Moving to the Lifestyle


Aug 25, 2002
This is just a curiosity question. I was wondering how many people have moved (as in relocated) to get into the relationship that they are in. Or have you in the past moved to be in a BDSM related relationship and how is/did it work out for you.
hiya silken...

I am moving to Arkansas next June in order to be closer to my Master Artful and pursue our relationship as right now it is D/s LDR/LTR .... I feel that is a "necessity for Him and for myself.

the distance apart is very very hard indeed and I feel I much better respond to face to face skin-to skin contact...:)

I have not moved yet to be in the relationship i am in at this time, but i will be moving as soon as it is possible. It is not to be in the relationship i am in now as much as it is to let our relationship grow stronger and even closer.

Since with my Master and I have a BDSM relationship built with our heart, soul and love. We feel it is the best thing we can do for our relationship as well as the right thing to do.

Ghost's amaris
Well best of luck to you both in your coming moves. I had almost moved into a relationship... glad that I didn't though found out some good information at the last minute about him and his easy wandering that would have tossed me aside for some one newer and more appealing. So since then I've thrown lots of caution to the winds.
If I didn't have children to consider, I would be much more apt to pack up and move to be with somebody I love.

Since I do have children, I wouldn't consider moving unless I was positive that a) I can't live happily without the man, b) it will last a lifetime and c) his relationship with my children would be a positive one.
Yes, I would move to strengthen a relationship if I felt that it had true potential for the long run.
I have considered moving to be with someone I care about...D/s or not.

To date, that hasn't been the best choice for me.

I do have children, but I also live in an area where the job market is not just poor, but plain lousy.

Things could be better and would be, if I were somewhere else.

So, for now, it is about children and job.

If the right man is involved, it is a possiblity.
LOL.....Think I must have set some kind of record on Lit for distance of moving to be 24/7!! Australia to The Netherlands is a long, and testing journey, but worth every moment and sacrifice. I think for me the biggest challenges have been language, and leaving behind my daughter and granddaughter whom I love dearly, and concern for the difficulties my frail parents are going through. Although my sister has taken up my former position of being there when they needed anything, the connection and trust is not the same for them, her ways are sometimes dictatorial which is a sharp contrast to my way of always doing things sensitively and how they felt comfortable, and she also doesn't live local so the help is not so frequent. It has not always been easy, but there are opposite sides of the coin also.

My mother is at peace in that she is happy I am finally with someone she saw really loves me and will care for me always. My daughter, who has been more than a handful, seems to have matured and begun to act responsibly as a mother and adult which I suspected might be an outcome with my moving away. My son is with us, and though he still has the same issues to deal with, the change of scenery is something he is enjoying most days.

Lastly, I have never had a moment of doubt or regret I did the right thing. Everyday, Master embraces me more in his love and his care, while guiding me to become the slave he knows I can be. Everyday I find something else about him that is extraordinary. I can truly say, he is the most special human being I have ever met, with so many facets to his being I am ever surprised and at times overwhelmed by his generosity in all ways. It is even more warming to find he has a group of friends who also see him in a special way for the person he is. I am truly blessed.

I nearly did move in with Daddy a few years ago, but my girlfriend and I patched things up and I moved back in with her. If she and I ever break up again, Daddy has said that I may come to em immediately. I would definitely do so.
its great to know that me and M'lady are not the only ones that are makes these types of changes in our lives!!! in a little less than a year i'm moving up to long island (LI) to be w/ M'lady for what i'm certain will be a blissful and full life of returned loved and happiness!!:kiss: :heart: i love you my Love!!:heart: i live in virginia (norfolk to be exact) and this move will be a huge change in my life as i have never lived anywhere else the entire 22 years of my life.... not to mention the fact that i am leaving my parents for the first time ever!!! BUT i can confidently say that i have never had anything else feel so right to me as this move and my love for M'lady!! come late July of next year i'll be the happiest subbie boy in all the Universe!!:D :cattail: :cathappy: :catgrin: :catroar: :nana:
bump it bump de bump

Anyone new want to added?

For those that posted
what's the update?
Richard49 said:
bump it bump de bump

Anyone new want to added?

For those that posted
what's the update?

Yes I would like to be added.

I was moving to be near my Master. Had we not finished tonight.

As it happens I am a peverse cow and I will be going ahead with my plans, with or without him
minx1 said:
Yes I would like to be added.

I was moving to be near my Master. Had we not finished tonight.

As it happens I am a peverse cow and I will be going ahead with my plans, with or without him

I'm so sorry to hear this....hope you are OK, though from what I have seen of your posts, you are not one to fold and give up on your dreams. Take care of you, and if you still go on your working holiday in Oz, make sure you have a blast and make some memories to last a lifetime. :rose:

Catalina :catroar:
As to updates, we are still together, still have good days, fantastic days, not so good days, and ones I would prefer to forget, but that is the life of a relationship and through it all we know we love each other and are committed to the M/s dynamic we sought and found with each other.

catalina_francisco said:
I'm so sorry to hear this....hope you are OK, though from what I have seen of your posts, you are not one to fold and give up on your dreams. Take care of you, and if you still go on your working holiday in Oz, make sure you have a blast and make some memories to last a lifetime. :rose:

Catalina :catroar:

*hugs* thankyou Cat.You are right, even thoughI sit here with tears streaming down my face, I am not a quitter, never have been. I am resilient, more than I know sometimes...and I will be again.

I will go to Oz, because that what I planed to do andI will have a great time.
Within a few months, I will be moving across country to be with my subbie. It would be too much for her to move this way because of her kids... so... I'll be the one moving.
I moved from New Zealand to Sydney Australia to be with Master Gil, that is just over 3 1/2 years ago now. Somehow it just seems to get better and better, and although we have weathered quite a few changes in His treatments and are about to embark on something new with home haemodialysis, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else :)
I moved north, he moved south. :) We now live in a city neither of us had been to before and are very blissful.
Master is about to move from Wales to the Southeast of the UK (Kent) to live with me. I've had quite a lot of upheaval over the last year so we both felt it was best for me to stay put.

Although the UK looks tiny to americans he is moving a good couple of hundred miles and neither of us drives a car so that makes it a days journey by train or bus.

Of course I confidently expect everything to be singularly blissfull I'm sure there'll be a few hiccups and a period of adjustment to each other. I'll also become a 24/7 co-habiting sub for the first time in my life so that will be as big a change as anything else.
I moved some 300 miles to be with me J. All in all things went pretty smooth, thou I really had my doubts about things.