my hands smell like garlic


Nov 14, 2001
from cooking today. someone please tell me how to remedy this.

or just talk to me about anything. make lit more interesting than my homework so that i can justify staying here. (hint: this will not be hard to do)
MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... garlic!... sorry.. can't help ya.. nope... won't remedy a scent that I love. :D
If you rub your fingers on a spoon under running water it gets rid of the smell immediately.
seXieleXie said:
you mistake me for someone with enough money to purchase name brand laundry soap :)

When it works, you'll owe me. Bigtime.
You're here?
I'm glad you found someone woman enough to keep you away- congratulations!

So, you're busy making the lab computer keyboards smell like garlic?
now that my garlic problem is resolved you people must continue to entertain me. don't make me pull up all the threads frimost started in my absence. that wouldn't be pretty.
patient1 said:
You're here?
I'm glad you found someone woman enough to keep you away- congratulations!

So, you're busy making the lab computer keyboards smell like garlic?

i'm not here. i'm somewhere else, writing a paper. really, i am.
seXieleXie said:
now that my garlic problem is resolved you people must continue to entertain me. don't make me pull up all the threads frimost started in my absence. that wouldn't be pretty.

I actually got Frimost to concede to my point in a debate thread.

I know, it must be a sign of the Apocalypse.
No, wait, dammit, it was Killswitch. I get all the bigots mixed up.
seXieleXie said:
pyper you make me so proud


I'd dig it up for you, but you're probably not in the mood for eight or so pages of stuff you've heard a million times before. But sexy-girl did bring up your expert opinion (it was a homosexuality thread).
seXieleXie said:
i'm not here. i'm somewhere else, writing a paper. really, i am.

Then we'll have to entertain you to keep you there doing what you need to do.

By the way, which have you, in fact, done more recently-
write a paper, or dial a phone?;)