Naked Cleaning Service (Closed for DrStein) pm for an appointment...



"Neat n Naked...where our girls suck better than hoovers. How can we help you?"
"Hi, I'm calling on behalf of a friend. His name is Logan, he's a professional musician. He's been working his ass off gathering a following online for his music and he's now making enough from it that he quit his day job and now does music full-time. Trouble is, he hasn't been getting out as much. I thought your services might be what he needs to loosen up a bit and celebrate his hard work."
"Well aren't you a nice friend", came the familiar sexy voice. "So tell me about Logan the musician. What he likes in girls and in bed."
"Well he's pretty open about it, so let's see... The biggest point would be that he really likes Goth girls. He's not a fan of piercings below the neck and there is an upward limit on tattoos, but you know that ethereal, mysterious kind of look? The whole Morticia Adams/Lily Munster thing, he really digs that. He also told me once he's got a thing for stockings. Fishnets, striped, whatever. Said he can't really explain why, he just thinks they look really hot.

"What else... He likes demure girls. Makes him feel protective. He doesn't go for the master/slave thing but he does like a girl to beg and scream a little in bed. He knows how to get what he wants, but not like aggressively. He's a smooth sort of guy. I've seen him literally charm the pants off of more than one woman.

"Oh, that reminds me. I should probably mention that he's very spiritual. He's an animist. He actually spent 5 years wandering the country by himself. That's how he picked up his beliefs. You don't need to find a girl who shares them, and he's not interested in converting people. I just thought I'd mention it because it's important to him and ideally I'd want him to have a girl who'd be cool and give him his space when he goes into shaman mode.

"One last thing. I'm sure your company is strict about this, but I just want to make sure that none of your girls have any other, um... commitments. See, shortly before Logan came back to the coast, he was... the other guy in an affair, but the girl didn't tell him that. It ended with him being hospitalized when her boyfriend found out and grabbed a knife. Needless to say he's... cautious."
" So a goth girl with only a few tat's and facial pierceings only, who's cool with his spirituality. I can defintly find that. As for the caution, all our girls who are involved in personal relationships have the full and enthusiastic consent of their partner. the partner has been screened by a psychologist to make sure they are emotionally able to handle their loved one doing this."

Keys start to clack on the keyboard..."Hmm, nope not her, how about...Yeah I think..., Definitly not...BINGO"

I think I have the perfect girl for Logan.

Ivy 25 5'7" 35-26-33 137lbs.

Ivy is trying to start her tattoo business. So she works for us trying to save money to get her shop up and running. She also works at renfests as a witch/fortune teller. She only has a few small tat's in strategic locations, none of which can be seen in the picture provided. She is rated 8.9 by her clients.

"Let me know if this profile fits the bill, or if I need to continue my search."
"Ivy sounds really good, but just for the sake of argument, can you find any others that fit the bill? I don't want to sound like I'm being picky or anything, I just want to know what all the options are before I choose one and send her over."
"Well we don't usually do this, but I will send you the pictures of our other Goth girls and why I rejected them. There is one other possible, I will send her profile last.


Rejected because her entire body from shoulders to knees is one giant tattoo.


Rejected because she has more holes in her body than most pincushions.


Rejected because she is a total pain slut and hates vanilla sex.


Rejected because she lists Goth as one of her interests but several clients stated she was a wannabe...


Rejected because she is a brand new employee, who has not completed her training sessions yet.

Felony 27 5'3" 28-34-30 120Lbs.

Felony (Yes that isher real birth name) is a goth girl who loves all things dark and mysterious. She has a very interesting tattoo on her back that has to be seen to be believed. Otherwise she is free of tattoos and piercings except those on her face. She loves to roleplay anything from vampire to demure virgin, and blood play is a huge turn on for her, though it is not required for her to have fun. Rated 8.1 by her clients.
"Thanks for indulging me on this one. That said, yeah I'm going to go with Ivy. I just wanted to be sure I picked the right one. Logan's been a good friend to me and I wanted to do him a solid.

"He lives in a ranch house on the beach at 23 Surf Drive. How soon can Ivy be there? He's going to be busy busking this weekend, so if she could show up on Monday, that would be great."
The appointment is scheduled for Monday early afternoon. She will be there in the outfit in the picture. Anything else we need to know?
"I think that about covers it. I'll let him know what to expect. Thank you."
Ivy pulled up at the address and parked her car. She climbed out wearing the outfit in the picture with some fishnet stokings. She shivered inteh cool air, and walked up to the house. She paused a moment before knocking on the door, and shrugged her overcoat off so the client could see her outfit as sonn as he opened the door.

She raised her hadn and rapidly knocked 6 times. She stood there waiting for the door to open, ans goose pomples rose on her skin.
Logan was sitting on the sofa with a guitar in hand doing a simple picking exercise while watching the news when the knocks came. Mike had told him what to expect and would readily admit that he was curious to see how this would all go. He put the guitar aside and went to answer the door.

The woman standing in front of him was beautiful, though the mild chill in the air probably made her outfit more uncomfortable. Though the seasons here tended to be more mild, that didn't mean an early morning in the fall was always going to be ideal for shorts and sandals.

Logan himself was tall and lean with a sun-kissed tone to his skin from all his time outdoors. He was fit with a handsome rugged face framed by long locks of dark, curly hair. Dark eyes showed a worldly experience and gentleness. A neatly trimmed beard added to the rugged look while emphasizing his jawline. He was dressed in jeans, cowboy boots, and a Led Zeppelin T-shirt with the sleeves cut off, which showed the tattoos on his arms. The one on his left was a stylized image of a wolf or coyote, obviously of Native design. The other was of a Hopi dancer.

"You must be Ivy," he said in a warm baritone. Though he knew how to play multiple instruments, Logan's greatest gift was his voice. Years of practice had virtually weaponized his pipes. "Please, come in." He ushered her in like a gentleman, closing the door behind her and taking her coat. He hung it up on the wall next to his own denim jacket and smiled at her. "Obviously I'm Logan." His eyes quickly flicked up and down, taking in the sight of her without leering. "Would you like something to drink? I don't keep coffee, but I have something of a tea hobby."
"A nice warm cup of tea would be awesome. While you do that for me, should I get ready to work, or are you happy with this outfit for now?"
"I think you look lovely right now," Logan said. "I'll get the tea started. At the moment, the only thing that needs immediate attention would be the dishwasher. Come on." He took Ivy's hand and led her into the kitchen. The dishwasher had only just finished a few minutes before she arrived and he showed her where everything went as he prepared a tea pot and got the cups, leaves and strainer ready.

"Tell me a little about yourself. I understand you're a tattoo artist?" His tone was pleasant, conversational and friendly. It was clear he knew exactly what Ivy was here for, but he still played the part of the gracious host and sounded genuinely interested to talk with her. After all, Logan had little taste for rushing into things. Better to take things slow and savor the experience. He loved people almost as much as he loved music and if a beautiful woman was going to be staying in his house for the foreseeable future, he wanted her to feel welcome and safe.
Ivy smiled at the rugged handsomeness of her current client. "Jus tso we're clear, the small talk is n't necessary. I'm a sure thing, but since you asked..."

She told him about the first time she used one of those 4 color bvic pens to create this really cool drawing that won first prize in a national art contest. Then how she started to buy multi color Sharpies and create designs on her friends in JHS and HS. She was always invited to parties to do her Sharptats as her classmates called them. Later she started doing face painting, but that was too...uninspiring. She continued her story with her henna tattoos at festivals until she met this body painter. He used her as a model, while teaching her how to create wonderful and amazing images on naked flesh. SHhe wrappe dup her story by saying how she hated her art was disposable, like a paper plate. She wanted her work to have more permenance, to be seen by many people years after she did it. Not washed down the drain when some poser got tired of playing.

"So that's when I decided to persue Tattooing as my life work. I've already finished the licensing process, so I am fully licensed and certified by the state. I own my own gear, and have worked several fairs doing work, mostly college kids wanting to piss off mommy and daddy."

She looked at him finishing up the tea, making shure he wasn't bored with her story. She could tell he was actrually listening to her, something her ex boyfriends never really did, especially when she was dressed like this. "I'm taking some business management and marketing classes so I can learn how to run and market a business. I hope to have my own shop up and running within 24 months." She smiled at Logan.

"So, how did you get into music?" She asked trying to chang ethe subject.
Logan smiled when she told him that she was a sure thing. He knew full well what the arrangement was. Still, that was no reason to be rude and demand maid services in between a session between the sheets. He listened to her story as he carefully prepared a pot of tea. Since it was a cooler morning, he decided on oolong.

Ivy finished her story around the same time that the tea finished steeping. He handed her a cup gently as it was still steaming hot. "Taiwanese oolong tea. Good for mornings like this. Has a little more body and a very rich taste. This one has a bit of jasmine to it, said to stimulate the passions." He said it casually without calling any unnecessary attention to his words. They both knew what was going on.

Logan took his own cup and sat down at the small table in the kitchen. "There's a bit of a story to it. I grew up an orphan. I was kind of introverted at the time, and after I heard Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel on the radio one day, music became my constant companion. I learned to sing. Bought a cheap guitar and taught myself to play." That he moved so quickly through his childhood made it clear it was a subject he didn't usually like to talk about.

"When I was 19... you might say I hit a low point so I sold most of my stuff and hit the road. I hitchhiked across America for 5 years before I came back to the coast. Taught myself to play more instruments and started busking between day jobs. I post most of my stuff online. Took some time but I got enough of a following that I can now do music full time." He sipped his tea, savoring the taste. "It's been rough here and there. But I think things have a way of working themselves out eventually."
She smiled at Logan. "I hope your words are prophetic for me." Ivy said sipping her tea. "OOh thats nice. Where can I get some of this?" she asked taking a long sip finishing almost half the cup in one swallow.
"There's a tea house on Atwood Street that imports a lot of exotic loose leaf teas. It's called The Cherry Tree. I used to play open mic nights there." Logan held his hand out to Ivy across the table. When she took it, both his enveloped hers and he slowly massaged her hand with a gentleness that his rugged appearance wouldn't suggest. "You're a beautiful and charming young woman. I'm sure you'll find a way to make things work."
She smiled at him, feeling a weird sort of connection like they were mated in a past life or something. She had never been so comfortable around a man before, especially one who was such a stranger.

Ivy just sat there and let him do as he pleased, enjoying the peaceful vibe eminating from this strange and wonderful man.
A beeping went off in the living room. Logan flicked his eyes that way. "Excuse me a moment." He got up and went to the next room where he picked up his phone and looked over it. His eyebrows went up but he said nothing. He put the phone back down and returned to the kitchen.

He held his hand out to Ivy silently asking her to stand with him. He brushed a few loose strands of hair from her face before resting his hands on her shoulders. "There's not much work to do around the house today. I generally don't leave much of a mess. That begs the question of what we should fill the rest of today's schedule with."
Ivy decided to have a bit of fun with Logan

"Well there's lots we can do. We can
  • Read a book
  • Play checkers
  • Steam clean your carpets
  • Clean your gutters
  • Organize your clothes by color and fabric
  • or I could give you a manicure
Unless you have a better way to pass the time?"
Logan smiled at the joke and decided to roll with it a bit. As he walked behind Ivy and wrapped his arms around her waist, he pretended to think about it. He leaned in so that his lips tickled her ear as he spoke. "Well, let's see... Regarding my wardrobe, the upside is that it won't take long to sort 150 concert T-shirts by color. It's all in the closet in the bedroom. Perhaps you'd like to take a look?" He gently ran the tips of his fingers in lazy circles along the pale skin of her stomach as he said all this. There was something curious about the way he moved in that he seemed to only expend exactly as much energy as was needed at that moment. Where ever he was, that was where he wanted to be.
"Hmm...The bedroom you say..." She leaned back into his masculine body surrendering to him, and allowing him to do as he pleased. "I bet after showing me you Tee shirt collection, you;ll find another reason to keep me in there, and then you;ll need to take off your shirt then suddenly we'll be naked on your bed do nasty things to each other. Am I right? Because if I'm not right, then I'm not interested."
Logan let out a small laugh at that. He leaned down and trailed soft kisses along her neck as his arms tightened around her. "You are a guest in this house after all. And I would never want it to be said that I wasn't a good host. So I think I can indulge you in that." His hand gently tilted her head to look at him and he placed a lingering kiss on her lips.
Ivy closed her eyes as their lips met, and she recieved a light tingle in her lips as they pressed against Logans. She stayed there for a moment not moving with her eyes closed trying to capture whatever that feeling was, but it was fleeting and in mere moments it was gone.

"Carry me", she whispered. "Carry me to your bed. Let me please you the way you've pleased me, if I can." Her eyes were downcast. She felt completely inadequate to satisfy this unusual man. She never felt this way before. Ivy knew she was an excellent lover, but Logan was on a completely different level, one she didn't think was possible. She definitly didn't want to leave him unsated.