My First Story Is Posted!

Nov 22, 2002
My first story has been posted. I am pretty happy about that.
Right now I am running a 3.5 rating, which I am also pleased with. It appears that ten votes have been cast.
I also want to thank The Earl, and Deliciously Naughty for their contri's to my "Time" thread.
I am a new writer, and had no idea you both had so much experience here. Perhaps I was too hasty in rejecting you're experience based opinion's on the time it takes to be posted after submission. Although my busy webmaster theory also has to have some effect on timeframes.
I am reading through all of the tip's from authors and learning a great deal. Hopefully I will apply what I am learning and write better stories. I dont know if you have anything in the tip's area DN, but if you do I will find it, read, and learn. Besides the enjoyment factor, I am also sure that much can be learned from your submissions as well. I have read your tips labled The Ten Commandments Earl. And I will also go to school when reading your submissions.
I appreciate both of your efforts and involvement here at Literotica. As I am sure many others do.
Thank you.......
I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...............