My dad had a stroke.


Apr 8, 2002
sympathy grab on

I found out today he had a stroke and is in the hospital. They think it's due to a scope he had done last week - mostly because his cholesterol levels are quite normal, and it happened right after the procedure. He has some memory loss, difficulty forming words at times, and little to no function on the right side of his body. They got him out of bed this morning and he's a 2 person assist. I left him resting, until they wake hm up in a bit for some therapy tests.

He's only 67 yrs old, and very active. He talked about lying there and just dying. It's so fucking hard to see him like this. He's always been a very strong man, very upbeat and tough as nails. He got prostate cancer a few years back and I think it kicked the shit out of him, because he hasn't been the same person since. He looked so tired, and defeated lying in that bed - having to use his left hand to move his right to see his watch. He didn't even know what day it was today. I hate this.

/sympathy grab

Sorry, you don't need to respond - I just needed to put it into words - I'm so upset.
*hugs you tight*
I'm sorry to hear he's had a setback, Freya... but you know your dad is a strong man, and I know that, once the shock wears off, and once he gets back on his feet and his physical strength returns, his emotional and spiritual strength will return as well. He will be in my prayers, and I will light candles for him.
:rose: I am so sorry. I am glad you shared--it does so much damage to keep this worry and pain inside.
Freya no sympathy grab, hope everything works out! :rose: :heart:

Kepp a strong will and hope for his recovery!
My best to you and your father.

I've been where you're at and know quite well what you're going through. Do take care and continue to give the both of you compassion and love.

The one thing I like most about this place is that for some they are willing to open up and share what is going on and are willing to risk what may be posted after that.

My thoughts go out to you Freya.
I'm so very sorry, Freya. *Hugs*
I will keep positive thoughts for your father, and send healthy energy his way.:rose:
Wow, hon, I'm so sorry. I wish I had the right words, although I know there aren't any, really.
I am very sorry to read this. My dad had one a couple of years ago, I know how scary that is for you.
Freya, I hope he's recovering. My dad had one at 56 (15 years ago) and he's still doing great. He had a little bit of paralysis that's still with him and causes him to limp a little, but it doesn't slow him down much.

I hope he bounces back. Huggggs to you.
I hope that you and your father will be ok. It is tough seeing someone you love suffer and feel bad about themselves. I will keep you both in my thoughts.
Thanks to all of you. I really appreciate the support - it's so hard to see this, but I can't even imagine how hard it is for him to be dealing with it.
I'm so sorry. You and yours will be in my thoughts and healing prayers. :rose:
If this helps...

My father had a stroke after a 'scope also. The doctor even told my mom that they probably knocked some plaque loose causing it..oops!? It did knock my dad's dick into the dirt, kinda shattered his feeling of immortality. His right side did come back, with some grip weakness in his right hand. His speech has cleared up, but his concentration seems to be lacking sometimes, he can at least get out and golf a few holes, which makes him feel like a million bucks.
He's lets my mom drive now, just to be on the safe side, which still makes him feel less than a man, a lot of it is mental.
The strength of the family also influences the healing, when my dad got depressed (All do), we'd talk him into putting on his game face and getting to therapy. He just needs to know his life is okay, and everyone is behind him, he's needed, and he's loved dearly. He doesn't want to be put away in a corner and avoided because of his perceived fragility. Get him involved in everybody's life, and don't treat him like he's less than a man, that's all.

Strength & Health to your Father, and to you and your family. :D :rose: :rose:
Freya2 said:
Thanks to all of you. I really appreciate the support - it's so hard to see this, but I can't even imagine how hard it is for him to be dealing with it.

You just knowing and understanding that will go a long way! Be open with him, he needs somebody close and intimate. As do you. Good luck!

My mother had a stroke a few years ago and she recovered for the most part with some therapy and time. It took her some weeks before she could begin to talk again and over a year before she could talk well. Now you can hardly tell she has a problem with speech/writing. If they catch it early enough the patient can often recover to some degree. Have hope, at least he is alive and it sounds like he is in possession of most of his faculties.
Very sorry to hear this Freya :(

I spent a few years doing volunteer work in a rehabilitation program for stroke victims - it was both painful to see people struggling with such loss, yet at the same time it could be incredibly uplifting to see the resilience and determination of patients and their families.

I hope your father makes a full, and speedy, recovery.
My grandfather had a stroke that left him without the use of the left side of his body, but after a lot of rehabilitation, he was able to gain quite a bit of control over his left side. I hope for the best for your dad, and hope that he too can overcome this. :)