My house is overrun by ants.


Jul 29, 2002
This is not a surprise, but I just had to complain.

*sigh* I like ants, just not all over my kitchen. Of course, I have to thankful that it's just ants and not.....anything else. Eek!

So, as spring rides it's furry tails of pollen and insects through my home, I am once again reminded to be thankful that I am here to enjoy this day.

Allergies and pests, oh my!

So, how is your day so far?:)
BgMma99 said:
This is not a surprise, but I just had to complain.

*sigh* I like ants, just not all over my kitchen. Of course, I have to thankful that it's just ants and not.....anything else. Eek!

So, as spring rides it's furry tails of pollen and insects through my home, I am once again reminded to be thankful that I am here to enjoy this day.

Allergies and pests, oh my!

So, how is your day so far?:)

hmmm.. bgee,, I tell you some things And I only did it once...

I talk to the ants.. I told them in two days I am gonma SPRAY poilson...

and if there don't listen And evacuate in two days ..

I .will kill them all.... coz of mt religen.. I do NOT KILL even a tiny little ant.

coz It's a *LIVING* thing... And i just can't do it...

so please do not LOL ON that... And It's not a joke.

And untill to day Almost three years now...

I have NOT SEE one ant crewing around...

It's justA magic to me.

hmmm.... well ...

do as you wishhhhhh...:eek::eek:
I know how you feel.....I haven't deliberately killed any of them, and since they aren't hurting anything, I leave them alone.

Just annoying......*sigh*

But, I think I will talk to them. It also might help if my four year old wasn't quite so sloppy, but that is normal! :D

What is really cute, is that the Outlaw likes to play with them. I can hear him in the kitchen, they are crawling on his arms, "bug,bug, bug". he likes to bring them to me, so I can see he likes the bugs. It is just too cute, I tell you!
BgMma99 said:
I know how you feel.....I haven't deliberately killed any of them, and since they aren't hurting anything, I leave them alone.

Just annoying......*sigh*

But, I think I will talk to them. It also might help if my four year old wasn't quite so sloppy, but that is normal! :D

What is really cute, is that the Outlaw likes to play with them. I can hear him in the kitchen, they are crawling on his arms, "bug,bug, bug". he likes to bring them to me, so I can see he likes the bugs. It is just too cute, I tell you!

I observe the sociaty of Ant .. I have an ANT box...

And I watch them... they dig holes,, And the farming too...

they will bury hte seed they found ...

and just A very instresting sight.. And do that like I do lit ...

non stop.. And I have A snial farm too.. A tiny glass tang...

And i see them makes love And have babies...

and Like to play spyder... And ... all the boy stuff...

BUGs... YES !!!! I like... hehehe.... :p
Yes, it is nice to be loved, isn't it, Rhys. I just thought Hanns would hide it better.

As for you, Hanns, someone who claims to be so intelligent makes an awful lot of spelling and grammatical errors. Try again, twat.

Gusty.....I would like to get an ant box, but I wouldn't be able to keep it away from little fingers.
I have a large amount of respect for the entire animal kingdom. I try to think about what I do and how is affects the rest of the world. Keeps me grounded.
