Just here for a good time
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Hoping to escape from under the shadow of his family name, a young warrior ventures out of his home to Cartha, a giant castle town, to make his own way. Newly accepted into the Bart's Company guild, Erdrick arrives eager to get to work, only to find getting the letter of acceptance was only the begining. Having grown up a bastard of a local lord, Erdrick grew up wary of others, never taking what he didn't earn and asking nothing from those he couldn't pay back. At the guild he would soon learn he would come rely on the strength of others if he were to succeed.
Erdrick Greyson:
Son of Thorin Greyson, a great warrior and lord in the realm. Thorin Greyson was married to Lady Anabella Threton, the Thretons were a vastly rich family, own a great amount of land, and masters of trade. Erdrick was born a bastard, an illigetimate child his father had while away on a campaign for the crown. Thorin Greyson was loved and respected through the realm, as a kind man, who's only faults, prior to his indiscretion, was maybe laughing too loudly at feasts, or drinking a bit too much and acting a fool. Lady Anabella, was the opposite of her husband. She was cold, calculating. Like the rest of her family she was shrewd when it came to business matters, and very rarely ever showed emotion. Many said when Lady Anabella spoke, her mind was thinking ten other things as well, and when she smiled it rarely ever reached her piercing eyes. Her and Thorin had five children together, all spectacular in their own right. On the day Thorin brought home a bastard son, her fury was legendary. She shouted at him, slapped him, and all he could do was stand their in his shame. His compassion was what drove him to bring the boy back, copassion he knew Anabella did not share, but hoped she would allow the boy to stay. After her rage calmed, she told Thorin the boy could stay and live with outside their home, but she would never love him, would never accept him as one of her own. Thorin agreed. Erdrick, while loved by his father, grew up a very different life than his brothers and sisters. He lived with the servants and learned their trades. Every now and then Thorin would make time to teach the boy some skills in combat and dueling. Erdrick quickly became handy with a spear, and showed a propensity for a sword. Though he was terrible when it came to riding and using a bow. When he was 12 his father got him into the Academy to further his studies. Erdrick never excelled much in his peer group, though he stood out when it came to dueling, finishing in the top ten consistently at the end of term competitions. His time at the Academy was a bit of torture the children who's parents were nobles, and high class, berated Erdrick for being a bastard, he was picked on from the moment he arrived at the Academy. However the torment and ridicule susbised a bit in his later years, things tend to do that when you are six feet tall, have a decent build, and handy with a spear and sword. Erdrick has grown into a fine young man, he had his fathers broad shoulders and jet black hair, he eyes though were a light almost greyish blue, which father had told him where that of his mothers, he was hardy boy who complained little and asked for less. While the torment was quelled, he was never accepted by his peers, he cared little. His disdain for roaylty, nobles, and high class was well known. He didn't feel a birthright entitled a man or woman to anything, their actions and deeds were what made them who they were. And Erdrick was ready to make his own name. Upon graduation he was accepted into the prestigeous Bart Company guild, while not higest tier of guilds in the realm it was very respectable and well known through many lands. Erdrick was no fool, he knew very well his last name helped secure his acceptance in the guild, but was determined to show by his actions that the acceptance was justified.
Erdrick rode into the castle town of Cartha, the shops were a buzz with activity. Though not as busy as it was on the weekends, the Market was was always bustling with shoppers. Erdrick strode through the streets of the retail district on his way to Guild Row. He had been riding for a couple days, and was happy that his trip was soon to come to an end. On horse he felt uncomfortable and awkward. He never grew accustomed to being mounted (on horse), always felt more at ease with his own two feet on the ground. Today was the day he reported to the Bart’s Company guild, he had been accepted into one the top tier guilds, might have been toward the bottom of the top but he didn’t care he couldn’t be happier. While it was his last name that secured his entrance, it would his accomplishments that kept him in. While riding through the Market he saw all kinds of life. Having grown up away from any central kingdoms and never travelling with the family to any foreign lands, he was not used to seeing the various races. He had limited dealing with elves, but it wasn’t just elves perusing the shops. He saw minotaurs, trolls, orcs, naga, dwarves, those who appeared to be the undead, and those were just the ones who stuck out to him. Wizards, warriors, all manner of different classes were around him. He felt a bit out of place, in his humble leather armor and clothing, but he knew after a few jobs at the guild he would be able to afford the shiny pieces that were being worn by those around him. Having never grown up or dealing with the different races gave him a distinct advantage and disadvantage, he had little to no biases towards any of the races, which allowed him to feel comfortable around them, and at the same time he was clueless on who could be trusted and who could not. Quickly he thought to himself, stick to what I know, “ask nothing from anyone and accept nothing without knowing the cost.” Erdrick dismounted his horse, and decided to walk the rest of the way, the crowds made it difficult for a horse to maneuver, specially with such a novice rider.
Arriving at Bart’s Company, a little later than he had wanted, he wandered lost for bit around the streets of Cartha, and only when a helpful Night Elf pointed him in the right direction did he find the guild. At the door he knocked loudly, no response. He knocked again, finally after a few minutes an old, slightly hunched over dwarf with thick glasses and a white beard that nearly touched the ground answered.
“And who be you?” The dwarf questioned.
“I am Erdrick Greyson, I’m here to report to the Bart’s Company guild.”
“Ah, fresh meat, follow me. I’m Hackgarth. I’ll bring to the other new arrivals.”
Erdrick, didn’t know what to make of the fresh meat comment, but he quickly dismissed it. Hackgarth walked Erdrick into the entrance room, it was huge, with high ceilings and giant stained glass windows. A few of the windows depicted effigies of various individuals with their names across the bottom, heroes of the guild, legends who were counted amongst the most renowned members the guild had had through the years. Erdrick was taken back by beauty of the room, seeing the dual spiral staircases and large doors that lead surely to another grand hall, Erdrick began to walk in their direction. However, Hackgarth called him over in the direction of a shabby side door. Once through the door, they stood in a small, slightly cramped room. There was dirty table in the middle, surrounded by rickety chairs. A fire off to the side dimly lit the room. Erdrick saw there were four others waiting in the room. Hackgarth ushered him over to a sit that sat him next to a female unlike Erdrick had ever seen. She was beautiful, dressed in the finest of clothes, looking highly out of place given the state of the room. She appeared to be very proper, sitting upright with her back straight, which accentuated her ample bosom. Her dress was cut low, causing all onlookers to get even more of view of her lovely chest. Erdrick wondered why she was trying to get in the guild, she didn’t look much like a fighter, but he knew there magic users in this world, and assumed that she must have had some skill with magic to accepted into Bart’s Company, that or slept with the entrance committee. Erdrick stole a few more sideways glances then sized up the rest of the room.
Erdrick Greyson:
Son of Thorin Greyson, a great warrior and lord in the realm. Thorin Greyson was married to Lady Anabella Threton, the Thretons were a vastly rich family, own a great amount of land, and masters of trade. Erdrick was born a bastard, an illigetimate child his father had while away on a campaign for the crown. Thorin Greyson was loved and respected through the realm, as a kind man, who's only faults, prior to his indiscretion, was maybe laughing too loudly at feasts, or drinking a bit too much and acting a fool. Lady Anabella, was the opposite of her husband. She was cold, calculating. Like the rest of her family she was shrewd when it came to business matters, and very rarely ever showed emotion. Many said when Lady Anabella spoke, her mind was thinking ten other things as well, and when she smiled it rarely ever reached her piercing eyes. Her and Thorin had five children together, all spectacular in their own right. On the day Thorin brought home a bastard son, her fury was legendary. She shouted at him, slapped him, and all he could do was stand their in his shame. His compassion was what drove him to bring the boy back, copassion he knew Anabella did not share, but hoped she would allow the boy to stay. After her rage calmed, she told Thorin the boy could stay and live with outside their home, but she would never love him, would never accept him as one of her own. Thorin agreed. Erdrick, while loved by his father, grew up a very different life than his brothers and sisters. He lived with the servants and learned their trades. Every now and then Thorin would make time to teach the boy some skills in combat and dueling. Erdrick quickly became handy with a spear, and showed a propensity for a sword. Though he was terrible when it came to riding and using a bow. When he was 12 his father got him into the Academy to further his studies. Erdrick never excelled much in his peer group, though he stood out when it came to dueling, finishing in the top ten consistently at the end of term competitions. His time at the Academy was a bit of torture the children who's parents were nobles, and high class, berated Erdrick for being a bastard, he was picked on from the moment he arrived at the Academy. However the torment and ridicule susbised a bit in his later years, things tend to do that when you are six feet tall, have a decent build, and handy with a spear and sword. Erdrick has grown into a fine young man, he had his fathers broad shoulders and jet black hair, he eyes though were a light almost greyish blue, which father had told him where that of his mothers, he was hardy boy who complained little and asked for less. While the torment was quelled, he was never accepted by his peers, he cared little. His disdain for roaylty, nobles, and high class was well known. He didn't feel a birthright entitled a man or woman to anything, their actions and deeds were what made them who they were. And Erdrick was ready to make his own name. Upon graduation he was accepted into the prestigeous Bart Company guild, while not higest tier of guilds in the realm it was very respectable and well known through many lands. Erdrick was no fool, he knew very well his last name helped secure his acceptance in the guild, but was determined to show by his actions that the acceptance was justified.
Erdrick rode into the castle town of Cartha, the shops were a buzz with activity. Though not as busy as it was on the weekends, the Market was was always bustling with shoppers. Erdrick strode through the streets of the retail district on his way to Guild Row. He had been riding for a couple days, and was happy that his trip was soon to come to an end. On horse he felt uncomfortable and awkward. He never grew accustomed to being mounted (on horse), always felt more at ease with his own two feet on the ground. Today was the day he reported to the Bart’s Company guild, he had been accepted into one the top tier guilds, might have been toward the bottom of the top but he didn’t care he couldn’t be happier. While it was his last name that secured his entrance, it would his accomplishments that kept him in. While riding through the Market he saw all kinds of life. Having grown up away from any central kingdoms and never travelling with the family to any foreign lands, he was not used to seeing the various races. He had limited dealing with elves, but it wasn’t just elves perusing the shops. He saw minotaurs, trolls, orcs, naga, dwarves, those who appeared to be the undead, and those were just the ones who stuck out to him. Wizards, warriors, all manner of different classes were around him. He felt a bit out of place, in his humble leather armor and clothing, but he knew after a few jobs at the guild he would be able to afford the shiny pieces that were being worn by those around him. Having never grown up or dealing with the different races gave him a distinct advantage and disadvantage, he had little to no biases towards any of the races, which allowed him to feel comfortable around them, and at the same time he was clueless on who could be trusted and who could not. Quickly he thought to himself, stick to what I know, “ask nothing from anyone and accept nothing without knowing the cost.” Erdrick dismounted his horse, and decided to walk the rest of the way, the crowds made it difficult for a horse to maneuver, specially with such a novice rider.
Arriving at Bart’s Company, a little later than he had wanted, he wandered lost for bit around the streets of Cartha, and only when a helpful Night Elf pointed him in the right direction did he find the guild. At the door he knocked loudly, no response. He knocked again, finally after a few minutes an old, slightly hunched over dwarf with thick glasses and a white beard that nearly touched the ground answered.
“And who be you?” The dwarf questioned.
“I am Erdrick Greyson, I’m here to report to the Bart’s Company guild.”
“Ah, fresh meat, follow me. I’m Hackgarth. I’ll bring to the other new arrivals.”
Erdrick, didn’t know what to make of the fresh meat comment, but he quickly dismissed it. Hackgarth walked Erdrick into the entrance room, it was huge, with high ceilings and giant stained glass windows. A few of the windows depicted effigies of various individuals with their names across the bottom, heroes of the guild, legends who were counted amongst the most renowned members the guild had had through the years. Erdrick was taken back by beauty of the room, seeing the dual spiral staircases and large doors that lead surely to another grand hall, Erdrick began to walk in their direction. However, Hackgarth called him over in the direction of a shabby side door. Once through the door, they stood in a small, slightly cramped room. There was dirty table in the middle, surrounded by rickety chairs. A fire off to the side dimly lit the room. Erdrick saw there were four others waiting in the room. Hackgarth ushered him over to a sit that sat him next to a female unlike Erdrick had ever seen. She was beautiful, dressed in the finest of clothes, looking highly out of place given the state of the room. She appeared to be very proper, sitting upright with her back straight, which accentuated her ample bosom. Her dress was cut low, causing all onlookers to get even more of view of her lovely chest. Erdrick wondered why she was trying to get in the guild, she didn’t look much like a fighter, but he knew there magic users in this world, and assumed that she must have had some skill with magic to accepted into Bart’s Company, that or slept with the entrance committee. Erdrick stole a few more sideways glances then sized up the rest of the room.