name 1 thing a democrat has done to improve the economy since 1980


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
Can anyone name 1 thing .... that any democrat has done to improve the economy since 1980?

I can wait ...
Clinton had a massive surplus

name the last Republican that had that....ever

what did clinton do? I can wait .... as once again, you got nothing but thank you for trying.

watching you squirm is like watching a cockroach. keep on living that failed dream!

sadly, who ever comes in after obama has one fucking mess to clean up

obama, the pile of shit
what did clinton do? I can wait .... as once again, you got nothing but thank you for trying.

watching you squirm is like watching a cockroach. keep on living that failed dream!

sadly, who ever comes in after obama has one fucking mess to clean up

obama, the pile of shit

economic surplus


holy fuck, you're dense
Clinton had a massive surplus

name the last Republican that had that....ever

That had nothing to do with Clinton. If you have to credit the gov., credit the GOP who controlled both houses of Congress and compelled Clinton to reduce some of the entltlements for which Dems are notorious. But the real reason for the surpluses was the huge profits being reaped in the dotcom boom and the taxes that were paid on them. This had nothing to do with government or either party.

ETA: To answer your question, Ike had several small surpluses, the last until the dotcom boom.
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That had nothing to do with Clinton. If you have to credit the gov., credit the GOP who controlled both houses of Congress and compelled Clinton to reduce some of the entltlements for which Dems are notorious. But the real reason for the surpluses was the huge profits being reaped in the dotcom boom and the taxes that were paid on them. This had nothing to do with government or either party.

this was of course the expected answer... something bad happens under a's their fault..something good, nothing to do with them
I did.. you ignored it...don't blame me for you being stupid

damn it, that's not really fair! billie clinton really did something...he really did! that's why the economy was really, really, really good during those years! he reallly did....realllly
damn it, that's not really fair! billie clinton really did something...he really did! that's why the economy was really, really, really good during those years! he reallly did....realllly

so the surplus didnt exist in you reality?
Can anyone name 1 thing .... that any democrat has done to improve the economy since 1980?

I can wait ...

President Clinton raised taxes on the rich. He did not raise them nearly as high as he should have, but he did raise them. He also cut the military budget. That is why he left office with a budget surplus.
damn it, that's not really fair! billie clinton really did something...he really did! that's why the economy was really, really, really good during those years! he reallly did....realllly

The economy really was good under Clinton. There were lots of jobs. You wouldn't know, because you did not take one.
President Clinton raised taxes on the rich. He did not raise them nearly as high as he should have, but he did raise them. He also cut the military budget. That is why he left office with a budget surplus.

and what value does raising taxes do...other then punishing those for being successful.

so its by raising taxes that the economy started to hum at a good pace.
The economy really was good under Clinton. There were lots of jobs. You wouldn't know, because you did not take one.

again, name one thing that Clinton did.

I realize that you have no idea what success is, as you are a coward of a man that is lacking his balls. hence, that's why you work in the library
which was actually a massive debt.. ahhhhh trickle down economics.. really, its' not like getting peed on from the rich, really

But Reagan's Massive debt was obviously Carter's fault!

Trust me, you don't win with my mom, just nod and go, "Yup"
which was actually a massive debt.. ahhhhh trickle down economics.. really, its' not like getting peed on from the rich, really

again 1 simple question. what did Clinton do?

admit it , you don't have a fucking idea as all of you obama people have no idea what the economy is (other than a welfare check), you people have idea what a P&L statement looks like, have no idea what Cash Flow means
But Reagan's Massive debt was obviously Carter's fault!

Trust me, you don't win with my mom, just nod and go, "Yup"

can't forget about run away inflation and interest. home loans at that time were around 14-20%

democrats fuck up the economy and a rep comes in and fixes things. sadly, Bush made mistakes with his wars.