

Dec 26, 1999
Having a medication problem again?

Are you going to run off in a huff, make a new screen name and use something else as an excuse for this week's batch of psychotic, bitchy attitude you've been throwing off?
Transration: send a naked picture of your hooker buddy to CV, ASAP.
Nope, sorry to disappoint you, but it's not worth the trouble. However, it strikes me as ironic how you are using my misfortune against me in order to gain attention for yourself.

I cant stand people using other peoples pain as a reason to either garner something for themselves
to expouse their religious rhetoric.

Lemme guess, do as I say and not as I do again?
MsTerious said:
Nope, sorry to disappoint you, but it's not worth the trouble. However, it strikes me as ironic how you are using my misfortune against me in order to gain attention for yourself.

Lemme guess, do as I say and not as I do again?
Haven't you read Angel's new rules thread? I haven't either. Who cares. Angel is pretty. Wanna threesome with me and Angel? How about on the New Years eve? We could do a count down and all.
MsTerious said:
Nope, sorry to disappoint you, but it's not worth the trouble. However, it strikes me as ironic how you are using my misfortune against me in order to gain attention for yourself.

Lemme guess, do as I say and not as I do again?

This isn't your misfortune at all. I'm using your psychotic rambling and sorry excuses for your behavior against you.

I get plenty of attention without having to act like a flaming idiot. :)

I'm also not afraid to make the statement that you are a worthless piece of shit.
Hey, I'm not the one whining about how people treat me.

I know full well I'm a bitch, and I'm aware of the consequences of how I treat people. I don't have an excuse, what is, is.
Angel, I heart you. I don't think you're a bitch. You just call things the way you see them.

Tell me she didn't start this thread, please....

MsTedious - lol
MsCalculated dosage
MsRepresented by her other persona
MsIgnored by me... that last one is my favorite.
Re: lol

phatcat said:
Tell me she didn't start this thread, please....

MsTedious - lol
MsCalculated dosage
MsRepresented by her other persona
MsIgnored by me... that last one is my favorite.

How about:


Wait..that may be too long. <sigh> Nevermind.
Hanns_Schmidt said:

well open your legs bitch and have a look

Hmmmm you aren't even playground grade bully.....Go change your diapers............:rolleyes:
MisUnderstanding why if you're so sick of all of this, how come you're still being the ignorant bullies that you are. My MisTake for thinking I was dealing with mature adults. The home page was very MisLeading, it said that you have to be 18 or older. Why don't you just have you last words, and drop this fucking thing already? You're tired of it, but you're keeping it alive. That, my friends, is your MisDemeaner, not mine. :rolleyes:

"well open your legs bitch and have a look"

See, that is funny in conversation, except the sad part is you sat there scratching yourself, sweating until you finally came up with that snide remark, and nearly wet yourself with childish glee.

Don't tax yourself too much, now, or your ass might start on fire from thinking so hard.
It's a MsTake to even attempt to reason with her.

