Mystery girl in my closet


Really Experienced
Oct 25, 2012
Here's something that I came up with! It sounds a little bizarre but I think it could be a really hot story!

19-year-old stud comes out of the shower wearing a small towel. It's nighttime and his parents sound asleep in the next room. He goes to his messy bedroom. He goes to his closet to look for his pajamas. He opens the closet door. A mysterious beautiful woman appears from the closet. In shock the boy drops his towel exposing his 8in penis. Before he could even react mysterious girl passionately kisses him to shut him up! His mind goes lost. His body becomes numb. His penis gets hard. Out of breath he asks her who she is. Her only response is "Your lover". She puts both her hands on his shoulders and guides the teen down sitting him on the edge of his bed. The mystery girl gets on her knees and grips the boys penis. As the horny 19-year-old trembles The girl gazes at the teenager with lust. They share the moment in time. Then she plunges his monster sized penis in her mouth. The dark hallways are silent except for the passionate moans emitting from the young man who goes through the journey of sexual paradise.


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I'll make it 12 inches!

A little constructive criticism:

My experience with reading and writing stories on this site has led me to believe that women aren't turned on by extreme size. Not to any significant degree, at least. You won't make a female reader orgasm and give you a "Favorite" by writing about a woman getting pounded by a 12-inch sperm rifle, if the exact same words would've just made her yawn if the cock was only 5-inches.

Erotic writing works when the reader can feel the tension between the characters; when they are led to share the characters' physical cravings. They want to watch as rationality and composure decay into wild, primal frenzy. They want to feel the many tactile pleasures of a good, multi-dimensional fuck - not just the penis in the vagina.

The mental image of a cock too long to even completely fit in a vagina is nowhere near as exciting to the general audience as you might think.

If, on the other hand, you were pretending to believe that 12 inches is normal, as a subtle way of implying that that's what you see in the shower every day, let me assure you; nobody will fall for that.

Aside from the size thing, though, your idea certainly has potential. :)
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Yeah, I almost want to write it. I wont say there aren't dicks that big in the world, who hasnt heard of Lexington Steel, but even on a gay social network the often biggest is nine inches. Granted six is average size, twelvers are around, yeah but only time they touch pussy is in porn- even in porn they are the minority. Give the guy eight and thats usually enough. The first four inches of the vagina has all the feeling anyway. Something like that. Anything bigger than ten might get a shoe thrown at it.
According to his Fetish & Sexuality thread, he (the teen boy his "story ideas" on his two SI threads are based on) is actually packing 16 full inches of cock. Not 15, and not 12. :rolleyes:
I'm not certain what the angle of the story is.

Is this a cock worship story where the woman 'needs' to be with him because of his extreme manhood? If so, how did she know about him? Is this a story about a complete stranger becoming his lover without his applying any effort other than having a cock he can toss over his shoulder? Is is a magical appearance (is she from an erotic Narnia? Is he from erotic Narnia also but doesn't realize it and thus explains his giant penis?)

Or is this just a quick wank story about a woman and a guy with a big cock?
I think you have to register a 15 inch cock with the UN or risk getting sent to GITMO. Every time you turn you risk knocking out anybody near by and if a pretty girl walks b you while you're driving you could pass out from blood loss.
I like a idea of having the mystery girl being a complete stranger becoming his lover without his applying any effort other than having a cock he can toss over his shoulder. As well as the girl being his cock worshiper because the woman 'needs' to be with him because of his extreme manhood!
I like a idea of having the mystery girl being a complete stranger becoming his lover without his applying any effort other than having a cock he can toss over his shoulder. As well as the girl being his cock worshiper because the woman 'needs' to be with him because of his extreme manhood!

So have you ever talked to a girl who wasn't on your computer in a porno?
Apart from his size, I'm assuming that no one cares how she actually got in the closet?
The way I see it, a writer gets one "what if" per story, but no more. That is to say, the story is an exploration of "what if...." some certain thing, which isn't true in the real world, were true for some reason within the story. And the writer gets to explore and extrapolate on that idea.

"What if there were a mysterious girl in your closet" is a valid one. Where do you go from there? Anywhere you want, as long as the rest of the story stays believable and follows its own rules. You get to hang on to that one "what if" because it is the premise to the story, the reason it exists.

Or, you could write a story based on "what if a 19 year old had a 15 inch penis?" People might question it as unlikely, but that's okay; you are dong a "what if" on this concept and spinning out from there.

But..... if you try to shoehorn TWO "what ifs" into the same story, you are abusing the privilege. You are no longer exploring a hypothetical. Now you are just making shit up. And that leaves readers cold.
Yeah, I almost want to write it. I wont say there aren't dicks that big in the world, who hasnt heard of Lexington Steel, but even on a gay social network the often biggest is nine inches. Granted six is average size, twelvers are around, yeah but only time they touch pussy is in porn- even in porn they are the minority. Give the guy eight and thats usually enough. The first four inches of the vagina has all the feeling anyway. Something like that. Anything bigger than ten might get a shoe thrown at it.

AFAICT from googling, the largest verified is 13.5 inches.

I remember hearing about one fanfic which was so unrealistic that one reader noted: "IT COULD GO ON DISNEYLAND RIDES BY ITSELF!"
Alright get off my back! Jeez! I'm open to compromise! I'll make it 9 inches how do you like that?!
Alright get off my back! Jeez! I'm open to compromise! I'll make it 9 inches how do you like that?!

I like how you have absolutely no idea about the problems with your idea, and think it's simply a matter of changing a number to a different number. Random girl, in a closet, just fucks a guy. No tension. No motivation. No setting, even. Fuck, they might as well be in space. At least then there'd be more mystery, i.e. where did this woman come from? The concept is fundamentally flawed. I recommend you start over entirely from scratch.

It's possible to write a story that begins with a mysterious girl in your closet, but you can't go right to fucking. Where'd she come from? Do they know each other? How did she get there? It sounds like you had a dream and wrote it down, and honestly, I can't tell if you were dreaming yourself as the guy or the girl, considering your inordinate love for monster cocks.
Can I please write this story too? I got a title, backstory, plot, all that stuff you're leaving out. I wanna write this so bad, I'll name the kid after you. It'll be a nice break from what I've been writting, could probably make it two chapters. Okay... I'm so writing this. There should be a contest to see who can write the best version.
No objections at all! Only thing I ask for is that all writers take only the concept! Everyone writes their own unique story! And one more thing! You can write the story but all I ask for is that I have some small credit! Example! Story written by ???. Concept created by sillybilly!