My Story Series


Hot Stuff
Feb 12, 2024
Hi, I'm April, writer of 2 Story Series - 'April - From Teen To Street Hooker', and 'April - My Life On The Game' - and just wondered if you fancied reading 'em and see what you think. All very true to life, boo.


A x
Maybe add a link here?
Plus, add one in your signature.
If you have created a manual series, there is an option to reorder them.

Some random thoughts:

I find the dots distracting... Even keeping them to... to a standard ellipsis... you would have a lot of them...

Scantly is a valid word, but in reference to clothing it's scantily.

Something of a pet peeve of mine, but:
Let me back-track a little here;
Explicit backtracking always irritates me. Just do it, don't say you're doing it.

Don't use numbers for simple quantities. I was eighteen. She was two years younger.
Last edited:
If you have created a manual series, there is an option to reorder them.

Some random thoughts:

I find the dots distracting... Even keeping them to... to a standard ellipsis... you would have a lot of them...

Scantly is a valid word, but in reference to clothing it's scantily.

Something of a pet peeve of mine, but:

Explicit backtracking always irritates me. Just do it, don't say you're doing it.

Don't use numbers for simple quantities. I was eighteen. She was two years younger.
Hi boo,

The dots, I use as a pause. Valid point on my spelling. The numbers thing, boo? I just find that putting the same shit all the time is boring (incoming use of dots!)...for me...and for the reader! I try to write a little different each time. Probably not successfully. But, thanks for the feedback.

A x