Mutual Gain (Closed to Milkmaiden38)


Just here for a good time
Feb 6, 2013
Hoping to escape from under the shadow of his family name, a young warrior ventures out of his home to Cartha, a giant castle town, to make his own way. Newly accepted into the Bart's Company guild, Erdrick arrives eager to get to work, only to find getting the letter of acceptance was only the begining. Having grown up a bastard of a local lord, Erdrick grew up wary of others, never taking what he didn't earn and asking nothing from those he couldn't pay back. At the guild he would soon learn he would come rely on the strength of others if he were to succeed.

Erdrick Greyson:

Son of Thorin Greyson, a great warrior and lord in the realm. Thorin Greyson was married to Lady Anabella Threton, the Thretons were a vastly rich family, own a great amount of land, and masters of trade. Erdrick was born a bastard, an illigetimate child his father had while away on a campaign for the crown. Thorin Greyson was loved and respected through the realm, as a kind man, who's only faults, prior to his indiscretion, was maybe laughing too loudly at feasts, or drinking a bit too much and acting a fool. Lady Anabella, was the opposite of her husband. She was cold, calculating. Like the rest of her family she was shrewd when it came to business matters, and very rarely ever showed emotion. Many said when Lady Anabella spoke, her mind was thinking ten other things as well, and when she smiled it rarely ever reached her piercing eyes. Her and Thorin had five children together, all spectacular in their own right. On the day Thorin brought home a bastard son, her fury was legendary. She shouted at him, slapped him, and all he could do was stand their in his shame. His compassion was what drove him to bring the boy back, copassion he knew Anabella did not share, but hoped she would allow the boy to stay. After her rage calmed, she told Thorin the boy could stay and live with outside their home, but she would never love him, would never accept him as one of her own. Thorin agreed. Erdrick, while loved by his father, grew up a very different life than his brothers and sisters. He lived with the servants and learned their trades. Every now and then Thorin would make time to teach the boy some skills in combat and dueling. Erdrick quickly became handy with a spear, and showed a propensity for a sword. Though he was terrible when it came to riding and using a bow. When he was 12 his father got him into the Academy to further his studies. Erdrick never excelled much in his peer group, though he stood out when it came to dueling, finishing in the top ten consistently at the end of term competitions. His time at the Academy was a bit of torture the children who's parents were nobles, and high class, berated Erdrick for being a bastard, he was picked on from the moment he arrived at the Academy. However the torment and ridicule susbised a bit in his later years, things tend to do that when you are six feet tall, have a decent build, and handy with a spear and sword. Erdrick has grown into a fine young man, he had his fathers broad shoulders and jet black hair, he eyes though were a light almost greyish blue, which father had told him where that of his mothers, he was hardy boy who complained little and asked for less. While the torment was quelled, he was never accepted by his peers, he cared little. His disdain for roaylty, nobles, and high class was well known. He didn't feel a birthright entitled a man or woman to anything, their actions and deeds were what made them who they were. And Erdrick was ready to make his own name. Upon graduation he was accepted into the prestigeous Bart Company guild, while not higest tier of guilds in the realm it was very respectable and well known through many lands. Erdrick was no fool, he knew very well his last name helped secure his acceptance in the guild, but was determined to show by his actions that the acceptance was justified.
Erdrick rode into the castle town of Cartha, the shops were a buzz with activity. Though not as busy as it was on the weekends, the Market was was always bustling with shoppers. Erdrick strode through the streets of the retail district on his way to Guild Row. He had been riding for a couple days, and was happy that his trip was soon to come to an end. On horse he felt uncomfortable and awkward. He never grew accustomed to being mounted (on horse), always felt more at ease with his own two feet on the ground. Today was the day he reported to the Bart’s Company guild, he had been accepted into one the top tier guilds, might have been toward the bottom of the top but he didn’t care he couldn’t be happier. While it was his last name that secured his entrance, it would his accomplishments that kept him in. While riding through the Market he saw all kinds of life. Having grown up away from any central kingdoms and never travelling with the family to any foreign lands, he was not used to seeing the various races. He had limited dealing with elves, but it wasn’t just elves perusing the shops. He saw minotaurs, trolls, orcs, naga, dwarves, those who appeared to be the undead, and those were just the ones who stuck out to him. Wizards, warriors, all manner of different classes were around him. He felt a bit out of place, in his humble leather armor and clothing, but he knew after a few jobs at the guild he would be able to afford the shiny pieces that were being worn by those around him. Having never grown up or dealing with the different races gave him a distinct advantage and disadvantage, he had little to no biases towards any of the races, which allowed him to feel comfortable around them, and at the same time he was clueless on who could be trusted and who could not. Quickly he thought to himself, stick to what I know, “ask nothing from anyone and accept nothing without knowing the cost.” Erdrick dismounted his horse, and decided to walk the rest of the way, the crowds made it difficult for a horse to maneuver, specially with such a novice rider.
Arriving at Bart’s Company, a little later than he had wanted, he wandered lost for bit around the streets of Cartha, and only when a helpful Night Elf pointed him in the right direction did he find the guild. At the door he knocked loudly, no response. He knocked again, finally after a few minutes an old, slightly hunched over dwarf with thick glasses and a white beard that nearly touched the ground answered.
“And who be you?” The dwarf questioned.
“I am Erdrick Greyson, I’m here to report to the Bart’s Company guild.”
“Ah, fresh meat, follow me. I’m Hackgarth. I’ll bring to the other new arrivals.”
Erdrick, didn’t know what to make of the fresh meat comment, but he quickly dismissed it. Hackgarth walked Erdrick into the entrance room, it was huge, with high ceilings and giant stained glass windows. A few of the windows depicted effigies of various individuals with their names across the bottom, heroes of the guild, legends who were counted amongst the most renowned members the guild had had through the years. Erdrick was taken back by beauty of the room, seeing the dual spiral staircases and large doors that lead surely to another grand hall, Erdrick began to walk in their direction. However, Hackgarth called him over in the direction of a shabby side door. Once through the door, they stood in a small, slightly cramped room. There was dirty table in the middle, surrounded by rickety chairs. A fire off to the side dimly lit the room. Erdrick saw there were four others waiting in the room. Hackgarth ushered him over to a sit that sat him next to a female unlike Erdrick had ever seen. She was beautiful, dressed in the finest of clothes, looking highly out of place given the state of the room. She appeared to be very proper, sitting upright with her back straight, which accentuated her ample bosom. Her dress was cut low, causing all onlookers to get even more of view of her lovely chest. Erdrick wondered why she was trying to get in the guild, she didn’t look much like a fighter, but he knew there magic users in this world, and assumed that she must have had some skill with magic to accepted into Bart’s Company, that or slept with the entrance committee. Erdrick stole a few more sideways glances then sized up the rest of the room.

The smell of unwashed bodies permeated the air and invaded her nose but it was the floor that really bothered her, unclean, dirty and dusty. It was not like the rugs and polished marble she was use to back in the castle she had lived in. Even the wizard’s school which had stone floors had been cleaned daily. This place had not been cleaned in days more likely weeks! She looked up from the floor and around the room. Eyes stared at her assessing her. Some were bright with the hot blooded male lust. Some were full of greed looking at her expensive, fancy clothing. She could see it written across their faces as they sat and polished their weapons or enjoyed a smoke.

This was the check-in room for the guild. There were 3 people waiting besides her, 2 humans and a savage looking lionman waited with her. There was a white bearded dwarf that sat behind the desk, smoking a pipe, waiting.

She studied the people waiting. The humans looked to be fighters or maybe thieves, or assassins. But from the way they were looking at her, she thought they were also rapists. The lionman was looked down picked at his clawed hands, almost like he was cleaning out dried blood. He was a fighter no doubt about that. He seemed to like her clothing as much as her appearance.

Then the door opened and another human man walked in. He was cleaner than the others, dressed in a foot soilder’s leather armor. He was nice looking with a handsome face and bright clear eyes. She could be interested in him, but that was how she got in this mess in the first place. She looked away and turned up her nose. She hoped her body language gave him the right message. “Not interested!”

Behind the table was the stocky dwarf, his broad shoulders covered in the Guild’s olive green colored tunic. A large, paunchy gut hung over his belt, but his arms were huge and powerful. His face, pockmarked and there was a scare along one cheek. The dwarf continued to smoke … waiting. He did slightly raise an eyebrow when he looked at her. She thought his face was saying “expensive … nice gem … and finally …a bit overdressed don’t you think?”

The beautiful young mage glanced down at her outfit. She was obviously overdressed. But how was she to know how to dress for such an occasion, like applying for a guild job. This was the first time she had needed to apply for a job. In the castle everyone took care of her and at the wizard’s school her parents had paid for everything. Well, until she had made a terrible mistake. But she was not going to think about that. She pushed back her long brunette hair exposing more of her friendly and almost prefect face. She had been called statuesque by her friends. The thought gave her self-confidence and she held her shoulders back, proudly. This action made her green and gold mage’s robe stretch across her massive chest, the large green emerald of her necklace hanging just above her starting deep cleavage. The black with gold threads tie on the robes showed her slender waist and her womanly hips. Her long legs were covered by the robe, but her ankle high slippers with the gold trim could be seen by the greedy creatures watching her.

Then the door opened again and a centaur trotted in. This made the room seem VERY small indeed. The creature had a bow and quiver of arrows on his human back and storage bags on his horse back. From the way he needed to position himself in the small room, it just so happened, his horse’s rump was right in front of her face.

The dwarf began to talk.

“Welcome all to the Bart’s Company guild, the finest guild in the city!” The dwarf stated proudly. “Please call out when I say your name.”

“Merserr” He said “Here” the lionman answered looking up from his clawed hand. The dwarf checked a box on the scroll in front of him.

“Grag Trannyth” He said “Here” said one of the humans

“Nero Forgedawn” He said “Here” said the other human

“Ybyr” He said, “Here” said the centaur as he flipped his horse tail. Unfortunately, his tail slapped the young mage in the face.

“Adnil Hollythyran” He said. Adnil was mad about the tail slap so she answered the dwarf but also corrected him.

“Here … but it is Lady Adnil Hollythyran” She said proudly, using her more formal title.

The dwarf grunted and peeked around the centaur so he could see the female mage more clearly. He made an ugly face, his eyes lingering on her large breasts. He laughed with a menacing grin. "Why… of coarse … LADYYYY Adnil Holllythyran" he said, but everyone knew she was in for it later.

“Erdrick Greyson” The Dwarf continued.
“Here” Erdrick called, he surveyed the room. Such creatures he had never seen before, a centaur, and lionman. They both looked as if they could more than hold their own in a fight. He wondered to himself, what his chances would be if he had to go up against them, he didn’t care find out at the moment. The lionman, Merserr, did not look like someone Erdrick wanted to cross, stern and aggressive were just a few of his attributes that Erdrick could sense from him. Ybyr the centaur, looked proud and majestic, Erdrick was not sure what to make of him, but Ybyr had an air of confidence and wisdom surrounding him. With his bow and arrows, Erdrick thought it best to not get involved in any ranged quarrel with Ybyr. The other two male humans did not seem to impress Erdrick all that much, but they were all here to be part of the same guild, so cooperation may have to be worked towards if it meant getting a bigger job and better reward.
As soon as he heard Andril correct Hackgarth with, “Its Lady Andril”, any and all fantasies he may have had at first sight of her lovely body, were replaced by flashback to his early years growing up with the Greyson girls. He remembered how, his sister Lucinda, would always demand that all the servants of the Greyson address her as Lady Lucinda, and had her own rude ways of reminding them when they forgot. One day she even went as far as trying to make Erdrick address as such, which led to a huge argument and only when his brother Marcus stepped in to tell Lucinda to stop did it end. Erdrick still remembers the berating he received from Lady Anabella for disrespecting true Greysons. He looked at Andril now with mild contempt, what is she doing here he thought. This is not a place for prissy harlet…but she must be here for a reason. Still, if he could help it, he would do all he could to avoid working with her. At best she would be a distraction that caused him to shift his legs and cock harden, but whatever good she could add, he wasn’t sure it would be worth the trouble she may be.
After being corrected as he was Hackgarth, regaining his composure, addressed the recruits on what it would take for them to be fully accepted into the guild. All new arrivals had to complete a few tasks, sort of an initiation, before they got wear the Green tunic of the guild.
“Allright ya bastards and derelicts, listen up, you’re all here because you want to be part of the Bart’s Company guild. Whatever dire reasons or tragic causes that drove you here, I couldn’t care less. The fact of the matter is you are not special and the guild does not need you. So, you’re going to have to prove you belong if you are to accepted as a full fledge member. While you have the status of apprentices, you will report to me, don’t think I asked for such the shitty responsibility, but they put me in charge of ya and that’s how its going to be. Things around here work pretty simple, job requests come in, if they are below the skills of full members, they get handed down to the apprentices and you get assigned as I see fit. I pick the jobs and who goes, there will be no arguments, bitches, or gripes. In between jobs you are can move about the guild, there are some places off limits to apprentices, and I suggest you avoid them or members will…’kindly’ remind you to leave. Those places are the upper pub, the training areas outside in the back on the left hand side, you can use the ones on the right, they’re kind of shitty just to let you know, the grand hall, and member’s chambers. While apprentices you’ll stay in the recruit barracks, there is 10 bunks to a room, which should accommodate the lot of ya.” His gaze turned to Andril. “Sorry sweety, its co-ed here.” Hackgarth resumed walking about the room and his speech, “While you’re here some quick rules, no fighting amongst yourselves or with members outside of training, be in this room every morning at sunrise for taskings, and while apprentices you can not take any side jobs, you work exclusively for the guild until you’ve reached full membership. I’ll show you to the barracks, I’ll give you some time to settle in, and then I’ll fill you in on your first mission, and step towards membership.”
“One small correction Master Hackgarth” Adnil said rising her hand like she was back in school … the centaur’s tail still flicking about her face. “You called us all bastards and derelicts … I don’t think that is strictly true … I’m certainly not either. I was raise in the estate of the Hollythyran’s, a proud family south of here …”

The dwarf was getting really mad at this point and everyone knew it. The centaur, Ybyr, decided he needed to save this silly female before everyone got in trouble. So in the middle of her little speech he lifted his back left hoof and kicked her right in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her as she double over gasping for air.

“Good” the dwarf said nodding at the centaur … “now follow me” he strode off towards the barracks. The centaur turned around and grabbed the gasping female and carried her along … as she struggled to regain her breath. By the time they were in the barracks, she was breathing again and the centaur placed her back on the ground.

The place was filthy, dimly lit and smelled of uncleaned bedding and beer …. and what she thought was puck, but she was not sure of that odor. The dwarf had assigned all the bunks except for hers. “And for you Lady Adnil … our finest bunk …” he pointed to a broken bottom bunk with ripped sheets and yellow strains. “The last apprentice was a wererat … that wet the bed all the time” Hackgarth laughed when he saw the look on her face. She was pretty much in shock.

“Don’t worry milady …” Nero, the human thief/assassin with the rapist looking eyes said “You can sleep with me … in exchange for certain services!” He laughed.

“QUIET” Master Hackgarth shouted. “Here are your first assignments.” He read off the assignments for Nero, Grag, Merserr and then he got to Adnil a big smile broke across his face.

“And for you Lady Adnil … A noble woman named Lady Fodson has lost a valuable ring … she dropped it in her stables, it got muck out with all the horse shit and piss … so you’ll need to find it in the large pile in their fields … I’ve been told, the pile is one of the biggest in the city. Happy hunting!” he grinned then he turn to Erdrick.

“Erdrick … you get to go with Lady Adnil … The family has also reported seeing a mountain troll lurking in their forest. Get rid of the beast … you don’t need to kill it … just chase it off … a mountain troll is not something you want to fight by yourself.”
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To say whos face contained the most shock would have been difficult. Adril for the sheer disgust of what she was being asked to do, (dig through animial feces the very thought almost brought tears to her eyes), or Erdrick for having to tagalong with with such an insufferable individual. Erdrick quickly composed himself, as his shock turned to worry, while capable in hand to hand combat, he had never faced a mountain troll…he wanted to ask for extra help, he was not counting on Adril to be able to provide much in the way of assistance, but at the risk of sounding weak he dismissed the thought.

“Shall we leave right away?” Erdrick asked Hackgarth.

“Well unless you rather tidy up around the place, we could always use a good maid, then I suggest you do. The Fodson estate is about a ten minute walk East of Cartha, you can’t miss it.”

Erdrick nodded, seeing Adril still with the a look mingled between shock and disgust, he nudged her with his shoulder signaling her to follow.
As the two went to exit, Nero stepped in front of Erdrick and whispered to him, “Looks like you got the lucky draw, getting paired up with that fine piece of ass. Make no mistake though, that belongs to me and I plan on taking it, don’t go fucking with my territory.”

Erdrick looked at Nero with contempt in his eyes, he had not intentions of getting involved with Adril, gorgeous as she may be, he was here for other things, brothels could take of that when he had the time. Still, not wanting to start trouble the first day, he merely shrugged his shoulders and continued walking.

Adril looked followed her partner for the day out the door and into the city streets, she wondered what the exchange between him and Nero had been about. Instead of coming right out and asking, for now she decided to find out a little more about her companion, “So what’s your story?”

Erdrick had been lost in his own thoughts thinking how he would scare off the mountain troll, and almost jumped at Adrils words having nearly forgotten she was walking beside him. Her question snapped him back into the present, looking at her he couldn’t help buy notice how her breasts bounced ever so slightly as she walked. Now being more alone with her, he took in her full beauty. She was gorgeous, and everything about her screamed sex. He wondered what sex with her would be like, seeing those tits bounce as he thrust into her, her legs wrapped around him…his daydream and stare must of lingered too long, because Adril said again, “Whats your story, Erdrick? It is Erdrick right?” She knew what was going through his head, the same thing that went through all men’s heads when their glances lasted a little bit too. She smirked at his momentary loss for words.

Erdrick, realizing his moment of indiscretion, fumbled with his words, “Well uhh…I came to the guild to make a name for myself, tired of living under the shadow of my name, wanted to make my own way.” It was pitiful answer and he knew it, he hated himself for allowing her grandeur to affect him so. Trying to recover some dignity he poised a question of his own, “What exactly are you doing at the guild? It seems someone of such…status, as you wouldn’t have need for work in guild?”

Adril, bit her lip, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to explain to someone she hardly knew the sequence of events that caused her to end up at the guild, she decided to bend the truth for the time being, “Well, I had been studying magic and wanted to have some adventures, Bart’s Company was looking for users, so it kind of just worked out.”

Erdrick, didn’t know what to make of her response, she didn’t seem like the adventurous type, but they all had their own reasons, he guess it didn’t really matter the truth. As they approached the East gate of the city, the guard her saw the two walking together winked at Erdrick and his good fortune of having such a lovely companion. Erdrick rolled his eyes, if you only knew buddy he thought.

Outside the gates, Adril’s concern over her current assignment sprang forth as she blurted out loud, “You don’t think I’ll really have to dig through animal…waste, do you?”

Noticing her reluctance to use cure words, and that it seemed her biggest concern was getting a little dirty when there was a mountain troll in the picture, Erdrick laughed as he responded with, “You mean horse shit? Is that what you’re worried about? Just getting a little dirty? You did hear a mountain troll was in the area right? “

Adril was a bit annoyed, she asked seeking reassurance, instead she was met with sarcasm and an almost mocking tone, “Well maybe, to a miscreant like you rolling around in muck, or “shit” as you so eloquently put it may be nothing new. However for us proper individual it is not a desired task. One might even think, being the man of our party, you would offer to do the task yourself.”

It was Erdrick’s turn to be annoyed, “Well guess what princess, not bloody fucking likely.”

Adril responded cooly, “Shame, I could have helped you with that troll you clearly as 'so' worried about.”

Erdrick said in disbelief, “Right, sure you could. You have fun playing with your shit, I’ll deal with the troll. Come on, I think that is the Fodson’s up ahead. You know, it would not bother me if the rest of the trip was spent in silence.”

Adril quickly said, “Nor me.”
he two walked up the Fodson’s estate both angry at the other, and both dreading the jobs that were ahead of them.
Adnil was pissed. Some of that anger was directed at this stupid … but handsome fighter …but as she thought about it more and more some of it was directed at herself. She had used the wrong words. She did not think he was a “miscreant”. He was just worried about the wrong thing. Scaring off a mountain troll was easy. They were very dumb and didn’t like bright lights. Magic freaked them out. She had learned all this back at the wizard’s school. In fact she had been told they are so dumb you can tell them almost any story at all and they would believe it. There was even this cute story she remember about a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins and three trolls …

Anyhow, she was not sure what to do now and she was running out of time. The Fodson’s estate was just at the end of this walkway. She guessed she needed to say sorry. She grabbed Erdrick arm, it was strong and powerful trying to stop him ... if the rest of him was as powerful as his arm … he was quite a fighter! Her grabbing his arm stopped him and he turn to her.

Their eyes locked, she could tell he was still a bit angry. But she had a different feeling wash over her, her anger was gone replaced by a giddy feeling in her stomach tell her he was special … very special … or was that the after effect of being kicked by a centaur?

“Look” She said, “Erdrick … I’m sorry … I said a few things back there I did not mean. I’m not sure I know what came over me. Maybe I’m still recovering from that centaur kick. But I’m sorry. I’ll help you get rid of the troll.”

She decided to confide in him a little “I need to do well at this guild and this task. I think in front of the Fodson family … we should not let our difference show. Ok?” She asked.

Erdrick said nothing. So she continued “Finally, any advice you have … to help me succeed at the guild I would appreciate.” She finished and anxiously awaited his answer.
Her touch was like silk on his arm. His displeasure with her was ebbing away. Here was a lady he thought he had pegged as another debutant like his sisters, but perhaps he was wrong. Apologizing, no that wasn’t anything like the other snobby women he knew. And attempt to make amends and understand, it was more than he ever expected, he wanted tell her how wrong he had been, but words were escaping him, while looking into her eyes he was adrift in a sea of wonder.

“It…’cough’, uh, it was wrong for Ybyr to have kicked you like that. He, I mean I should of, well it was just wrong.”

Adril could see he was making an effort, she squeezed his arm a bit. Erdrick felt the increased pressure on his forearm, and part of him wanted nothing more than to hold her, but he knew there was a job at hand. Besides he thought shes just being friendly, gotta hold it together, don’t want to do anything rash. He placed his other hand on top of hers.

“Well hmm, advice about the guild, lets see...well I’m new to this like you, so I’m no expert, but I could give a few pointers, seeing as how you seem to be making a ton of friends so far.” Erdrick hoped he’d get a laugh out of the last part, Adril smiled weakly, but not laugh, so quickly continued.

“For starters you need learn how to stand up for yourself.” Adril was about to say something, because she did stand up for herself when Hackgarth had called them bastards and derelicts. Seeing this Erdrick continued, “I mean the right way. You gotta pick and choose your battles. With Hackgarth, well sometimes you just have to take a name calling, its just words, and he’s kind of our boss and leader at the moment, so what he does and says you have to take with grain of salt, and slide right off you. But Ybyr, he’s the same as you and me, no better or higher, now I’m not saying he wasn’t right to cut you off, but how he did it was uncalled for. And Nero propositioning you like he did, well I don’t know if you like it or not, I’m assuming you don’t, but he’s not going to stop unless you make it clear to him needs to take a hike. Hit him with some magic, or just backhand him hard one time. Guys like him, they’re all words and blowing smoke, call them out on their bullshit and they tend to back off. If he doesn’t you let me know, and I’ll have a word with him. I’ll do what I can help from time to time, and if you need anything else…well you just let me know, I’ll see what I can do. I’m not making any promises, again I’m still a bit green myself, but I’ll try to help you.”

With that Erdrick patted the top of her hand, he wondered if he went too far, maybe offered too much too soon, but he was trusting man and thought everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be relied on. Adril breaking his initial impression of her, helped him think perhaps she deserved the benefit of the doubt. Erdrick released her hand.

“Well, eh we might as well get a move on here, and you’re right definitely will look more favorable on us if we portray the part of a team. Image is everything in this business I hear, image and reputation. So, if you need some help finding the ring, I’ll lend a hand, I’m going to needing help with that troll myself.”

He smiled at her, looking into her eyes he thought to himself how could he have done anything else but smile. He tugged his arm just enough to loosen it from her grasp, and started to walk towards the Fodsons, looking back at her.

“Shall we?”
Adnil thought for a few seconds … Erdrick had made a few good points. But the remark about “making a ton of friends” really hurt. She had lots of friends both male and female. They were just not here. They were back at the wizard school. But he was right about the guild so far; she seemed to have irratated people. So she needed to try a new approach. She’d work at keeping her mouth shut.

He had mentioned Nero. Nero was creepy … no question about that. But Erdrick was wrong about him. No man would force himself on a lady such as herself. It just was not done. All she needed to do was tell him, she was not interested and that should take care of it. That was the proper code of honor between men and women.

She looked up.
“Coming” she said hurrying after him.

The estate was grand looking, with a beautiful and functional entrance portcullis that lead into the main courtyard. They walked through it together and saw the main door to the estate surround by thick ivy growing up the walls. Erdrick grabbed the large knocker and knocked on the big door.

A minute later, a servant answered in. He was an old elf dressed in a butler’s outfit. He had white hair, which made Adnil think he was older, but lots of elves have white hair and it was not because they were old.

“Yes, may I help you?” he asked.

“Greeting, I’m Lady Adnil” Adnil said pointing to herself “and this is my traveling companion, Erdrick the fighter. We are from the Bart’s Company guild. We are here to talk with Lady Fodson about a lost ring and a mountain troll. May we come in?” Adnil asked. The elf nodded yes and they entered the estate.

They did not have to wait long for Lady Fodson to show up. She was an older lady dressed in a large ballooning gown with tight bodice. Around her waist was a belt of gold and silver. Atop the gown she wore a tight jacket that reached to a little below her hips. She looked regal, if slightly dated. But she was an older lady with grey hair.

“OHHH HELLOOOO” she said with a big smile on her face. “The guild has finally sent someone” Adnil was about to correct her, when Erdrick gave her a look. Lady Fodson saw the exchange, smiled and said equally excitedly “I should have said two someones!! Oh how grand!!”

She took them both out to the stables and showed them the horse manure pile. Adnil almost had to hold her nose. The smell was over powering.

“I love my horses … but they make such a mess!” Lady Fodson said “stunning the amount of waste a horse can produce. I have been told it is one of the biggest piles in the city!” She said almost bragging about the size of the horse shit pile. It was massive, taller than Erdrick. Adnil was amazed at the size. There was no way she was going to a ring in all that … waste.

Lady Fodson continued “The ring has been in the family for years. Quite valuable, made of gold with diamonds. I was planning to give it to my granddaughter as part of her dowry …. Poor girl she is as ugly as a mule …”

Adnil was shaking her head … this was an impossible task. It could take weeks to find the ring … the pile was just too big. She felt totally defeated.

Erdrick on the other hand had a puzzled look on his face, and then he turned to Lady Fodson and said. “Ma’dam do you mind if we disturb this pile … or remove the pile looking for the ring?”

“Why of course not …I just need the ring back” Lady Fodson said.

“My partner and I will start looking …we’ll call you when we find the ring.” Erdrick said and lady Fodson thanked them both and walked back to the estate.

“This is totally impossible!” Adnil said not thinking of a single solution to this problem.

Erdrick smiled a clever smile “I have an idea … “ He said and reached over and grabbed a handful of the dried horse shit “dry horse shit will burn … you light this pile on fire and let in burn down … the ash will cool faster than the ring. The ring is made of metal. Walk through the cooled ash with bare feet … and when you feel something hot. That will be the ring. The trick is lighting this pile on fire, we’ll need a very hot flame.”

Adnil glance back at him, now she had a clever smile on her face. “Fire is my specialty area … stand back” She said … then looking at his hands that had touched the dried horse shit … she just had to say something “ahh you might want to wash your hands …horse shit is dirty”

Erdrick just shock his head.

Turning she spoke the magic words and 30 foot blue flames shot out from her hands spraying against the horse shit pile. The pile burst into flames, but Adnil kept the magic going for a while to make sure it would keep burning. They would have to keep an eye on the fire to make it did not spread. But they had some time to talk … as the pile burnt down.
Erdrick took a step back at the sight of the flames. He marveled for a bit at them, man this girls sure has a way with fire. A grin spread across his face as he thought, with magic like this that troll will be no problem at all. He wiped his hand on the side of his pants, to rub off the dried shit that lingered. Looking at Adril, he knew he ahd to keep her in high spirits, and to stay on her good side. She may be a bit nieve, but with magic like hers and his skills, the could accomplish a lot together, if they workede as a team.

Erdrick saw the momentary grimmace on Adril's face as he had nanchalantly wiped his hand. He thought it best to explain, before he started talking, he stole a few glances at her, Adril was beautiful after all. She may have been the most lovely woman he had ever seen, it wasn't just her accenuated curves, however the way her clothes hugged her body did cause Erdrick's pants to feel smaller, it was her eyes that struck him. Looking in them calmed him, and made him forget any cares or worries he had.

Fearing his long look may be starting to push the limits of professional courtesy, and not to mention his arousal from her bodacious body was causing his prick to harden, Erdrick tired to get his mind off her body and what it would feel like pressed up against his.

"So, not really ussed to dealing with manure much are you?"

Adril shook her head, at first she thought he may have been trying to make a point of high society upbringing, but when she saw the friendly expression on his face, and the warmth in his words, she merely shook her had 'no'.

"Ah well, its not too bad really, specially after it dries. Fresh, well thats a little different story, however it can be quite useful, makes for great fertilizer once you spread it in the fields."

Adril could not believe she was having a casual conversation about manure, but she enjoyed the pleasantness of the exchange, and decided if this is what it takes to break the ice, there could be worse topics she thought...though few came to mind at the moment.

"Have you worked a lot with animals, and err..their poo?"

Erdrick chuckled heartily at her use of the word 'poo', since he was a boy he was always more use the much more duragatory terms, but that was back with the servants and farmhands, he didn't have much experience working with the fairer sex, he would have to get used to it.

"Yes, actually. I worked a lot in the stables and fields with the servants since I was a boy. The lot of good it did though, I'm dreadful when it comes to horses, but it did help me respect and appreciate an honest days work. UP before dawn, and not down till well after sunset somedays."

Adril was quite impressed, working all day with the servants wasn't like most children of nobility. She recalled his surname being 'Greyson', she had only heard of one family Greyson before.

"Sounds like you had quite the busy childhood, did the Greysons have all their children help out the servants."

Without even thinking, Erdrick started to reply, he found Adril easy to talk to, his usual guards were down.

"Well no, Lady Anabella would have died at the ghastly thought of one of her children getting their hands dirty side by side with the servants."

Adril was confused, she didn't understand if the very thought would have killed his mother, how then....

"Pardon me Erdrick, but if as you say the very thought would have been so repulsive to your mother. Why did you work with the servants?"

Again he started to talk without caution.

"Well you see, Lady Anabella is not my....."

Then it all caught up to him. Erdrick suddenly realized he was about reveal the source of his shame, the reason his life had been so difficult, growing up a second class in his own home, and to who? Someone he barely knew. Her looks may have been breathtaking, but she was still a stranger, how would she react to hearing he was nobleman's bastard. If it was in any way similar to all other high class individuals it would not be positive.

Adril had noticed the light leave his eyes with his last words. There was no warmth left, they had returned to the icy glass that had been present back at the guild, she couldn't understand why.

"Is something wrong Erdrick? I hope I didn't upset you. You were saying Lady Anabella is not...not your mother I think it was."

Few words were left in Erdrick now.

"No, she is not. Lord Greyson, had an affair and had me..."

He waited for her to say something cruel, some crack about his unpure birth, but it did not come.

"You still grew up a Greyson though. I don't understand why she wouldn't have had the same discontent for you working with the servants as the rest of the children."

Erdrick snapped a response.

"Because I was a bastard, Adril!"

He knew he had crossed the line, he was upset, but it was no reason to yell at her, but how did she not get it, it frustrated him. He had expected her to cower at the force of his voice, but she did not, in fact quite the opposite, Adril stood taller and more prominent than before, her back slightly arched pushing her chest out, her heavenly orbs perked up, her face solemn but focused.

"Well I'm sorry Erdrick, however I do not see the indiscretions of a father being any reason to treat a child any differently. He clearly wanted you as a son or he would not have brought you to his home. The fact that Anabella would even consider punishing a child for what he or she had no control over is reprehensible and I find it highly unlady like. You may have received ill treatment from others because you were born a basatard, but you should not expect it from everyone you meet. I do not judge anyone based on their birth, but on their actions, and I would appreciate it if you would extend me the same courtesy."

Erdrick stood in state of amazement, he could not believe what she had just said, and felt terrible himself for thinking she ould act the same as others. He felt a connection to her that he couldn't explain, he didn't know what to say...his body almost moved on its own. The next thing he knew he had his arms around her, holding her in a firm embrace.

Adril was taken off guard by Erdrick's sudden advancement. At first she thought of pulling away, they were here on business after all, what if Lady Fodson saw, but once she felt his arms around her, her concerns melted seemed like a distant memory. The strength of radiating from his arms suggested a seren comfort and secuirty to her. His firm chest pressed up against her large, soft breast, shifting them up along her neckline. She gave into the moment, and held him, her own arms and hands pulling him even closer.

Erdrick's head was on her shoulder, he turned slightly to whisper in her ear, "that is the nicest thing anyone, in all my life, has ever said to me...I don't know...I can't thank you enough...I'm...."

He fumbled with his words, but his tongue desired to work in other ways. Erdrick lifted his head up, looked into Adril's yes and then kissed her. An explosion of sensation ran through both of their bodies. Their tongues danced, and all thoughts of tolls, manure, and rings fell by the wayside.

Erdrick's hands slowly rode down Adril's back, and just reached the top of heavenly shaped buttocks, when a cough from the shadows interrupted them.

Like being awaken by being thrown from your bed into a cold lake, the two were snapped back to reality.

Lady Fodson stood ten feet from the pair, still in each others arms, but no longer locked at the lips.

"You should see the looks on you twos' faces. Now, while I can appreciate a good kissing, face sucking, whatever you want to call it. I do believe I had hired you for something other then getting your desires going...and mine for that matter."

Erdrick and Adril caught with the dumb expressions on their faces, released one another. Adril quickly explained their idea to retrieve the ring, and how they had been waiting for the ashes to cool, Adril also apologized for the lack of professionalism.

Upon hearing the ingenious plan, Lady Fodson was quite impressed and to see how well the fire had reduced the massive pile of shit, she dismissed the apology.

"Well it looks as if you two are quite the pair. Honestly I didn't have any how in the hell you were going to dig through that pile. And really I can't blame you, look at the two of you, I'd have halfe a mind to jump either of you if the moment was right."

She winked at the pair.

"I'll be leaving you two then to your...own devices. Just keep in mind the ring and troll...amongst the other things that are springing up around here."

At the last part about springing up, Lady Fodson nodded slightly at Erdrick with a devilish grin. Erdrick was still sporting a mild, but quite evident begining of an erection.
Adnil adjusted her green and gold mage’s robe. Pulling it more closed to cover up her exposed, very large cleavage. What had happened? She had been mad at this guy … and then she was kissing him. Now his spring had sprung. She glanced quickly at it again; it looked like a really nice spring! Things were going way too fast.

He seemed to become emotional when she said “…I do not judge anyone based on their birth” statement. But that was how she had been taught. If his step-mother had behaved as he implied … well … she was just not very smart … or lady like.

She glanced down at her green slippers with the gold trim. They did not look as good as when she had first put them on. Dirt from the hike over here covered the sides. She kicked off the slippers. So her feet could feel the sweet soft green grass they were standing in. It would not take much longer before the ash pile would be ready to walk through. She needed to have bare feet.

She was stalling and she knew it. What was she going to do about Erdrick? She wanted to fuck him! She wanted to get his big dick out and suck him off right now. Two years ago, she would never have done such a thing. She would have been way too scared. But she had changed. She did not seem scared of many things anymore. Troll did not bother her … a mad dwarf … a centaur … A few years ago she would have had some fear of these events … but not now.

The other odd thing was her sexual desire. She had always enjoyed sex. But recently no matter how much she got … she always wanted more. She figured it was just part of growing more mature. But most of her other friends didn’t seem to have as strong a desire for sex. They wanted boyfriends … and the sex was nice. But for her, the boyfriend was nice, but the sex was the best part!

She looked back into Erdrick’s eyes. She saw his desire … A sexy twinkle appeared in her eyes. He was a good guy. She could tell that. She also hoped he was good in bed! She stepped closer to him. “We were interrupted … now where were we” She said and she put her soft lips against his. Kissing him passionately, telling him with that kiss … she wanted him! She pressed her spongy, voluminous breasts against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her again. He could feel her thick, engorged nipples pressing right through her robe, which triggered his own excitement. He could feel the heat radiating from her body. Her body wanted him.

They separated a minute later, Adnil was breathing heavily, turned on by the kiss.
“One thing Lady Fodson was right about … we’ll need to stop once it is time to search for the ring” She whispered

She reached down and place one of her hand against his bulging pants. “Perhaps … I can take advantage of you and your state … to do something I enjoy …and tonight my body will be all yours?” she suggested.
Adril’s hand against his throbbing manhood flooded his mind with thoughts of pleasure and lust. Now that she had responded to his outburst, a hunger started to grow inside him. He wanted her.

What Adril was offering, well if she was offering what he thought she was, caused his cock to stir like a beast desperate to get out of its cage. Adril felt him grow and harden against her hand. Adril let out an automatic, ‘Oooh’. Looking at him with seduction in her eyes, she spoke.
“It appears someone is interested in finding out what I enjoy is.”
Erdrick, could barely speak, he looked around looking for a proper place. Having grown up working in stables, he was no stranger to finding places that were just right for carnal affairs inside a stable, he had had his fair few encounters.

He spotted an area where the haystacks were, they nearly reached the ceiling, and it appeared there was some room behind a few of the stacks, it would be perfect.

He kissed Adril deeply, swirling his tongue around in her mouth, tasting ever bit of her. She was sweet to his tongue, and fueled his desire. His hand found her butt, and squeezed digging his nails into her soft, but firm flesh. Adril broke the kiss, and threw her head back. Erdrick’s hand on her ass, caused her pussy to twitch, she could think of a few other places his hands could go.

Erdrick grabbed her ass with his other, having both hands around her bottom, he lifted Adril off her feet. Her legs instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, they were once again locked at the lips and their tongues fiercely dueled with the other.

Erdricks powerful arms kept her pressed tightly against his chest. Her erect nipples rubbed stone hard chest, the excitement sent ripples of pleasure through Adril. Erdrick walked them over the area behind haystacks. He pressed her up against one of the walls of the stable. Having her penned up against the wall, he reached with one hand for her breast.

Erdrick thought he might explode right then there once he finally groped her magnificent titflesh. It was all his restraint to keep it together. He started to knead her breast with his hand, gripping roughly as his palms squeezed her large boob. He then started to tease her already stiff nipple with his thumb.
Having her legs wrapped around his waist, his near fully erect cock rubbed against her clit and vagina through their clothes. Adril started moving her hips, causing more friction between their love parts. She was getting wet, and her hunger for cock was taking over. She pulled away from his kiss again, and this time whispered in his ear,

“Put me down and I’ll show you another amazing thing I can do with my mouth, I promise you will thoroughly enjoy it.”

Erdrick backed away from the wall and lowered Adril down. Immediately she dropped to her knees in front of him. She looked up at Erdrick and stared into his eyes. Her hands went to work on his pants, unclasping his belt, and slowly dragging them down his legs. Adril saw the base of his shaft and lowered his pants slowly, only revealing a small part at time. The further Erdrick’s pants slid down and the more of his length that was showing, her desire grew even more, how far down was his cock? Where was the tip?

His balls hung like mini orbs before her eyes, and finally his full measure was exposed. Upon release his cock sprung force desperate for attention and brushed up against her cheek, the tip nearly hitting her ear.
Erdrick looked down in anticipation, eager to see what was going to happen next.
They kissed each other in a state of wanton lust. Now Adnil's eyes greedily waited for his member to be revealed. Slowly pulling down his legging … Erdrick didn’t disappoint. His cock slipped out of the confining clothes brushing against her face. She gasped … as his big cock sprang out. His cock was huge … standing at full attention. Adnil was impressed as a special sparkle was in her eyes, she was impressed and she had seen quite a few cocks.

“WOW” she said as a response to what she saw … Adnil slowly pulled open more and more of her robe … showing off her deep sexy cleavage. The big round soft globes of her breasts jiggled as she stopped and kissed his cock … then she opened more of her robe. Finally, she pulled the robe completely open … and freed her huge wobbling breasts. Erdrick thought they looked prefect … big and heavy.

"Do you like what you see?" She asked …He answered her question with soft groan of approval.

Adnil moved closer to him again. She kissed his cock. Her large breasts swayed gently with her every move. The beautiful, white globes were topped by her excited nipples. Those jugs were a delight to watch. Adnil used one hand to reach down and cup his balls while the other gently stroked his stiff shaft. Her tongue licked his cock. She moaned enjoying the way he tasted.

She continued to lick and suck on his cock as the big thing stiffened and jerked in response to her caresses. The cock was growing even harder and more excited which Adnil almost could not believe. She loved to please cocks with her mouth … and it always turned her on … Erdrick knew she liked it too … as she moaned softly, her excitement growing along with his.

Adnil wrapped both hands around the big stiff cock shaft as her mouth sucked on the throbbing cockhead. She slowly fed the cock deep into her mouth as Erdrick moaned. Then she pulled back until her lips caught on the back of the swollen glan. She licked all the way around the cockhead while she sucked on his cock. Erdrick thought it felt amazing.

Then she pressed the tip of her tongue against the slit of the big throbbing cock and licked away the drops of pre-cum. Again her mouth slowly took in his dick, inch-by-inch, as if she was a sword swallower. She took all of his cock in … before her mouth retreated, and then she attacked it again. Her face bobbed up and down on the rock hard cock. Few women had ever taken his whole cock in their mouths.

Her one hand moved away from his cock … to rub her own crotch. She was masturbating as her mouth sucked and licked at his cock … Erdrick body started to act on instinct, his hips drove forward …he was fucking her mouth. She flicked her tongue wildly over his sensitive cockhead. This caused him to thrust his cock faster into her mouth. It was not long before, she felt the cock twitch in anticipation; he was getting ready to cum. Adnil’s hungry mouth sucked harder, licked faster, trying to get him to reward her … for her fine cock sucking efforts. It was almost too much pleasure for him to take, but he held back.

Adnil worshipped his cock more as he could not take his eyes off her. He was a little surprised that she seemed genuinely to be aroused as she pleased him. His body twitched as his excitement grew more. A huge grin came to his face as she seemed to swallow his entire length again. He bumped the back of her throat as he groaned his pleasure. Her skills were amazing. He briefly wondered how much she'd practiced this but it melted along with his willpower as she sucked him off. He groaned, louder as he felt that slow build up in his loins. His hips gave an involuntary twitch and Adnil moaned in response. Again, deeper, his urgency rising as he slowly began to thrust forward. He wanted to cum!
He was lost in a sea of euphoria, his cock was ready to explode, spewing forth his warm thick load. The expertise of Adril’s mouth was unlike any he had experience before. He had been with a his share of women, but now he couldn’t even bring himself to mention what they had attempted to do in the same breath as what Adril was giving him.

He knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold back any longer, as he felt her tongue run along his veiny shaft, he unloaded a his spurt of love juice. His semen coated the back of her throat, and continuously shot out of his tip.
Adril’s eyes open wide as she felt wave after wave of cum pump into her mouth. The warm substance was amazing to her, his taste was something she had never experienced before. Her hands continued to twist on his shaft, coaxing out every last drop. She pulled a bit of him out of her, and started to lick his head, savoring ever last bit.

Erdrick’s head was tilted back, and his eyes were closed, his legs had shook violently when he had shot off. The orgasm had rocked him to his core. Slow breaths escaped his mouth, his hand was on the side of Adril’s face and he could feel her still working his member.

Coming to senses was like waking from an intense dream, he looked down at Adril and their eyes locked. She smiled looking up at him, his limping soldier in her hands, still with impressive girth, she had traces of cum dripping from her lips, her tongue was licking up the remains. In that instant he knew he had to reciprocate.

There wasn’t much time, surely the ashes had cooled by now and the ring could easily be found, not to mention the matter of the troll. Thinking fast he looked around the stable for something to help him with what he had in mind. Then hanging on the wall he saw a riding blanket for one of the horses. There wouldn’t be time for him to fully appreciate her sex, that would have to wait to later, she did offer her body to him for his to use later that night, and he fully intended to use all of it properly, in the meantime he wish to give her a glimpse of the pleasure to come.

He backed up a few steps from her, and tucked his cock back into his pants, Adril had masterfully cleaned off every inch. She was still on her knees, and looked to him for guidance. Erdrick walked over to the wall and took down the blanket. He spread it on the ground behind Adril.
“Lay back and spread your legs, I want to give you an idea of whats to come later tonight.”

Adril bit her lips and a look of concern covered her face, would they have enough time, they had been out her playing for a while now, she didn’t want Lady Fodson coming out again to tell them off. Sex had gotten her in trouble before, and she didn’t want to screw up her chances with the guild.
Seeing her look of worry, Erdrick put her mind at ease.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick, its just a small treat to thank you and show how much I appreciate your skills.”

Adril layed back, still not convinced at this was the best idea, but she was curious to see what Erdrick could do. She wrapped her arms underneath her voluptuous breasts, supporting them, she spread her legs exposing her moist pussy, it was wet from her finger play and demanded more.
Erdrick got down on his knees and placed an elbow underneath one of Adrils bent legs, he brought his hand around and grabbed his thigh to support him. Erdrick was intoxicated by the smell coming from her pussy, and it spurred him on.

Slowly he kissed along her inner thigh, small tremors of pleasure circulated through Adril. His head was moving towards her center and for last few inches he dragged his tongue along her leg until it go to the outside of her lips.
Erdricks unsupported arm had been busy. His fingers were tracing the outline of Adril’s vagina lips, occasionally pinching them together, and flicking her clit when they got close. His fingers started to probed her lips, pressing in gently then releasing. When his tongue met the area his fingers had been playing, his fingers started to dive slightly into her.

Erdrick placed his thumb right on her engorged clit, he teased it with his thumb pressing in and releasing, then running his thumb around and over Adrils clitoris. Soft moans were coming from Adril, the tremors of pleasure were growing and radiating through more parts of her body. Her pussy, already wet from before, started dampen even more with her juices.
Erdrick, ready to taste her inner sweetness, lifted his head slightly, he looked up and saw her eyes trained on him, he slowly began to stick his tongue out to show her the device that would be pleasing her. Adril’s eyes widened, it turned out his dick wasn’t the only appendage that was larger than normal.
Erdrick lowered his mouth to her sweetness, and began to lick her lips. He swirled his tongue around them clockwise, and would stop when he reached her clit to tongue it back and forth. He slid his fingers into her pussy while his tongue licked around.

Adril’s juices spewed forth, she wanted his tongue inside, she couldn’t wait any longer. Her hands moved down to the back of his and pressed him against her. Erdrick, seeing his efforts were achieving what he had set out to do. He didn’t need telling twice.

Gripping her thigh tighter, he put his lips right against hers, kissing her pussy. His drove his tongue deep inside her love canal, loving the taste of her. He flicked his tongue around violently. He reached up and grabbed one of her tits. Squeezing it hard.

Adril started to arch her back, the sensations his tongue was delivering were driving her wild. Her thighs started to shake. Her moans grew louder, she knew it she was on the verge of an orgasm. It was not common for a man to be able to make her orgasm from only the efforts of his tongue, but she was quickly learning Erdrick was not such a common of a man.
Feeling her thighs tremble around him, Erdrick figured she must have been close. Not to a heavy orgasm, but at least a mild one, enough to make her look forward to later that night. Her juices were now dripping down his chin. Her pussy was twitching awaiting the release.

Adril’s moans were clearly audible, she was about to cum. Feeling the orgasm sink its teeth into her, she gripped the back his head tighter and pulled him into her harder. Finally she could take not more.

“Oh yes, oh oh oh, don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

A small explosion went off inside her. Her back relaxed. It was not a big orgasm, but just right for the moment. She panted, and ran a hand across her forehead, feeling small beads of sweat that collected. She looked down between her legs, seeing her lover lap up the results of her release. She smiled.

Erdrick, after finishing up licking clean her center, looked up and saw her smiling down at her. His little action, had achieved the results he wanted. Moving back on to his knees he looked down at her. Fuck, he thought, she is so frickin gorgeous, I could take her right here right now. He could have to, during his pay back to her, his cock had grown again demanding to be included in the fun, but now was not the time.

“So, well I guess we should probably be getting on, what we uh, kind of were sent here to do.” He sounded stupid and he knew it, he never was good with post coitus speech, it was as if all his good ideas and power to think were put into his love making and little remained initially following.

Adril’s first thought was, hmm not exactly the most tactful with words give what just transpired, but she more interested in the other skills of his tongue to care at that point. She stood up and started fastening her robe.

“You’re right, we really should get a move on. Not exactly getting paid to give each other orgasms are we.”

As the two policed themselves up, making them presentable, leaving those who saw them with little knowledge of their carnal affairs. Then moving towards the pile of ashes, they set out to retrieve the ring and move on to the troll.
Adnil adjusted her green and gold mage’s robe again as they got closer to the pile of ash. She checked to make sure nothing was too exposed or hanging out. She could still feel her juices dripping down her legs. But the robe was long enough no one would be able to see that. Her juice and tingling pussy made her think about the huge load of cum in her belly. Yum! Erdrick cock was the finest she had seen. And it had been a big turn on for her that he liked what her mouth did to him. Enough so that he blasted a big load in her belly as a reward. Then he followed it up with giving her a quick orgasm. He was pretty special.

“Erdrick … I must say what you did back there felt … fantastic! My pussy is still trembling.” She said a big smile on her face.

“That was nothing … waiting until tonight!” He grinned.

She glanced down at her green slippers with the gold trim still sitting in the grass where she had left them. She looked up at the pile … “I think it is ready” she said. As she walked forward. It was mildly warm, but did not burn her feet.

“I can’t thank you enough for this cleaver this idea …” she said as her feet went deeper into the ash. A few seconds later she said “I feel something” She reached down and pulled up a small rock.

“Oops it’s a rock … I guess they can get hot too!” She said. “This might be a problem!” she moaned. But it was not as much of a problem as she thought. A metal ring would be very hot … the rocks were just not that hot. It still took over an hour, and as luck would have it, Adnil found the ring before Erdrick.

“WOW … here it is.” She said holding it up and showing it to Erdrick. It was covered in ash and dirt … but it looked like what Lady Fodson had described. Erdirick cleaned it up and they brought it back to Lady Fodson. She was very excited that they had found it, and since it was close to dinner, invited them to eat with her. She did ask both of them to clean up beforehand … as they had a funny combination smell of burnt horse shit, cum and pussy juice about them!
Inside the washroom, Erdrick started to wash off his hands and face. He smiled as he thought of how the two must of smelt to Lady Fodson, Adril had taken a large load into her mouth as well as her own love juices all over her legs. Not to mention, the fair amount of stain on his face. Undoubtedly she must of known it hadn’t taken them all that time to just find the ring, but she invited them for dinner, so it didn’t seem to bother her.

While Erdrick washed up his face, he looked over saw Adril, having opened her robe and exposing her legs, scrubbing the inside of her thighs. The sight of her slender legs caught his eyes, and as they traveled up her body he saw her pussy. It had been the finest pussy he ever had the pleasure to go down on.
“Forget the meal, I rather have you dinner.” Erdrick said, in a playful manner.
Adril gave a small smile, while she continued to clean off her legs before moving to her feet, “Something tells me it would be bad manners to have you lick me on the table in front of Lady Fobson.” She finished wiping off feet, and walked behind Erdrick, reaching around him and grabbing his cock, “Besides, the anticipation of tonight, will add to the experience.” She gave me a slight rub, and then stepped back closing up her robe.

Erdrick let out a small sigh as Adril groped him, after she released him, he continued his momentarily paused handwashing, “Damn, you’re going to drive me crazy. The anticipation just might kill me.” Finishing up, he rubbed his hands dry on a towel.

They went out to the dining room, and ate was a nothing short of spectacular meal. Throughout dinner they made small talk with Lady Fodson, mostly where each had come from and how they got into the guild. Both Erdrcik and Adril polished over some rougher points of their stories, but for the most part kept to the truth. Lady Fodson was entertained by her dinner guests, throughout the conversation she had a knowing look about their face, and when it came to discussing the ring, she decided in her head more definitely indeed did go on between them, but she had the ring and that’s what mattered to her.

After dinner the Erdrick and Adril, set out to deal with the troll. Lady Fodson reminded them, she didn’t need them to kill it, just to scare it away. The troll had taken up residence in a cave near one of the Fodson’s fields, after pointing them in the right direction, Lady Fodson retired back into the house, thinking to herself, if they can keep their hands off each other, this troll thing shouldn’t be too much trouble.

Erdrick and Adril set out towards the area Lady Fodson had directed. They agreed the best approach would be to spook it with Adril’s magic, perhaps using some flames of hers once again. Erdrick walked slightly ahead of Adril, with his hand on his spear, just in case they were taken by surprise.
As they neared the edge of the field where the tree line began Erdrick turned to Adril, “Stay behind me, if the troll or anything else pops up I’ll take on the initial attack….but keep close, I’m going to need your magic to help me, can’t take on a troll all by lonesome. Ready?”

Adril looked at Erdrick, brave of him to take the lead, and the fact that he wanted her close by for her help let her know how much he valued her and her magic for assistance, they were becoming the quite the team in such a small time. Confident and ready Adril was poised to take on whatever they encountered, “Ready, let’s go.”
The two went into the forest and headed for the cave. The sun had set a while ago and the sky was getting darker. Once inside the forest there was barely enough light to see by. However, Erdrick was making good progress and Lady Fodson said the cave was not too far away.

The Troll rested, about thirty feet away from his cave, his back against the trunk of a very large tree. He had quickly found that he hunted much more efficiently at night and was less likely to encounter bothersome humans. The sun had set as he stretched his arms, waking up for the night. As was typical for his species, he was 15 ft tall, with huge strong arms. His torso was well muscled, but his did have a big belly. He wore only a crude loin cloth around his waist. His head was misshapen … and ugly, but past that ... there was no missing the cruelty and evil behind his eyes. This troll liked to pull the arms and legs off humans and watch them squrim around before they died.

When darkness descended more, he stood up, grabbing his massive club and listened. He heard nothing. But something was not right. He was not smart … it was not an attribute of trolls, but nature had equipped him with certain hunting instincts. So he remained still for a moment, then his nose detected a scent. “HUMANS!” he thought. “and they are coming this way” He smiled to himself, a really horrible thing to see; luckily no one was there to see it! He would set up an ambush for the silly little humans.

Erdrick and Adnil approach the cave quietly. Erdrick was impressed with how quiet and focused Adnil could be. She was actually doing better then he … of coarse she was in a robe and slipper … he was carrying a few more weapons and was in leather armor.

They both could see the cave now in the dim light. Erdrick moved forward, Adnil followed. Suddenly a movement in the corner of her eye caught Adnil’s attention. She jerked her head to the side and tensed, glancing around sharply. The forest was serene and quiet. Everything seemed to be in order. She was just about to relax when a large club came swing down ... aimed at her head!

Adnil drew in a sharp breath and stumbled backwards to get out of the way … falling backwards as her foot hit a log. She grabbed Erdrick's arm, pulling him back as well. This mistake probably saved his life …as the club came back around to crush him … but missed as he was now lying on top off Adnil!

"What's the Fuck ….” He began when he saw the huge club swing inches from his face.

Meanwhile Adnil was saying “GET OFF ME …” which Erdrick did with speed and grace … he even had a second to yank Adnil back on her feet …

“CRUSH YOU HUMANS!!!” came a grunt from the dumb but evil troll as the massive club was swung at them again. Erdrick and Adnil ran off in different directions …as the club barely missing them again.

"Are you crazy?! What's wrong with you?! You could have killed us with that club … Dumbshit!!" Adnil snapped, before she saw the troll charging at her.

“Humans good to eat!” the troll said …as Adnil paled trying to think up a quick spell to slow him down. She heard Erdrick draw his weapons, and yell to get the troll attention. The troll did not slow down and was almost upon her. She ducked and tried to run between the troll’s legs. But the brute just grabbed one of her feet and held her upside down …”Caught you! Now I eat you!” He said in an evil voice … But Erdrick thrust his sword into one of the troll’s ass cheeks. The troll screamed in pain and spun around … to face him … he also threw Adnil on top of him …Adnl big breasts landing right in his face …as he was once again knocked to the ground.

In one smooth movement, Erdrick was out from under those big breasts and he slashed at the troll in a precise sideways arc. It sliced into one of the troll’s legs … but that did not seem to disturb the troll at all. While Erdrick was in this off balanced position the troll ripped the sword from his hands and bent the weapon in half.

"No more pointy stick for dumb human!!” he roared as he tried to step on Erdrick.

Erdrick roll away … but the troll stopped stomping ... and kicked him … Erdrick let out a pained grunt as he was flung into the forest.

Adnil was back on her feet … and yelled “HEY SHIT FOR BRAINS … YOU WANT TO PLAY ROUGH … EAT THIS!!” and she cased her fireball spell at the troll … There was a horrible, ripping of the air …as the fireball exploded against the troll chest. … as the smoke cleared … there was a watery sound as a viscous, dark ichor dribbled from the troll’s chest. Trolls are highly fire resistant ... but it looked like he had a sucking chest wound. But this did not seem to slow the troll down.

As she watched, as the troll eyes filled with hate and anger … “AHHHHHHH” he screamed and ran right at her.

Adnil screamed and took off running … the troll was chasing her and was going to catch her … that thought caused a sudden surge of adrenaline and she ran even faster, she ducked around a tree. This action slowed the troll down. She could turn faster … he was just too massive. She took off in the opposite direction, the troll still on her heels.

She was back at the place Erdrick had been kicked into the forest, when two huge arms clamped tightly around her. Restricting her breathing, as the troll picked her up. Dimly, she could see into the troll horrible face as he said “I eat you now!” His big ugly mouth opening!!!
Erdrick was on knees, with one hand on the ground to support him. He was clutching the spot where troll had landed a kick. He breaths were short and deliberate. His mind raced, he knew they were in trouble, trying to gather his jumbled thoughts, he decided his next course of action.

In the distance, a scream rang out, the kind of scream that let you know something terrible was about to happen. Still reeling from the blow delivered by the massive beast, the scream jerked Erdrick back into the moment, Adril. His fear was not just for a travel companion, she was in trouble and it pulled at him. He needed to save her…he needed her.

Thoughts of pain left his body, he may have been injured but at the moment he didn’t care, the endorphin rush raging through his body erased all pretense of hurt and replaced it with action. Scrambling to his feet, he gripped his spear, his body promising worlds of pain to the beast that held his desire captive.

Adril gasped, the trolls clutch on her body was squeezing the life right out of her. She had never felt such a vice like sensation. The hands of the troll were massive and powerful, enclosing her entire upper torso. While he squeezed her breast flowed over the top of his hands, and her rib cage contracted underneath.

“Tasty treat awaits, once you snap.” The troll cackled while he spoke to Adril, taunting her. “No worries, you’ll still be alive, just less wiggly.” His licked his chops, ready to savor the meal ahead of him.

Adril thought to herself, this is the end, I’m going to be broken and this slimy, disgusting monster is going to eat me. Her bones were on verge of breaking, the troll so focused on her, didn’t see the spear fall until it was too late.

Adril had closed her eyes not wanting to see what was going to happen next. Instead of the feel of her bones cracking, and teeth closing in around her, she felt like she was falling. No, not like falling, she did fall. Upon hitting the ground, she crumpled into a heap on the ground. She felt liquid hit her, and after hearing the screams of fury and seeing troll stagger around with one hand on his face covering his injured eye, and the other wavering with blind malice desperately seeking his assailant. Adril knew she had been saved, and it was blood showering down on her from the trolls damaged socket.

After landing, what had to be a leaping blow because of the trolls height, Edrick rolled on the ground and recovered his balance. The spear he had drove into the Trolls eye had causing massive trauma. The troll was lumbering around aimlessly covering his face and swinging his arm. Though temporarily inept, Erdrick knew it was only a matter of time before the troll regained his bearings. He had to act fast, he lost his spear upon impact, and he was not unarmed. He didn’t know how else to attack the troll but he had to think of something. In the meantime he was doing his best to dodge the trolls feeble swings, though the troll could not see, dodging a swinging troll arm is no small feat.

Adril regaining her composure, saw Erdrick ducking and dodging around the troll, keeping his attention but doing everything he could to avoid being crushed by the trolls arm. Thinking fast, she knew she had to do something. She knew fire was not going to do it, she needed something, something stronger than the troll, and then she saw it.

30 meters from the melee, lay a giant boulder the size of small shack. It was bigger than anything Adril had levitated before, and she didn’t know if she could lift it from such distance. Concentrating on the object she willed it to move. At first the boulder did not budge. She focused harder, all her attention on the object and its trajectory. The boulder started to roll, but slowly.

Behind she heard a cry of pain, Erdrick has just mistimed one of leaps out of the way of danger, and was caught by a strike from the troll, the blow knocked him into a tree. Winded and off his feet, Erdrick lay with his back to tree facing the troll. The troll bared down on him, smiling.

“Hop, hop, hop little rabbit all you want, now I got you.”

It was all Erdrick could, he stared into the face of his would be killer, if he was going to die, he was going to look death head on.

Seeing Erdrick on the verge of death struck a chord in Adril. Tears running down her face, she screamed with cry of fury, “Noooooo!”. The boulder flew through the air at gale force speed, crashing into the side of the troll. The troll was thrown several meters in the air and then smashed into the ground. Blood trickled from his body.

Adril ran over to Erdrick, and kneeled down next to him.

“Are you hurt? Are you injured? What can I do?”

The panic in her voice was evident, and with a quick assessment of his body, Erdrick knew he would be sore for days, but thankfully nothing permanent. Still the pain was radiating through his body, to buy himself some time before having to stand, he made on request,

“Well actually there is one thing you could do.”


“A kiss would be wonderful right now.”

With tears still running down her cheeks, Adril couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. “You idiot, you nearly died and all you ask for is a kiss?” But she was already leaning into him, pressing her lips against his. She wrapped her arms around him, and kissed him as if she would never be able to again, telling herself it was close to being true.
Adnil finished the kiss, gasping. “That was not such a bad idea! You horny bastard” she whispered to him, proud of her clever use of words. Then she stood up and walked over to the troll. The boulder had crushed the troll’s side and chest. The thing looked dead. He was not breathing or moving. But she wanted to make sure.

“I’ll be back in a bit, you should just rest” Adnil told Erdrick as she headed for the troll’s cave. A ball of glowing light appeared in one of her hands to allow her to see as she entered the troll’s lair. She caught the overpowering odor of troll waste and dead rotting things inside the cave.

“It does not smell good in here!” she yelled back at Erdrick. “Putrid, is the right word …I’d better be able to get the smell out of my cloth!” She complained.

She did not have to go far, there were bones of dead animal everywhere. Luckily she did not see any human bones, but under the bones of what looked like a deer, she saw a gleaming sword. She picked it up and it was not too heavy. It felt good in her hands. “This should work” She said to herself and then she got out of the stinky place.

With the ball of glowing light following her, she headed back to the troll body. “This is going to be messy” She said to Erdrick as she brought the sword over her head and with all her strength cut the head off the troll. Erdrick and Adnil looked at each other.

“Wow” he said “I did not know you were that strong!”

“I’m not” She answered looking at the sword in her hand. “I think this might be a magical sword.”

Confident the troll was dead. She returned to Erdrick. “I know a minor healing spell, but you are going to be sore for a while.” She grabbed the green jewel around her neck and it started to glow. Erdrick could feel the healing power seep into his body. He felt much better in about a minute. The gem stopped glowing.

Adnil kissed him again “You get a rain check on using my body … until you feel better” She put her head against his chest and they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Waking sometime later, Erdrick felt rejuvenated. It could have been the effects of Adril’s spell, having more time to work on his banged up body. He tilted his head down and looked at Adril’s head still resting against his chest. He watched it rise and fall with pattern of his breathing. His arms were wrapped around her, and her hands against his chest. It was a happy moment for him.

Despite the now dead and rotting corpse of the troll laying a short distance away, the only smell that resonated with Erdrick was Adril’s scent. They, were both sweaty and bloodied from the skirmish they just had, but it was nothing but pleasant aromas radiating from her body. He loved her smell, he loved her touch. She was special to him, and he knew he had to keep her close, keep her safe.

His mind passed over thoughts of Nero, and they turned dark, he indeed would have to deal with Nero upon return. While Erdrick had no official claim to her as his only, he was not about to let slime like Nero try to take advantage of her or give her any hassle.

Erdrick tightened his grip on Adril, he knew he would have to rouse her soon. They had to get out of the woods soon, dawn was breaking, and they needed to get back to Lady Fodson, give her the news of the troll’s demise. A smile spread over Erdrick’s face as he looked down at Adril, sleeping peacefully, it almost was a shame to wake her, but necessary.

Erdrick leaned in and kissed Adril on the lips. He ran a hand through her hair
and down her back. Soon her lips were returning his kiss. Adril kept her eyes shut, but she knew who was on the other end of the kiss. She rubbed his chest, and then parted her lips, allowing her tongue to meet his. The two stayed locked in this deep embrace. Erdrick’s hands found their way up to Adril’s breasts. He started to knead them with his palm. Then started to give them a slight squeeze. Her breasts were heavenly.
“Someone is feeling better today!” Adnil moaned as her breasts were being squeezed. Erdrick hands felt wonderful on her breasts, her nipples were getting harder.

“Play with my nipples …” She moaned …Erdrick grabbed each one and lightly pinched them … twisted them her nipples grew hard with excitement and she gasped in pleasure. “oh god … that does feel good!” she thought. Erdrick lean down and started to lick them “OHHHHH” she moaned her breasts feeling that wonderful tingle. He flicked his tongue over her tits … her eyes open now as she gasped louder … she could feel the tingle spreading from her swelling chest to her groin. She was getting hot and breathing faster. Erdrick obviously knew how to use his tongue, now he started using his teeth, giving her stone hard nipples playful little bites. She could tell he was enjoying himself and so was she. He kept licking and sucking on her sensitive breasts, he could hear her moans and gasps … and he saw her legs start to shake as her excitement grew. Adnil needed his mouth elsewhere.

“Did you want to lick my pussy again?” Adnil asked …as the last time felt so good, she wanted to feel him do it again. Erdrick smiled … and released her nipple. He pushed her on her back …as she spread her legs. He kissed her leg … working his way to her pussy. He was a patient and wonderful lover … and he knew how to please pussies. And soon Adnil had her toned thighs wrapped round his head. Her naked, pink pussy becoming swollen as the fighter's mouth was on her sex, his mouth and nose overwhelmed by the taste and smell of her slithering, wet cunt-folds. Instinctively he licked at her pussy faster … as she began to rock herself gleefully on his face.

“OHHHH that feels great” she moaned …as her big breasts jiggled over her chest. It would not take long …as her clit was throbbing like crazy. Small gasps of pleasure escaping her lips. Erdrick whispered “go ahead and moan, let it out …I like that”. “MMMMMMMM” she moaned louder.

“You are driving me crazy with your tongue!” She gasped

The tangy, natural perfume of her snatch was filling his nose and her pussy nectar dripped from her cunt. He started to lick his way into that wetly pulsating tunnel. The feeling was glorious - like thrusting his tongue into a ripe, salty peach and letting the juice flood his mouth.

He attacked her squirming twitching pussy. She squealed in pleasure … spreading her legs wider … His tongue was better than any modern day vibrator and the young girl’s cunt was quivering like crazy ready to cum in any second.

“Oh by the gods ….oh yeah, fuck me with your tongue, that's right. That feels so fucking good. Oooooh - lick out my cunt, oh yeah ... Oh God, oh God I'm close - Oh keep doing that...” And her words dissolve into a series of yelps as she hit her peak. Her whole body began to shudder and thrash, as she achieved her climax. The exotic taste of her juice flowed down his tongue.
Lust was running through Erdrick’s veins. Adrils moans of pleasure spurred him on. He could feel his fully erect cock begging for release. With her love juices running down his chin, he could not get enough of her pussy. His tongue was exploring the depths of her sex and the taste was beyond anything he had experienced before.

Her body quivered from the probing of his tongue, and with an insatiable hunger he continued to dive deeper. Erdrick, reached up and grab her breasts. His palms kneaded her titflesh, while his fingers found her hardened nipples. Between his thumb and index he stroked the nipples, sending her even further into a frenzy of ecstasy.

Adrils legs were wrapped around Erdricks head, and he wore her like a crown. Taking in her full measure of beauty, her smell and taste excited to the point he felt like he might break. Adril’s hands were on the back of his head pressing him into her. Her moans were growing, and soon a tongue wouldn’t not suffice at filling her pleasure.

Erdrick, could not take anymore, his engorged dick demanded action. In a smooth movement, Edrick pulled himself on top of Adril. His hands were still busy fondling Adrils ample chest, but his mouth found hers, and he shared with her, her delectable taste.

Their tongues danced with each over, falling over one another. Erdrick’s hand reached down and loosened his pants in order to free his raging growth. Adril sensing what was happening, moved his hand away and sought his cock herself.

Adril knowing how endowed he was, was still impressed when the massive head found her hand. She began to stroke Edricks cock, causing him to break their kiss for just a moment to let out a sigh. Adril’s legs spread welcoming the impending encounter between their worlds.
Erdrick shifted his hips and positioned his cock, so the head lay right on her pussy lips.

“Please, Erdrick I need you inside me.” Adril’s legs were trembling, desperately seeking the fulfillment.
Erdrick toyed with her vagina, prodding it with his head, and then tapping his cock on her clit and massaging her lips. Finally, when he could take no more, he looked deep into Adril’s eyes, which reflected his own longing for the moment about to come.

Edrick had both his hands placed firmly on the ground, and the force he brought with his thrust, shook Adril. His cock entered and plunged deep inside Adril’s pussy. Immediately his cock was coated by Adril’s love juices. Erdrick began to gyrate back and forth sending his entire length into her.
“OH MY … That feels GOOD” Adnil moaned. Erdrick grunted as he fucked one of the best feeling pussies his cock had ever been in. Her cunt felt unbelievably good. As he fucked her, she moaned her large breasts bouncing across her chest.

She pushed her breasts together and leaned forward at the same time, her pussy pressing against his massive cock increasing his pleasure and hers too! The brunette swayed her body with a sultry look on her face, the erotic movement of her chest and curves excited Erdrick even more. He ran his hands over her body sculpting her contours with his palms. First down over her shoulders and then gliding them slowly over her breasts and then out to the tops of her hips. Adnil shut her eyes and enjoyed every part of every touch and was thrilled as the finger tips glanced over her sensitive nipples which began to tighten again causing her to draw her breath sharply. Erdrick's cock was still fucking her slowly … throbbing in her tight pussy. As he tugged on her nipples he felt the pleasure of the wet walls of her pussy clenched around the shaft of his cock.

She wrapped her arms around him … embracing him … hugging him and whispered “ohhhh fuck me ... tug on my nipples”.

His cock buried deep inside her. Erdrick started to draw it back out of her tight pussy walls giving her more sensations of intense pleasure. He bought more and more pleasure with each stroke. The two gazed into each eyes and knew that this was good and they kissed, kissed with intense passion.

He flipped her over so now she was on top, his massive cock still hard inside of her. She began to ride his cock, moving up and down, going faster as she began to moan. After a few minutes she could barely even think straight, so the orgasm that caught her next was something she was completely unaware of until it arrived.

He was fucking her sensitive, hot, sopping wet pussy and suddenly she tightened up and gasped “Aaaaiiieee!!” The tingle intensified and her cunt got wetter. Erdrick noticed. “Let the flood gates open” he told her as his dick rammed into her. As his hands tugged on her hyper sensitive nipples adding to the intense assault on her will power. Those magnificent tugs, and that cock thrusting pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm hit her like a raging bull. Her body tighten, her back arched as she screamed. Her pussy exploded in orgasm … quivering wildly as juice poured out. A minute later she murmured peacefully, still enjoying the twitching feeling in her pussy. Her breasts swayed back and forth with every Erdrick thrust into her.
Erdrick let out a gasp, as Adril’s body trembled from the surge of pleasure that ran through her body as she orgasm. Her pussy hugged his throbbing cock tightly. Erdrick sink his nails into her thighs as he clenched on to her, still thrusting with all his might. Each thrust his cock delved deeper into her. As her love juices flowed from her body coating his cock and running out on to his legs, he was spurred on, he was intent on not allowing that to be her only orgasm from this encounter.

Erdrick released Adri’ls thighs, reaching up her grabbed both of her lovely orbs, one in each hand. They felt amazing to his touch, and his cocked twitched inside of Adril. Adril moaned, still in the wake of her orgasm the sensation of having her tits played with sent new tremors of pleasure through her. She hung one arm behind her, and one clenched a handful of her hair as she bucked hips, riding Erdrick’s engorged member.

“Play with my nipples Erdrick, stroke them, fuck them with your fingers.”
Erdrcik pinched both of her nipples between his index fingers and thumbs. He began stroking them. He knew he was getting close to the point of no return. The pressure was building as his balls swell. Gripping onto her bust, he pulled her into him with every thrust, feeling every inch of her sweetness.

Erdrick could see Adril may be close to another orgasm, her breathing was speeding up, the moans escaping her were more consistent now. He wouldn’t was much longer, he drove his cock deep into her as she rode him. He knew it was only a matter moments before his love stink would escape. Adril must of sensed how close he was, she closed her eyes and bucked her hips harder,

“Don’t stop Erdrick.”

Erdrick’s hand dropped from her breast, wrapped around her back and grabbed her ass. He smashed his cock into her with increasing speed and ferocity. His cock slide in and out of her over and over. Erdrick could hold on no longer, and released all of his cum into her.

The explosion of semen in her vagina, sent ripples of pleasure coursing through Adrils body, like waves. Feeling the gush of cum, Adril’s head fell back as she let out a moan and sigh, she had stopped riding him, and now the only movement was of her breast moving up and down from deep breaths, and the quivering of her pussy. Catching her breath, she moved her hips slightly coaxing every drop of his precious fluid out of his cock as it remained inside her.
Erdrick’s hands fall to the sides of the two bound bodies, and small short breaths escaped him now. It was level pleasure he had never known, and it was not leaving him. Buried inside a ball of sensation was radiating through him. Adril looked down at Erdrick, and smiled seeing his eyes closed and panting. She leaned forward and kissed him, bringing him back into the moment. Erdrick wrapped his arms around her, feeling her breast press up against his chest caused a slight twitch in his cock, but he was more concerned about the sweetness of the lips pressing against his own. The two laid there wrapped in each others embrace.
“Someone is conclusively feeling better, now!!” Adnil whispered, smiling. “You rest and I’ll get us some breakfast” She suggested. They had not brought much along to eat … hoping to be done with the task and back at the manor to sleep the night. However, it was always good to plan for problems and delays. So Adnil and Erdrick had packed some fruit (apples) and cheese. Adnil got up … she was still naked and her huge breasts swung about. As she got on her feet and those giant jugs stood proudly on her chest. She was one of the sexist girls, Erdrick had ever seen. She got to their small packs and retrieved the food and some water and rejoined Erdrick.

“The cheese tastes good” she said as she cut off a piece for him. “I think we should bring the troll’s head back … and someone needs to check out the cave … might be some treasure in there … then we can head back.” She said.

“Sounds like a good plan … but I think we should get dressed first” He said.

“What!” Adnil said acting hurt “you don’t like me naked?”

“I love you naked … but that leads to fucking … and we are suppose to be working!” he grinned.

“Ok” Adnil said reluctantly … grabbing her green mage’s robe and pulling it on. Erdrick also put on his leather armor.

“I’ll check out the cave … I can handled bad smells” He said

“Have some light” Adnil told Erdrick as she cast her ball of glowing light except this time the ball followed Erdrick. He was impressed. She was a capable mage. He entered the troll’s lair, and was hit with the wall of overpowering smell. But he ignored it and went in … It took a bit of time … but he found a small chest of gold and a few more weapons (2 daggers and a small mace). None of the weapons seemed magical.

As he walked out of the cave, the magic light following him went out. He looked around and Adnil had pack up all their items and had placed the troll head in her pack. He hid the chest near a tree and placed the weapons into his pack.

“Here … this is yours now” Adni said, handing him the magic sword. Erdrick put the weapon in his belt. And said “thanks … let’s be off”

It did not take long before they were back at Lady Fodson’s house. The older woman had been worried about those two when they had not returned.
Back at Fodson manor, Lady Fodson waited anxiously at sitting at a table in the garden behind the main house. Her eyes were cast in the direction of the stables and beyond to the forest. The two young adventurers had been gone through the night. One might of suspected that they had abandoned their quest, but something told her these two were not the quitting kind. They must have been held up by something, possibly they got a little to caught up in each other, she allowed herself a small smile at this thought, it was far better than the other grim explanation for their delay. She sipped her tea and waited.

Adril led the way back to the manor walking just slightly in front of Erdrick and to his left. Erdrick carried the troll’s head on his shoulder. He found himself faltering in step from time to time, one might have believed it due to the weight of the head, but it had more to do with watching the sway of Adril’s perfect ass that distracted him. He couldn’t wait to get back to town, no sleeping at the guild tonight he had plans of getting a room where they could have some privacy

As they left the forest and entered the open fields of the Fodson estate, Lady Fodson gave a sigh of relief upon seeing them. Good they made it, she thought. As they got closer, she saw Erdrick was carrying what looked like a troll head. She had hoped for them to scare off the troll, but taking its head was all the better. Powerful these two must be she thought, and so attractive, they made quite the couple.

Adril waved to Lady Fodson, smiling as they approached. Lady Fodson stood and walked over to greet them.

“I pray there wasn’t much trouble. You two were gone through the night in the forest, I was a bit worried.”

“Oh, no trouble at all.” Adril responded, still wearing her smile.
Erdrick couldn’t help but suppress a small smile, ‘no trouble?’ he thought, well I guess if you consider almost getting crushed by a troll no trouble, then yes it was all peaches. Though he was impressed with Adril’s resolve, it was something he had not guessed about her when first saw her. She had been pleasantly surprising him this entire trip.

Adril and Lady Fodson discussed the matters of payment for completion of the job. Adril tied the money bag Lady Fodson had given to her belt. As for the matter of the troll head, Lady Fodson declined accepting it despite being tempted to placing it on a stake as a warning to others. She thought the two could use it to gain favor at the guild, killing a troll was no small feat, specially for greenhorns.

As they walked back into town, Adril and Erdrick discussed what they were going to do first once they got back.