My New Year Resolution (but under desperate measures)


"Simply.....the best"
Jul 25, 2000
As I had stated several months ago, I haven't been to Lit or the boards for a long time (almost a year now) because I was in the process of doing alot of research in hope to begin persuing one of my greatest dreams......powerlifting. I've been doing it for over a decade but was never able to attack it like I have lately. Back in 1996, I lost a drastic amount of weight and bodyfat and began taking my powerlifting more serious. At 240 pounds, I was benchpressing 300, curling 120, deadlifting 400, and leg pressing 800. However, that was with the assistance of lots of sports supplement and strength enhancement drugs. Once I got off of the drugs, most of my strength was still with me, with the exception of the bench press. And in a matter of time I began gaining most of my weight back, despite my efforts of exercising.

So my New Year's Resolution of 2003, as is millions of others, is to lose the weight again (mostly bodyfat). But unfortunately, I plan on doing it under desperate measures. I managed to find someone who sells a substance that I used back in 1996 (it was banned in 1997 from the market) that enabled me to lose the weight. Technically, it isn't a drug but it is a banned supstance. I used it for the 1st time this morning and it gave me a great energy boost for my workout. :confused:

What's weird is that I spent 11 years in law enforcement and believing in the "Say No To Drugs" hype. Now it's more like "Say No To Drugs.....unless it's there to help you achieve your goals.":cool:
bluemuse said:
Just say no to drugs.

That's easier said then done. I've been bodybuilding/powerlifting naturally from 1985 to 1997. I remember when I first got started into bodybuilding, I believed that anyone can build their body into the "temple" that they desire. Give it that great defination and tone, if you will. Then, sometime in 1986, I remember reading in a USA Today newspaper 2 profession competitive bodybuilders making it plain and simple by saying, "You cannot achieve any bodybuilding success without drugs." These were 2 of Joe Weider's (owner of the International Federation of Bodybuilding) cronies who offend preached about being drug free. But now, they told the truth. While I remained natural back then, I couldn't help but wonder how many kids who looked up to them no longer believed that they can become built like those 2 guys without steroids.
lilminx said:
Have you ever thought that it might be banned for a good reason?

Actually, it wasn't. The directions on every bottle clearly states that "the product should not be used if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disease, liver disease, cardiovascular disease, or if you're pregnant". Also, it states that the daily amount should not exceed 3 tabs a day.

One woman used it and died, despite the fact that she had a heart condition. And a college kid had a heart attack and died from it because he took 3 times the maximum dosage so that he can cram for a final exam and later drive to his parents' house for the weekend. Because several people fucked up, everyone else has to suffer for it.

Just a word of advise folks, please don't take too many Tylenol pills for your headache or FDA might ban that too.
Drugs and training

Well sorry to hear that you use such things. With most of the crowd that I am with those slobs just stuff there hole with food and drink. I am not a pro. I an am Highland gamer. These two groups of guys both mix and mingle amongst one another. There are a few that use substances, and then there are those that just live long and throw far. I hope to be one of the latter. Check out a site nasgaweb.

The "substance" is basically known as ECA stack. That is, ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin. Ephedrine is a thermogenic supplement that elevates the heart rate, suppresses the appetite, and serves as a diretic. Caffeine is also thermogenic. Though caffeine hypes the body, it is usually temporary. So the ephedrine heightens the hype. Lastly, because ephedrine elevates the heart rate, aspirin is used to thinnen the blood so that it flows better through the heart. When used together, these 3 items helps the body burn fat much faster during aerobic and/or cardivascular exercising.

I, first, learned of this when reading "Sports Supplement Review-3rd Edition" by Bill Phillips (owner/CEO of EAS Sports Nutrition & Muscle Media magazine). I was using the ECA stack back in November, 1995 and in a little over 4 months managed to lose 60 pounds with 20% bodyfat loss.

Today, the herbal style of ECA stack is being used in most weight loss products such as Hydroxcut, Metabolift, Metabolife, Stacker 2, etc. But in many cases, they aren't as effective as the real ECA stack.
If my body was a temple, it would be for the worship of beer and Marlboros.