My daughter's hot and foxy friend.


Yes, but-
Aug 27, 2013
(Please PM before posting. Initially looking for one female, but ideas to expand the story are welcome.)

I finally have the house to myself. And because of rebuilding in my office, I have the rest of the week off. Even better, my wife and daughter are both out of town for a "just-us-girls" long weekend. Bliss.

I decide to celebrate by pouring myself a nice drink and planning my unexpected vacation at home. As I sit there pondering, I absentmindedly switch through the TV-stations with the remote.

The sound of lustful moaning brings me back. I've accidentally switched channels all the way to the adult ones. There's a porn starlet on the screen, writhing in ecstasy as a man pounds away at her. As the initial shock wears off, it's replaced by horniness and a distinct stirring in my pants. DAMN, but she's hot! Slender body with long legs and large perky breasts and cascading red hair, the young woman on screen is nothing short of a goddess.

I'm struck by the realisation that she's quite similar to my daughter's best friend, Sheila. I've seen her often enough around the house, and I've sometimes had a hard time remembering that she's only as old as my daughter. Her freckled face that goes with her red hair and her blue eyes that at the same time seem innocent and mischievous often pop up in my fantasies.

I start tugging at my dick while watching the movie, willing myself to be the man fucking the redhead (no, Sheila) on screen. As her moaning intensifies, so does my lust. I'm moments away from coming when there's a knock on the door. I hurriedly switch off the TV and tuck my boner back in my pants. "In a minute!" I cry while buttoning and zipping my pants.

As I reach the door I look through the side window. My heart does a backflip as I realize it's none other than Sheila! Her short skirt and long stockings accentuate her long legs and her shirt outlines her tits beautifully. I compose myself as best I can, then open the door.

In what I hope is my normal voice I say "Hi Sheila!"
Sheila smiled when Amanda's dad opened the door. The young woman was all dressed up and ready to have some fun. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail, and her proud 38F tits bulged out of her shirt in clear contrast to her taut, narrow stomach.

"Hi, Mr. Johnson," she chirped. "Is Amanda home?" She thought she detected a conspicuous bulge in his pants.
I was taken aback by this vision of beauty standing at my doorstep.
After a few embarassing moments I managed to stammer "Am-Amanda is out of town with her mother this weekend" I felt as smooth as sandpaper on gravel.

I'll never know what posessed me. Maybe it was the drink. But I heard myself follow up with "Would you like to come in?" I stepped aside and held the door open for her, all the while being very much aware of how incredibly hot she looked and how nice she smelled. I caught her eyes wandering down to my crotch, and I was very much aware of my still conspicuous hard-on.
I hesitated, taking in the sight of his crotch. I should have been offended that this dirty old man was staring at me so. Yet part of me was feeling a bit daring and thrilled. Occasionally, I'd seen pictures, on the internet, of older men's cocks, close up. I decided to play along with Mr. Johnson.

"Sure, why not?" I said, stepping inside. I made a point to slide close enough, just so my enormous F-cups lightly brushed his chest.
She- she came in. Not only that, she accidentally brushed her magnificent tits against me. I desperately tried to compose myself.

"Like I said, my wife and Amanda are out of town, but if you'd like to, you're welcome to hang out here. Maybe join me for dinner?"
(God! What was I thinking!?)
"That might be nice," I said. "I'll have to tell my brother that my plans have changed." My brother's still a kid, and I was going to drag him along with me and Amanda. "Will it be long?" I ask, refering to when dinner would start.
"Will what be lo-oh you mean dinner!? Hahaha, I'll start on it right now"
After desperately removing my foot from my mouth I retreated to the kitchen.
I chided myself. She's young enough to be my daughter! I MUSTN'T think of her that way!

After a few minutes I felt composed enough to call to Sheila. "Would you like something to drink? We have sodas in the fridge. If you want some, just come in here and help yourself!"
"Oh no, I'm fine," I say, pulling my phone out from where it's tucked inside my bra, squeezed against my over-sized breast. "May I watch TV while I wait?" I head over to the living room, and plop myself on the couch. I start to text my little brother.

((Someone else should play Amanda. If no one else does, though, I might play her.))
"Sure, the remote's on the table!"
As I absentmindedly prepared dinner my mind started wandering.
Something was off. But what? Here I was, getting control of myself and preparing dinner for me and my daughter's (sexy) friend while she sat in the living room watching the... TV.

Oh God. Did I switch channels before turning it off? I don't think I did!
I sent my text to my brother. He wasn't too disappointed. I figured he was a bit embarrassed, being forced to hang out with a couple of girls who still thought he was 4. No doubt he was already making plans to hang out with his own friends. I switch on the TV, and blush. Someone was taking advantage of being the only man in the house. On the screen, a ruggedly handsome man was making love to a cute redhead. I blushed as red as my hair. So that was why Mr. Johnson's johnson was so hard. Part of me felt foolish for thinking he was excited to see me. Then again, he's old enough to be my father.

It takes me a minute to change the channel. I hope I didn't embarass him. I decide not to say anything about it. I know men: they need to get thier jollies. My brother has his own private porn collection, and I myself like to catch a naughty video or 2 online when I'm bored and horny.
For a moment there I could have sworn I heard moaning from the living room.
Just to make sure, I pop my head around the door and check on her. "Everything OK?"

The sight of her absentmindedly texting set my heart racing again. If only I were younger and unmarried! Then it occurs to me: she's of legal age and considered an adult. Hm. I had to think this one through. Temptation was starting to overcome me.
"Yeah," I reply. "I'm fine. There isn't anything good on." I can't take my mind off that bulge. I know it's creepy, but part of me starts fantasizing about walking into the kitchen, and finding Mr. Johnson with his fly down and his dick out. I shudder, partially out of disgust, partially out of excitement. Perhaps I shouldn't stay for dinner. But I said I would, so I will. I always keep my word.
I throw out the bland fare I'd initially planned and find the recipe for Margaret's (my wife) signature spaghetti dish. After blurting out some excuse about having to start over because the food was bad, I start preparing a more delicious meal. Then, I open a bottle of red wine.

By some sudden inspiration I call out to Sheila, "Could you come and help me with the food, please?" I prepare a glass of wine for the both of us, unsure whether or not she drinks.
"Sure, I'm coming," I say, rising from the couch and going to join him. He's not exposing himself, and his penis is quite again. He apperently just wants to adopt a daddy/daughter role - and not in the sexual fetish sense. I ignore the double glass of wine. I'm an honest girl, and I'm not going to drink until I'm 21, and can handle it. "How can I help?" I ask.
I stifle a gulp when I see her walking through the door. She's fast becoming an obsession of mine, I must control myself. I point to a cutting board and ask her to please slice the garlic and onions.

She refused the glass of wine? Huh. "You know Sheila, in most countries the legal age of drinking wine and beer is 18. We're letting Amanda drink wine under our supervision, and we cut her off if we think she's had too much. The point is to teach you girls to drink responsibly. Sure you won't have some? I won't tell if you won't." I give her a quick wink.

I make a point of not standing too close to her. At first.
"No thanks, Mr. Johnson," I say, beginning my chore. "I'll follow the law of the land, and wait till I'm 21." I decide to tease him a little. "You wouldn't be thinking to ply me with that wine, would you?"
I laugh. The laughter is tinged with nervousness as she's seen through my plan.
"Ply you? Now why would you say something like that?" I ask her in a light tone.
Whatever suaveness I posess has apparently again taken refuge as I'm left a blundering babbling idiot before this innocently seductive young woman.

"I'm not going to push you but if you change your mind, feel free to tell me."
As I again start working on the meatballs I'm aware of her presence, and the smell of her perfume mixed with garlic and onions. It's intoxicating. I steal peeks at her, and my pants are again starting to get tight. I hope she doesn't notice.
"No, it's okay, Mr. Johnson," I laugh. "I know you wouldn't do that to me. Nothing of the sort." I continue chopping. It occurs to me this is quite a fancy meal Mr. Johnson was preparing. Red wine and pasta. Amanda was always joking about how nasty and inedible her father's cooking was. It seemed Mr. Johnson was going a bit out of his way.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to impress me," I joke, handing him the cutting board containing the chopped spices.
"Impress you? Oh, well, I wouldn't say that. But, you know, when I have such charming company like you I try to go the extra mile." I smile as I say this while I turn to take the chopping board from her.

I grab the board as well as her hand holding it. For me, time freezes as my mind simultaneously races and lingers. It lingers in the warmth and softness of her skin and races because a part of me is still fighting the urge to seduce and take advantage of this young woman. I look at her.
I smile back at Mr. Johnson. His hand feels very warm, and strong. I'm surprised I haven't noticed it before. I wonder if seeing his bulge - even if it was only lingering after seeing a porno - has excited me in some way. I've never thought of him sexually before, but part of me really wants to see more of that cock of his. I want to give him a hug, and not just a daughterly hug. I want to feel his erection brushing my leg...

"'Charming company?'" I tease. "I think you are trying to impress me. You think I'm 'charming.' I'm only Amanda's stupid friend."
"Stupid friend? Aw sweetheart, don't put yourself down like that" I say, not letting go of her hand and moving a fraction of an inch closer to her. "And trying to impress you? You've got it all wrong Sheila. I've always appreciated you coming to visit us. Only now, I have you all to myself. No scampering off with Amanda to talk about girl's stuff."

Did I just say that!? I did.
She's teasing me, but does she seem a tad uncertain? I look into her eyes, still not letting go of her hand.
Did I hear him right? "All to himself"? Part of me told me to leave right then and there - wrench myself from his grasp and run. Perhaps smash that cutting board right on his head, and go out through the back sliding glass door, if I had to. Thank God, he didn't have a back fence, so I could just run into the street screaming. Yet instead of being smart, I decided to prod him just a little bit more. I wanted to see how far he was willing to go.

"How long have you 'appreciated' my visits?" I asked. "Were you showing your appreciation when I first got here?"
"My appreciation when you got here? What do you-? Oh..."

I blush like a schoolboy. Should I lie to her, treat her like what she is, namely my daughter's best friend? Or should I be honest with her and possibly alienate her forever?

I tried to buy some time by taking the cutting board from her, my body protesting that I let go of this young woman whose mere touch sent an electrical jolt up and down my entire body.

"I've always been fond of you, Sheila. You and Amanda have been friends seemingly forever. But lately I have noticed that you are no longer a cute little kid, but a young woman. And a very beautiful young woman, if I may be so bold."

I gently put the board away and looked into her eyes again to show I'm being truthful with her. I tried to take her hand again, ready to pull back and apologize if she seems frightened or upset.
I smirk at his words. "You finally noticed," I joke. "I've had the biggest boobs in my class since 5th grade, and have been flaunting them for just as long, and you finally notice! That's sweet of you." I sort of mean that last statement. At least he's honest, yet gentle. He flatters me. There's as much genuine admiration in those words as there is pent up lust.

"Well, you're not so bad yourself. You're big, strong, and mature. I wish all boys could be as handsome and well-mannered as you. I already have a little brother, and he's perfect. I don't need any more. But that's all the boys at school are to me, until thier hormones take over and they just become horny jerks. I really wish I could meet a man like you."
I'm taken aback. I'd honestly expected her to slap me or at least yell at me and leave. My shoulders slump as my pent-up nervousness leaves me. More relaxed now, my voice steadier and calmer I reply seriously: "Oh, I've noticed, all right. Your breasts, your legs, your eyes, the way you flirt, and so much more!"

I pause. That came out a little condescending. I quickly add: "And thank you for flattering an older man with your kind words, Sheila. That meant more to me than you can imagine." I move in even closer while talking, my chest less than half an inch from her breasts. I can smell her hair, breath, and perfume. I am almost overwhelmed. I have a raging hardon again, but I manage to show the restraint she just praised me for.

But I so want to sweep her into my arms and kiss her.