. We went shopping everywhere from a Sunday flea market (for something for the cats! geddit? :D) to the designer boutiques of Piazza di Spagna, and brought back everything from Roman Holiday fridge magnets to a steampunk edition of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

Just before I left I had fortuitously posted Curl4ever's review of a story about female gladiators :) I did think about it while going round the Circus Maximus and the Colloseum.

I'm just catching up! I only have one message space in my PM Box so I'm going to have to do some cleaning before I reply to everyone. And the maisonette too - there are a lot of feathers flying, as the cats brought me something this morning to welcome me home :rolleyes:



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Good to see you back.
I liked the SPQR ironwork.
"the Senate and People of Rome" I believe.
Aww, good to catch up with you guys again.

Some more pix.

My first proper caffe latte! Mmmm.


Ancient Roman snacks in a glass case in the Colloseum. Such hypocrites, there were huge signs everywhere telling us we were not allowed to eat anything.


And the Vestal Virgins. I don't think I'd have been a very good Vestal Virgin. At least I've managed to keep my head! :cool:



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Welcome back. :rose::kiss:

Sounds like a fun holiday. Educational and entertaining.
Curl4ever's second review! A really nice choice.

Anyone else who would like to contribute reviews, do get in touch! I would love for there to be more guest posters.
I am v. excited, Curl4ever has written a poem, which is about women - and which is dedicated to me! He puts that feeling of having many different sides so well:

Internet Feminist

I don't want to write all about the poem and spoil it for you, although I seriously like it. I liked it even before I realised it was dedicated to me! I am v. slow about these things, LOL. Give it a read and a vote.

Perhaps especially for mums, I have also written this blogpost. If you're still sucking up tiny plastic high heeled shoes in the vacuum cleaner, check out the Barbie Parodies. They're so funny! Actually anyone who either loves or hates the infamous blonde dolly will laugh their socks off all through these films.

I wrote to the makers of the Barbie Parodies on Facebook to tell them I'd done this review. I'm always a bit anxious in case people I've reviewed say I have done them a terrible injustice (although as a rule I'm praising the uh ... artistic endeavour I'm reviewing and saying lots more people should read/view it). Anyway, Sam and Mickey said: "BLESS YOU AND YOUR INCREDIBLE BLOG!!! You 100% get us, and that makes us obscenely happy. Thank you for your words!!! Xoxoxo"


Honestly, things are going so well in the internet writing world that I don't know why I bother with the teaching! What's that? Earning money? Really, dahlink, so vulgar! (But necessary, LOL.)
I thought of Naoko when bidding on a lot at our local auction tonight.

I had some good-humoured flak from the other people at the auction but I was the only bidder, winning at the reserve price of £12.

What did I buy?

The lot description was "Erotic Balls".

They are two small balls about an inch in diameter, made in three glued together pieces of ivory, with a central hole from top to bottom and engraved in black with a naked Japanese couple. No safe sex - sorry Naoko.

On one she is sitting; he is kneeling astride one of her legs and oddly it could appear that she has the penis (and breasts) and is penetrating him. Behind him are ferns. Behind her is a low fence with flowers above it.

On the other he is lying down while she mounts him cowgirl style. Behind her are chrysthaneums; behind him a stylised landscape.

I will try to take pictures tomorrow but the whole scene on each cannot appear in one photo. I have to turn the balls to get the 270 degrees of the engraving and their heads are on the upper third.

I think they are well worth the £12.
Someone needs to tidy up their pm box.

Looking for another one to review?

Here's one of mine:

A Fine Romance.

A :kiss: from the good little witch.
On one she is sitting; he is kneeling astride one of her legs and oddly it could appear that she has the penis (and breasts) and is penetrating him. Behind him are ferns. Behind her is a low fence with flowers above it.

What makes you think they aren't two males? A whole area of Japanese art (Shunga). I've got a collection of short stories coming out on Shunga in the next couple of months. I've seen a lot of transvestite art from a few centuries past.
:D Ogg, the Japanese balls sound delicious! Maybe if you get someone to slowly rotate them while you take a panoramic shot?

Oh dear, I must have a real good clean in my PM Box! I have tidied out a little space there for those who are trying to message me. I did have a bit of space but it suddenly filled up, partly with this nice song someone sent along, which I'm listening to while I drink a coffee and see the wind rustling in the trees outside.

Fantastic! lots of stories to review! I am bumping Hot Summer Reads up my list at the moment, to try to get them in before a promotion day they have coming up. Then I am going at the review blog as hard as I can. Curl4ever has got the bug and is contributing too. I mean to do two reviews per week: one for weekends and one on Tuesdays in case anyone is having a slow week ;) and needs inspiration.

Glynddah! :heart: you have been on my mind as I have somewhere in my capacious pockets ;) your piece on sex toys and several stories to review. I will gladly check this story out first though. And thank you too Zeb! I will give yours a whirl asap.

Hullo Pilot. Look forward to your transvestite stories! Shunga, I'm sure you realise, is the erotic art of the Floating World (Ukiyo-e). It's mostly heterosexual and sometimes depicts two men and more rarely two women. My favourite is the octopus one! which I am unable to reproduce here as it contravenes the bestiality rule :devil: Apparently one of the key writers of Ukiyo-e joked that since there are no goddesses listed for about three generations in classic Japanese history, the gods must have been gay, LOL.
You do know you can export your PM's to your local computer if you for some reason wish to retain them? Then you can just delete them all and have a brand new nice and clean inbox. You can to the same for those sent PMs.
Erotic Balls - Pics

At the second attempt I managed to take pictures of the two erotic balls and resize them for Lit:






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More of the Balls

Here are some more pictures of the erotic balls:







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Ogg, why don't you place an ad on the personal forum for someone to pose for illustrating them in use?

I don't think they are meant for THAT use, more as an encouragement to do something.

I think they were. And the hole in each? A cord for ease of removal, no? They're not quite round, either - off-centre to create random tumbling while the user walks...

Why don't we get a volunteer to try them out that way to see if they do the job?:devil:
I think they were. And the hole in each? A cord for ease of removal, no? They're not quite round, either - off-centre to create random tumbling while the user walks...

Why don't we get a volunteer to try them out that way to see if they do the job?:devil:

The holes are centered. I'm not happy about lending them for use because I think they are antique, possibly earlier than C20.
The holes are centered. I'm not happy about lending them for use because I think they are antique, possibly earlier than C20.

OK, they're your balls to play with as you will.;)

(My "off-centre" was in reference to the centre of gravity, since the balls aren't completely spherical, not the hole. I'm still in favour of experimental archaeology, however.:D)