My Brother's Birthday (closed for one female pm me first please)


Really Experienced
Dec 27, 2007
( OOC: I am looking for woman to play my sister in a thread where she playfully and casually teases and seduces me. It is my 19th birthday and my girlfriend broke up with me and she would find me sad in my room as everyone else is downstairs waiting for me)

Name: Michael Bailey
Age: 19
Height: 6'2
Weight: 275
Hair: Brown shoulder length
Eyes: Hazel
Appearance: Muscular and very toned but not overly bulky and wearing blue jeans and a white t shirt that is very tight on my body showing how ripped his arms and chest are

Today is the day he turned 19 and his girl friend broke up with him on face book where everyone could see it. He stood in his room knowing he should go downstairs as everyone was waiting for him. Instead he was hiding in his room crying softly praying no one would find him as he began to do push ups to try and distract him from the pain she caused him.

Letting out deep breaths as he goes up and down his muscles flexing vigorously with each time he went down and tightened with each upward motion. Not knowing his sister was standing right outside his door watching him through his door which was cracked slightly. "68" He exhaled "69" He stopped in an upward position his arms and chest flexed as he held the pose "fuck! what am I going to tell mom and everyone else" He said to himself as he pondered whether to go downstairs or not.

"Fuck it" he exclaimed as he hopped up to his feet and sat on his bed drying his face off with a towel as his door opened slowly and he heard his sister's voice calling for him.
Tashia watched her brother quietly from the door way admiring his strong muscular appearance, knowing something was wrong due to the fact that he was doing push-ups and his girlfriend wasn't present at the party downstairs. He had always been attractive but in the last year he'd turned from hot to sexy, creating a whole lot of confusion for Tashia. Worried he would catch her spying she backed down the hall and called his name before reaching his door again and knocking.
Sitting on his bed as he wiped the tears from his face and then he got up and walked to the door opening it slowly

"Hey sis what's up?" He asked trying to hide his unhappiness as he walked back over to his bed sitting down

"Come on in I just wanted to get a little exercise in before going downstairs"

He said trying to throw her off the scent of his sadness and patting the bed beside him
Not fooled by his excuse Tashia sat in his lap, curling her arms around him. "Oh Mikey, I'm so sorry. She was terrible anyways and didn't deserve you."
She kissed him on the cheek "you don't have to come down if you don't want to, I can tell them you don't feel well, but maybe some birthday gifts are just what you need."
She rests her forehead against his with holding his face in her hands "what ever you want Michael, just tell me."
He sat shocked for a moment as his sister sat on his lap so casually and then kissed his cheek and though it seemed awkward at first he became relaxed when her arms wrapped around him and he smiled softly.

"Thank Tashia you have always been good to me"

Holding her tenderly in his arms as his fingers lightly rubbed her back in a reassuring manner

"I will be okay can you just sit with me for a bit"

Make no indication that he was aroused by her actions as he had never thought of his sister in that way though she knew he was starting to be aroused as his bulge pulsed under her thighs and he hoped she had not noticed thinking to himself how bad it was and wanting to hit himself because it was his sister. She made him feel so good all the time he was happy in her arms.

"Thank you for checking on me I would appreciate it if you did not say anything about my girlfriend to mom and dad"
"Of course I won't say anything. And like I said we can stay here as long as you want or I can even send them home."
Shifting her weight slightly in his lap she noticed the strain on his face.
"I'm not hurting you am I?" She asked suddenly very conscious of her weight and worried for her brothers genitals.
He chuckled softly at her question and held her head to his shoulder running his fingers through her hair.

"No not at all you are fine sis thanks for being so nice about this"

Slowly sliding one hand down her arm and resting it on her leg patting softly slowly adjusting himself as he felt his bulge growing in his jeans and he felt confused by the idea that his manhood was reacting like this towards his own sister but hell she kept moving around on his lap and it felt good and comforting to be in her arms if even awkwardly.

"Yeah sis let everyone know I am not feeling good and I am going to take a nap"

His hand inadvertently cupped her right butt cheek as he helped her up off his lap.
"Ok, I'll be back." She gave him one more kiss and made her way back downstairs.
About 45 minutes later the noise downstairs had quieted when Tashia finally made her way back to Michaela's room. She knocked softly of the door the was left ajar before walking in a slice of cake in one hand and a couple of gifts balanced in another. She took a moment to look at her brother in the dark, admiring his strong build, wondering how his girlfriend (ex-girlfriend?) could be so stupid to give him up.
"Are you awake still?" She asked quietly not wanting to wake him if he was.
He felt the tenderness and warmth of her lips as they touched his cheek and he took his shirt off then fell back onto the bed trying to get a hold of himself and stop thinking that way about Tashia.

"Damn it Michael get a grip calm down and remember she is your sister"

He said quietly to himself not realizing you could hear him say that from the hall way and resting a few minutes until he heard his sister call out to him from outside the room.

"Yeah I am away come on in"

He said as he lay there shirtless his arms resting behind his head his arms minor flexed as every muscle could be seen but not disgustingly so. He sat up suddenly as he saw her entering the room

"Hey there you did not have to bring that to me I would have gotten it later"
She smiled.

"I know, I wanted to. I thought you might enjoy some cake, it is your favorite after all."

She sat the gifts down on the bedside table and handed him the cake before getting under the covers with him. She wiggled close getting comfortable next to him.

"I told Mom and Dad you were sick and probably contagious so they won't be up here for a while."
He felt her climb under the covers with him and he shifted as now he was slightly nervous about this.

"Thanks sis you make me feel so much better"

He grabs the cake and takes a small bit then offered his sister a bite and as she went to bite he smeared the frosting on her face. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers giving a subtle kiss as he sucked the frosting off her lips.

"Sorry just trying to cheer myself up"
She giggled and returned the favor, smearing cake and frosting on his face just to lick it off. She shifted to lean over him kissing his face.
"Mmmm this cake IS good!"
He smiled lovingly at the playfulness of his sister and could not hide his reaction as her lips touched his face he placed his hand on her hip rubbing it softly a moment before pulling away.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to"

Turning his head away slowly as the laughter slowly ebbed into silence his smile getting replace with embarrassment
"Don't be sorry."
She smiled and gave him on last peck before sighing.
"I'd say we should open some gifts but... We seem to still be covered in cake."
She pulls of her now dirty t shirt revealing a pink lace bra and uses it to wipe the frosting of her face, then his.
"There. That's a bit better" she says triumphantly before handing him a small gift
He let a soft gulp escape his lips as he glanced at her bra and chuckled softly

"It is a good color on you sis"

He looked her in the eyes and smiles softly looking at the gift

"Thank you for the gift"

His thick legs rub softly against hers as he began to open the gift and then hugs her softly her breasts press softly against his bare muscular chest
"You're welcome." She says softly "I just hope I can help make you're birthday just a little more special.."
She curls up against him, entangling her legs with his, and shamelessly feeling his muscular chest and stomach.
"God you've gotten buff! When did that happen?" She says laughing
Lightly rubbing her back softly as she lay over me feeling her legs interlaced with his

"I have been working on this body for about six months now do you like it?"

Smiles softly hugging her tenderly and kisses her on the forehead

"Why are you being so nice to me sis?" Pausing for a moment before shifting slightly as her thigh rubs softly against his crotch

"Not that I am ungrateful it is just normally you ignore me"
"Well, first, it's you're birthday. I think I'm supposed you be nice to to you" she smiles and playfully rubs against him teasingly so.
"Second, I just didn't like seeing you with that awful girl so I avoided it. I'm sorry that you're hurt, but if I'm honest, I'm glad she's gone. Enough of the sappy stuff though please! We're supposed to be having fun for you're birthday! What do you want to do next? Unwrap more presents? Play some party games maybe?"
He laughed softly at her enthusiasm and hugged her warmly

"There are many things we could do but what kind of games do you have in mind?"

His hand now rubbed up and down her back and stopped as it rested on the small of her back
"Truth or dare!" She grinned wickedly. "Oh! And just to keep it interesting if anyone denies a truth or dare they have to give the other a kiss"
She rolled over so that she was straddling him with excitement over her new game, her ass resting on top of his groin
"You wanna go first?" Her smile almost as big as her face. In her excitement she couldn't sit still resulting in a constant friction against his now very hard groin.
He laughed playfully at the idea of playing that game with his own sister but then smiled softly

"How about I start with truth but try to keep it pg-13 " He laughed heartily

His finger tips massaged her softly as his hand rested on the small of her back
"Truth...ok, um if you could have nothing for your birthday what would you want to have?"
She smiled and wiggled again in excitement, secretly enjoying the feel of his hard groin beneath her.
He thought about it a moment and smiled faintly

"At the moment I would want to have sex with someone who cared about me as much as I cared about her"

He shifted slightly as his hardened bulge pressed against her thigh

"My turn sis truth or dare"
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"I want that for you too..," she said softly " you deserve that." Leaning forward she kissed him, just a soft peck, but this time on his lips, lingering for just a second.
"I suppose I'll do a dare" she said, smiling again
He looked shocked a moment and pressed his lips to hers tenderly then smiled at the feeling of happiness at her desire to make me happy

"Okay I dare you to kiss me again"

He closed his eyes as he waited