Moving is a stressful business (closed for BethJones)


Renaissance Fella
Jul 20, 2011
It is Friday morning in London.

Somewhere on the north circulate James sits behind the wheel of a removal lorry, stuck in traffic. They had loaded up the van the day before, somewhere in the home countries, and had spent the night outside the city with the aim to arrive at the house and unload at midday. James mopped his brow, foreseeing a difficult day ahead. A combination of a long breakfasted followed by the news that his mate couldn't make it meant he was left with the impossible task of unloaded a van full of rather fine looking furniture all on his own. The husband, who had overseen the loading, had been a stern egotistic business man. James wasn't looking forward to meeting the wife who was due to meet them at the other end.

Somewhere in an office in Islington Michael sits behind his desk at a solicitors. He sips his coffee, brought to him, he remembers a little disappointingly, by Mrs Mason the elderly secretary, rather than the new girl... now what was her name? He runs an eye over the paper work on his desk. A few meeting but it being Friday the main thing is to ensure the exchanges go smoothly with the house sales being completed that day. No reason why not, he thinks, but he sometimes has to do things quickly just in case. Mind you, if that is the case he always gets to charge double.

Somewhere outside a house in Highgate Nathan stands outside a blue front door, impatiently swinging a set of keys in his hand. This would be his first house sale, well the first he has overseen independently, and it would be a good one that would contribute a nice commission to his miserly take home pay. For the sixth time he glanced up the street, waiting for the purchaser to arrive, and then glanced at his phone, waiting for confirmation from the solicitor that the money had been transferred. So far neither had happened and no money meant no key meant no commission.
Laura had taken the day off work to be at the new house. So far nothing was going to plan, she had woken late, realised she had packed her most suitable moving clothes, missed the train, got off at the wrong station then jumped on the first train that arrived which of course had to be a limited stop service and coincidently didn't stop at her station and then for good measure it had started to rain.

After the long journey Laura was well aware that as of yet final confirmation that the deal was completed hadn't come through. Finding a small coffee shop to sit in, in the hope the rain would ease she fumbled in her bag for her phone. The solicitor was on speed dial and soon the phone was ringing away. The familiar voice of the secretary answered, and a promise of a call back she sat sipping her drink.

Mark had had to work today, in all honesty laura was glad to have the freedom to direct the movers as she wished organising the house how she wanted it. Mark would then be free to do the boring bits, transferring utilities, redirecting post and council tax.

Time was getting on the rain had eased and she decided to make a dash for the house, the rain was light, the strange light rain that seemed to saok you without you realising. Her tshirt now clung to her body shwoing off the perfect cury figure she possessed. Her 34 DD boobs round and firm, her waistline trim, her bum curved nicely, the tight black leggings showing every inch. Her hair was easing out of place with the rain, but none of this mattered as she turned the corner walking slolwy towards the house she was due to move into. A smile broke across her face, her brown eyes widened.

This was home, and despite not having the keys it felt like home already.
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Some instinct made Nathan turn and look up the street. Even at a distance he new that the woman approaching him was the purchaser - Laura Davids. More than her appearance it was the manner of her walk, embodying the excitement of moving and a new house. Nathan's mind flicked between thinking of his first sale and the commission due to him and, as the woman got closer, appreciation of her body and way the rain was making her nipples stand out through her top.

Nathan swallowed a little. A skinny, slightly shy 24 year old he got nervous around sexually attractive older women.

As Laura approached she called out cheerfully, "Hello! What a wonderful morning!"
Nathan glanced around at the continuing light drizzle, and immediately put a dampener on things, "Good morning Mrs Davids," he said "I'm afraid I haven't had the call from the solicitor yet. Until I do and have confirmation of the transfer of funds I'm afraid I can't give you the key."

Immediately deflated Laura released a barrage of sexually explicit curses. The house was so close... why hadn't that barrage of a solicitor given her a call. As he listen Nathan found himself oddly aroused by the stream of fucks, cunts, bastards and arseholes that spilled from the woman's lips. Laura pulled out her smart phone and pressed the speed dial for the solicitor.

Across town James' delivery van inched forwards in heavy traffic.

And in a smart office Michael fingered the fax that had just arrived confirming that Mr Mark David's house payment had been transferred into the solicitor's account. All he had to do now was to begin the transfer to the vendors and the house would be sold. He ran his eye down the details. He was used to expensive London house sales and didn't pause at the high six figure purchase price. For a moment however he did pause and remember to purchasors, Mark and Laura David, she if he remembered rightly was something special...

Just then his phone rang...
Laura had almost run up the street, her breasts swinging heavily in her bra. Just steps away from her new home, so close, yet evidently so far.

For once she managed to get straight through to Michael, no secretary to put her on the back foot. After a few sharp pleasentries Laura began her tirade, "I'm dripping wet, stood outside my new home and apparently I can't get in to sort myself out," she began, giving no thought to the words that spilled from her mouth.

After being allowed to grumble and unleash her anger, Michael politely interupted admitidley he wasa little aroused at the thought of her being dripping wet, although almost certain it was the rain, the words had a sexy twang as she spoke them. "I'm terribly sorry Mrs Davids, I was just about to do the final paperwork and transfer, all should be done in the next," he paused glancing at the fancy grandfather clock, a gift from an associate, "... about half an hour." Before she could curse he managed to end the call, leaving Linda stood outside the house the drizzle making her wetter still.

After slipping her phone into her bag, she glanced at the young man, who up until now she had paid little attention to. "I... I don't suppose we could step inside?" she asked, her long curved eyelashes fluttering.
Nathan had been listening, but pretending not to listen to Laura's conversation. Hearing the words dripping wet while his eyes travelled around the trim yet curvy figure of the woman. He found himself blushing, something only increased when she turned and spoke to him.

"I'm, er" he was flustered and aroused and unsure of himself. "I'm really not supposed to Mrs Davids. You see, until the money has been transferred it officially still belongs to the current owners. It would be, er... kind of like stealing or something."
"Come on... its cold and wet out here," Laura said calmly. "If we stand here much longer I'll freeze to death," she continued. She hoped the young man would relent and allow her to get inside. "You can come in as well... so you could just be showing me around," Laura continued to make her case.
Nathan tugged at the knot of his tie, swallowing hard and fingering the key in his hand. It was just starting to spit with rain again and that perhaps turned his mind.
"Well," he began, "I suppose that makes sense... I'd be just showing you round. As long as you don't change your mind and decide not to buy it after all."

Nathan giggled slightly at his own joke and turn to unlock the door, Mrs Davids crowding behind him.

At that moment Laura's phone rang again, glancing at the screen she saw it was the solicitor.
"Yes?" she answered, thinking surely this time it would be good news.
"Mrs Davids?" Michael's pompous voice enquired, although it was obviously her. "I'm afraid there had been a bit of a snag..."
"Fuck!" Laura exclaimed, interrupting. "What the fuck can you mean? How can there be a fucking snag? Everything is fine the money is there."
"There is no need to swear," Mrs Davids, Michael continued, "And it isn't a snag you can't help me resolve. You see... " he paused, and over the phone Laura could hear a strange slapping noise and wondered if there was something heavily about the solicitor's breathing. "You see" he continued, "the image of you there dripping wet in the rain has, as I said, got me a little aroused. And so..." again he paused, gasping slightly, "and so I couldn't focus and would like you to help me, er, relieve my tension, focus my mind as it were...."

Laura couldn't believe her ears, "Over the phone?" was all she could think to ask?
"Well," came the reply, "well yes. It would ease the snag."
Laura reached for her phone as she eased in behind the young man who had finally agreed to let her in. The phone conversation was far from what she expected from the solicitor. “I could have you for...” she stopped mid sentence aware that the young man was still in ear shot. Covering the mouth piece, “I’ll just nip to the loo,” she whispered pointing in the general direction of the bathroom.

Once in the safety of the bathroom she spoke quietly but firmly, “I could have you for sexual harassment.” The response came soon enough from the solicitor, “You could... but then how would you prove it? After all I guess you are on your own... No fun, no house... the choice is yours.”

Blackmail, out and out blackmail, but for the fact she desperately wanted the house she would have put up more of a fight. “So what do you want from me?” she asked now accepting her fate.
There was something odd about the way Laura Davids had answered the phone and then nipped to the phone. Either something odd, or, alternatively having let the client into the house before legally allowed to Nathan was quickly losing his normal moral compass. At any rate no sooner had Laura closed and lock the door of the bathroom than Nathan pressed his ear against the door and listened. He could hear only one half of the conversation and some of that muffled...

"... help you cum!" Laura's voice rose with surprise.
Then a pause.
" you... disgusting little... fuck"
A pause.
"... as if I would.... ever... you.... ok..."
Laura's voice sounded resigned.
"I'd kneel beneath yours desk... ... deep into my mouth."

As his listened Nathan found himself getting harder and harder...
"I'd kneel beneath your desk... ... deep into my mouth." As Laura said these words she thought back to the first meeting she had been at with her husband and the solicitor. She remembered how smart he had looked, and indeed how the flash of his smile had melted her, how she had wondered what it would be like to slip under his desk.

This was only the second time she had been involved in phone sex, she much preffered the real thing. "Mmmm, i bet you would love to be deep in my throat... mmm sucking you nice and deep with every stroke.... maybe i cold bend over your desk... let you fuck me nice and deep too..." Laura continued to tease the solicitor hearing his breathing getting heavier with every word she uttered. The conversation soon had her wanting more, she found her hand resting on her clit, slowly dancing over it through her leggings.

"Mmmm nice and hard now.... make me cum on your hard cock... I love the way it feels... mmm thats it... where do you want to cum?" Laura asked hearing the frenzy she had created on the other end of the phone. There was a pause, "... on your face... on yor face," a strained voice replied.

"mmmm yes shoot that big load on my face... cover me with your hot sexy juice... mmm such a naughty boy," Laura continued as she heard a muffled grunt as she knew he had just unloaded, then a moments pause followwed by the rustle of tissues clearing up the mess.

In a very matter of fact voice, "I hope that gets things moving again," Laura said.
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Outside the door Nathan listened to the half of the conversation he could hear with slack jaw and pounding heart. Unthinkingly he shoved one hand down his trousers and started rubbing at his growing penis. The words he caught - fuck, cum, deep, harder, baby - brought his mind all sorts of fantasies of what he'd like to do with Mrs Davids.

Nathan closed his eyes to hear better, but still didn't noticed that the voice had stopped until suddenly the door opened and Laura caught him with his mouth hanging open and his hand in his underpants.
Not another one, Laura thought to herself as she opened the door. The young man was too busy to have noticed her opening the door, his hand quickly pounding away at his cock inside his trousers.

"Excuse me..." she paused as she opened the door, "...erm... sorry what is your name?" she asked. Her nipples still hard and poking through her tshirt, her face a little flustered beneath her long black hair. She hadn't considered this young man as anything special, in her eyes he was here to let her in and that was it. Watching him as he stroked his cock did make her stop and think, she wondered what it was that had aroused him so much, had he listened the whole time?

Her mind had refocussed on the house rather than the excitment of having her solicitor, but now this young man had her confused, she was in the mood for some loving, her husband worked so much he didn't exactly dole it out on a regular basis.
"Nathan..." the young man gasped out, his mind struggling to keep up with situation while his hand continued to, almost of its own accord, pound away at his cock within the confines of his trousers.

Laura almost laughed. Perhaps it was the excitement of moving house, or perhaps it was that she wanted to take advantage of somebody by way of getting back on the way the solicitor had taken advantage of her. Whatever the reason Laura decided there and then that she was going to fuck this young man. Although not before fucking with his mind a little.

"Well, Nathan." Laura drawlled, leaning against the door frame to the bathroom and seizing the man up. "Well there is good news and bad news. The good news is that was the solicitor on the phone and everything is now completed. The house is mine and you can give me the keys. You're off the hook there."

Nathan was half bent over, now frozen, wondering whether he should take his hand out from his trousers or if that would just draw attention to it. "And the... er... bad news?" he managed to ask.

"Well the bad news is that I've just caught you with you hand around you cock, and I'm fairly sure that isn't in the code of good practice for estate agents."
Laura could see how frightend he was, it wasn't like her to take a power trip, but there was something arousing about this situation.

"As this is now my house, I don't want random cum stains spoiling the decor," she said as she looked around the hallway, "So i guess... that means... you will have to cum in my mouth."

Nathan looked like a frightened rabbit caught in the headlights of a car racing towards him at 100 miles an hour. A smile broke on his face as the words sank in. "Not so fast lover boy... I have nees too..." she pointed to her groin.
Laura slowly started pulling down her figure hugging leggings. It was only as she slowly peeled them off down her legs and over her panties that she realised how aroused she already was. The thin white fabric of her knickers clung to the shape of her labia, a darker, moist patch revealing how wet she was.

Nathan watched, spell bound, as Laura pulled the leggings down her legs and over her ankles. Then Laura backed into the bathroom and, removing the leggings from around her ankles, she sat on the loo seat and spread her thighs wide apart, displaying her wet panties to the young man.

"I want you to kneel" she said, unconsciously echoing her conversation just minutes ago with the solicitor, "I want you to kneel and lick my cunt until I scream."

Meanwhile, as Nathan hesitantly made his way forward, the traffic on the north circular was gradually clearing up and James was at last moving again, finally making progress towards his destination. Meanwhile, Michael, the solicitor, was taking a call from Mr and Mrs Davids bank, and discovering that there was after all a problem with the money that phone sex, unfortunately, would not be able to clear up.
Laura slowly teased her finger along the moist material of her white thong, her smooth lips clear through the material. She beckoned to Nathan as he eased forward, to entice him further she slid the thong to one side exposing her pale smooth labia, she panted deeply as she anticipated the warmth from his tongue.

Sure enough nathan's tongue lapped from her opening hole to her throbbing clit, she wriggled in pleasure as she felt him obey. His tongue slowly probed at her closed lips, making them part. he lapped up and down, up and down over and over again, teasing her throbbing clit with the tip of his tongue.

Her hand had slowly slid inside her top and was no caressing her large round left breast, her fingers dancing with the already hard nipple. "that feels good she cooed as his warm tongue continued to lap at her. Her breathes were heavy as he continued with the same action.

His tongue was good but her body wanted more, "mmm try a finger in there," she moaned directing the young man in how to pleasure her. Nathan obeyed slipping one finger slowly inside her he eased it back and forth, watching as it glistened with her juices. Laura guided his head back to her clit as he awkwardly worked his finger in and out of her whilst attempting to lap at her clit. She wasn't sure if it was nerves or lack of experience that had made this such an awkward experience.