My weed dealer is a Trumper


Literotica Guru
Apr 9, 2019
But she delivers and has a nice ass so its all good. I can look past the stupid.
Word around town is shes a bit of a whore as well so yeah.
The weed is usually good but sometimes meh. The fucking gorilla glue strain put me on my ass and I got a healthy tolerance.
Not sure if thats a fuck you to Trump or libs. Either way I'm high AF in the evenings and don't care.
My weed dealer is several hotties who work in a dispensary that looks like a stoner's version of an Apple store.
There are stores about an hour away but prices are not good enough to warrant the drive. That and I'm lazy.
Move here. Our dispensaries are all over the place and even have lockers to pick your shit up after hours along with free delivery. I just paid $50 for a 1/4 of the kill. Delivered.
Here in northern California I saw several grow operations started by Trumpers who mostly lost their asses as the price tanked. Greed weed was not the investment they were hoping for.