My own views on sexual passion have gone out of fashion several years ago

Aug 11, 2024
When some form of “neo” puritanism started to gain popularity again. Almost worse than existed in the 1950s and early sixties.

So I look and crave for getting to know a woman with an “ancient-by-now” mindset. A mindset which does NOT automatically chastise a man with a desire for passion.

I have been way too lucky in my younger days, as I met women who ticked like me. So in case YOU see yourself as a woman not corrupted yet by today’a mainspeak, I ask you to write back to me. So you and I can talk with each other like two longing and craving people used to desire this, about four or five years ago.
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Some more thoughts on my ad almost a month ago. It may well be impossible to discover YOU today, dear woman I keep looking for. Because what I look for in you includes a huge amount of trust. And trust these days is being driven down to close to zero.

It seems to me, only a woman who feels desperate voids in her life will ever consider doing what I asked for in my ad. Now I ask you to consider this in addition: I felt desperate enough to post my ad, with my invitation to you inside. And indirectly I admitted much about my own voids and weaknesses this way.

So you rasing your hand, and in private too, cannot really be detrimental to you. Do you agree with me here?