Naked Cleaning Service (Closed for DrStein) pm for an appointment...

Logan scooped Lily up bridal style and carried her across the living room to his bedroom. Everything about his house was furnished simply, but with decor that matched his unusual personality. Band posters, mementos from his travels... A coyote skull sat on his dresser. The mirror had photos from around the country stuck to the edges. The bed itself had a dark blue comforter draped over it with an elaborate wall tapestry hung up behind it.

He set her down gently on the bed and removed his shirt. A medicine pouch and a pewter medallion hung over his chest, which he removed reverently and placed on the night stand. His lithe body was toned and fit with dark curls on his chest leading down his stomach and disappearing under his jeans. On the front of his left shoulder was a tattoo of a heart wreathed in flames.

Logan climbed onto the bed and straddled Ivy. Cradling her face in his hands he kissed her passionately.
Ivy laid there and watched him remove his shirt. As he come closer her heart started to flutter and butterflies started to breakdance in her stomach. Stop it she told herself silently. You weren't this nervous when you lost your cherry.

As Logan came in for a kiss Ivy again closed her eyes. This time it was different. She could feel his desire, and his passion. She kissed back tentativly reaching up and caressing his cheek. her other hand lightly rested on his pec felling his warmth, and his strength.

Ivy shivered in anticipation, knowing this man was going to make love to her like no man before, and make her reach heights of ectasy very few woman ever even hear about and even less achieve.
Between kisses they shed their clothes. Logan's touch was slow, deliberate and methodical. "You don't have to be nervous," he whispered in Ivy's ear. One hand went to her breast and slowly kneaded her flesh while the other went down between her legs and rubbed her pussy. "You're beautiful. So very beautiful. You've got perfect skin, a gorgeous body and such a lovely face."
Ivy blushed at these comments and shyly turned her head away from Logan. She was feeling a bit vulenerable. She wanted this to happenbut for some reason she was self concious about the scar on her left calf and thefact she wasn't quite as slim and toned as when she was on her schools track team.

She allowed Logan to remove her clothes, but she didn't help. She readily returned his kisses, and opened herself to his touch, but she hoped he wouldn't notice all her imperfections.
Logan traced his lips down her neck and over her shoulder, the hair of his beard tickling her skin as he went. He reached her breasts and his tongue began to circle and flick one of her nipples. His hand at her pussy became more insistent until finally he dipped one finger into her. He could tell how nervous and self-conscious she was becoming. It wouldn't be the first time. Some women allowed themselves to be carried away in the moment, others were more self-conscious from being unaccustomed to this sort of attention. For Ivy, the best thing he could do would be to not stop. If anything his touch became more insistent.
Ivy decdided to go with the flow, and since she was flowing...

She laid back and closed her eyes letting the sensations Logan was calling up from her wash over her body without distraction.

Her hand found his arm and she grabbed it firmly to keep herseof somewhat anchored. She could feel his muscle and sinew as he moved his arm isside her body. SOmehow felling thar was even more intimate than having his fingers inside her.

She shuddered through a mini orgasim, and smiled as she beganto relax and calm down from her initial apprehension.

Ivy slightly shifted her hips to get his fingers ontoher gspot and sighed when they made contact.
He felt her juices flow around his hand and knew she was loosening up more. She guided his hand and quickly figured out what she was up to. He curled his fingers inside her so that the calloused tips rubbed her g-spot. His mouth and opposite hand continued to focus on her nipples. He wanted to hear her moaning. He wanted her to scream with pleasure. And he knew how to make her once she let go of her reservations. "That's it," he said in a throaty whisper. "I want you to cum for me, Ivy."
Ivy noded and bit her lip, suddenly self concious again. She forced herself to relax, and enjoy what was happening to her body. She took in a deep breath and held it for almost a minute before exhaling.

She then started to use some breathing techniques she learned in Kama Sutra and Tantric sex workshops. These never failed to relax her, and always allowed her to increase her, and her partners enjoyment.

She forced herself to open her eyes and stared deeply into Logans. Unlike most guys who's eyes were filled with lust and desire, his only showed concern for her.

That more than anything set her mind at ease and she was able to start really enjoying his skilled hands and mouth.

"Kiss me again" she whispered, wanting to taste him as he brought her to the peak of pleasure.
Logan saw and felt the tension leave her as she asked him to kiss her. He smiled and obliged, leaning forward again to capture her lips. His talented hands continued to work her body as his tongue licked at her lips asking for entrance. He played her body like a fine instrument, using the sort of care and precision of both a musician and a compassionate lover. His fingers inside her began to rub her g-spot harder and faster. The more she relaxed, the more he gave her.

It was a shame that her previous encounters must have been with thoughtless brutes interested only in their own gratification. Logan couldn't conceive of sex as anything less than something for both parties to enjoy. A man who couldn't please a woman was hardly a man at all.
Ivy parted her lips and Logans insistence. As their tongues danced, she inhaled the breath from his mouth. She wasn't sure why but suddenly she felt stronger, braver, more confident. She wasn't sure if this was her brain or if there was something mystical and/or extraordinary about this man. But either way she was ready to give her all to him.

She relaxedc completely and let herself become his, to please, to tease, to enjoy as he saw fit.

Her body tensed as she felt pleasure waves ripple outward from the center of her being. Instead of weakining like ripples in apind they grew in intensity like an earthquake. The waves reached her extremities and started a return journey intensifying the pleasure.

All these waves started to converge on the focal point of her pleasure until she could take no more, then she erupted. Her fluid exploded out of her like Mount Vesuvis spewing Lava into Pompeii.

She heard someone in the distance making loud unintelligible sounds, she wondered why the voice was so familiar when she realized it was her. Her body was convulsing, as every once of fluid in her drained out from the hole between her legs.

After days of uncontrolled spasms Ivy was able to start to control her breathing. She couldn't believe how wonderful that was. While she had squirted before, the orgasim itself was the most intese experience of her life.
Ivy's squirting release and the way her body quaked from the intensity of her orgasm was a beautiful sight. Logan continued to touch her until she finally came down. He kissed her cheeks and then her lips and smiled down at her. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" he teased. He ran a hand through her hair as he let her recover.

Logan considered women to be his one true vice. He had had steady girlfriends, one night stands, friends with benefits. It wasn't for him a matter of conquest or bragging rights. In fact, he seldom talked about his experiences with anyone. They were intimate moments to be enjoyed behind closed doors. The mutual vulnerability, passion and intense pleasure was something far more profound for him than it was for most men he knew.

And now Ivy was here. Mike had told him he called up her service as a favor for a friend. And Logan would agree, he had been neglecting his social life trying to go full-time with his music. However long this lasted, he was grateful that Ivy was here, willingly giving of herself and he would make sure the time was as good for her as it was for him.
Ivy lay there catching her breath and trying to keep the warm afterglow from fading too quickly. She felt Logan kissing her but it was a distance away. She felt like she was glowing and was more content than ever before in her life.

As her senses slowly began to reawaken to the world around her, Ivy realized that she was exceptionally thirsty. "I need a drink of something", she said her voice croaking. She reluctantly let go of Logans arm and smiled at him in gratitude for the gift he had bestowed on her.
Logan returned her smile and helped her off the bed. As he turned toward the door, several scars on the lower left side of his stomach and back became more visible. They looked like short slash marks, four in total. Two of them still had the marks from where the stitches must have been.

He placed his hand on the medallion on the nightstand and lingered a moment before moving back to the kitchen. He got out a glass and filled it with water from a filtered pitcher. "Ice?" he asked in a soft voice.
"Please" she squeaks out, sitting down since her legs were still weak.
Logan placed a few ice cubes in the glass and handed it to her. He stepped behind her and started rubbing her shoulders. "I'm guessing that was a little more than you were expecting," he said in a conversational tone. "I can tell you're experienced, but would I be right to say that you're used to men being concerned with their pleasure first?"
She drank the entire glass in one gulp, "Can I please have another?" she asked.

I have had guys both in my personal and professional life who only cared about their needs. But most had at least some concern for my pleasure. I usually got at least one sometimes two or three, but all of them combined, wouldn't come close to the intensity of that one. How the fuck did you learn to do that?"
Logan refilled her glass and retook his place rubbing her shoulders as she spoke. "Easy. When I'm with a woman I listen." He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Being good in bed isn't all that different from being a musician or learning any other skill. Figuring out what a woman wants isn't that hard if a man will just listen to her."
Ivy brows furrowed. "But...bit often woman aren't even sure of what they want, so how can you figure out what the woman herself doesn't even know."
"Most people are bad at figuring out what they want, actually." Logan stepped out from behind her at that and sat down across from her. There was a wistful, reflective look in his face for a moment before he continued. "I learned a lot of things on my journey. I learned how to read people from a lot of different teachers. An FBI detective in Virginia. A tarot reader in Arizona. A police negotiator in Illinois. Eventually you learn to separate the unconscious messages from the conscious ones and the former is where you find the most interesting information."

There was another thoughtful pause before Logan went to reheat the tea pot. "Let me put it this way. I knew you were getting nervous because of the way your lips and brows moved. When I touched you, I could feel the tension in you. You were so confident before that I knew you were experienced. I took a gamble and figured you weren't used to a man or at least a client being that attentive. When you started to relax I figured I'd guessed right. If I hadn't, I would have tried something else to help you relax.

"As for your orgasm? Well, I just had to listen to your voice and pay attention to how you moved to figure out what you liked.
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Ivy noded in understanding. "If you could teach what you know, you'd be a very rich man." She said sitting there wondering what else the afternoon had in store.
Logan laughed at her remark. "Maybe some day." As long as he had enough money to keep making music it wasn't all that important to him. He lived simply and his tastes, while specific, didn't average out to be very expensive. He poured out two more mugs of tea, draining the last of the pot. He put one in front of Ivy and sipped from the other himself.

He was content to spend this moment in a comfortable silence. He sipped from his tea and looked into Ivy's eyes with a soft smile on his face. Her pale skin was still a little flushed from her orgasm. He simply sat there taking in and appreciating how beautiful she was.
Ivy took more time with this cup, pondering what she had learned. She sipped the hot tea slowly, feeling a smidgen self concious about the casual nudity. She had always been doing something while naked before. Never just sitting still letting a practical stranger gaze at her body.
Ivy seemed to be at a bit of a loss without something to do. Logan was used to taking time to himself to reflect in silence but forgot at times not everyone was like that. When they finished their tea, he stood up and offered a hand to her.

They walked out into the living room together and sat on the couch. He took a warm throw from off the back of the couch and pulled Ivy into his lap as he wrapped the two of them up in it. Logan held her in his strong arms and looked deep into her eyes.
Ivy felt like a little girl in her fathers lap, safe and secure and warm. She leaned against his chest and began to tickle his wispy chest hair.
Logan let out breathy little chuckles as she played with his chest hair. He responded by giving one of her nipples a playful little pinch. "We've still got time before I have to do some recording. Shall we pick up where we left off? Or do you want to play it by ear?"