My Crotch is Exposed!


Half a brick in the wall.
Feb 12, 2003
Ahhh, someone has gotta help me! My favorite pare of jeans are starting to wear out in the crotch, and even though I'll prob keep wearing them lol:D I would like to patch 'em up, but I don't even know if it's possible being that part of the pants gets worked so much just from walking. Anyone have any tips? Thanks for any help. :kiss:
AAAaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, someone must know. Or is it just, get a new pair of jeans you cheap ass :p
Take them to the cleaners and have them repaired ...
I'm specify that I wanted the patching material to be soft!!!
Just do a search on ebay for the exact same style and size. If they don't have it now save the search and have them e-mail you when somebody's selling it.