My Life is Fucking Fantastic - experiment


Sep 4, 2001
I'd love to stay a little longer, but I have to get back to my fucking fantastic life.

Have I told you all that everything is coming up roses for me? Well, it is, honestly. I couldn't ask for a better Fall and Winter. I'm happy.

Yay me!
cool :)

things are pretty good with me too i like when life without anything special having to happencan just be simply wonderful :)
Wonderful news, CK!

Why is your fucking fantastic life or was that fantastic fucking life an experiment?
:D mine's not going to badly at the moment either.

alot of it has to do with total apathy towards my job *lol* but oh well.
morninggirl5 said:
Wonderful news, CK!

Why is your fucking fantastic life or was that fantastic fucking life an experiment?

Waiting on the experiment part .. check in later :cool:

But, thank you :D
I'm actually between fantastic fucks at the moment.

I'm hoping for one hell of a Christmas present, though.
I had a fantastic fuck on Saturday night actually. It was kind of nice, as I haven't had one in a long time. I hope you get yours for Christmas.

I'm assuming this is an experiment to see if a happy good news thread will stay alive?
celiaKitten said:
I'm actually between fantastic fucks at the moment.

I'm hoping for one hell of a Christmas present, though.
For some terribly dysfunctional reason, those "Kinky Santa" theads popped in my head when I read your reply.

I've noticed the impending finals period has upped my libido. Probably just a twist on the old procrastination bug. :p
Mischka said:
For some terribly dysfunctional reason, those "Kinky Santa" theads popped in my head when I read your reply.

I've noticed the impending finals period has upped my libido. Probably just a twist on the old procrastination bug. :p

LOL ... what - no visions of ornament-style nipple clamps dancing in your head?

Heh .. those would up my libito for and entirely different reason. This whole professor thing can get a little kinky :eek:
No images of nipple clamps, but I did see a fireworks display of pink crystals last night.

I haven't had a single professor worth fantasizing over. Considering I'm a mere semester away from graduating, the future's looking non too bright on that front.

So what's making you brim with happiness? Or did you just want to share the general good vibe with us?
Mischka said:

I've noticed the impending finals period has upped my libido. Probably just a twist on the old procrastination bug. :p

For once, mine hasn't kicked in.'ll get even better when Bucky arrives....;)


yay for you and your damn cool....<big smile>
Mischka said:
. . . I've noticed the impending finals period has upped my libido. Probably just a twist on the old procrastination bug. :p

Same here. Always happens during finals. In my case, though, it's usually because several women end up disrobing in class for their final projects.

This time, there are other reasons, too.
Hamletmaschine said:
Same here. Always happens during finals. In my case, though, it's usually because several women end up disrobing in class for their final projects.

This time, there are other reasons, too.

You really are living the dream man.

On with the expiriment Celia! Science is fucking sexy.
Like the Av Celia..... now I need some of that happy life.... send it over. ;)
Hamletmaschine said:
Same here. Always happens during finals. In my case, though, it's usually because several women end up disrobing in class for their final projects.

This time, there are other reasons, too.
If disrobing would work for Oil & Gas, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Beats the pants off studying that horrid subject.

Good to hear there are "other reasons" in your life. :)
What's making me brim with happiness and who fills me to the brim are really one and the same ... and I'm not in my professor's classes, but he's certainly worth perving on. :kiss:

Pink crystals?

Ginny ... I will kill Bucky, you know this. He's Hamlet .. don't you dare send me one!!!

other reasons .. do tell, professor.

glamglamglamglamglam! Hi :) Love your av, babe!

Sunny - science is sexy .. but monkey pants are sexier.

I think I can declare the experiment over now. :) Thank you.
That's the beauty of a nutria rat for a pet, can kill 'em and eat 'em, too! ;)

k....i'll lay off the rat stuff....i am just thrilled to see you and tha professor so radiant, happy and in love.....