movie reviews (spoiler free)!


just this guy, you know?
Mar 30, 2005
i thought that it might be a good idea to have a thread for movie reviews. my only request: please avoid spoilers when discussing a movie you've seen.

i'll go first (cuz, you know, i'm opinionated & stuff):

saw les miserables. i think that everyone else should too. it's just that darned good. hathaway is shockingly good.

yes, seriously.

what have you seen that you want to recommend/pan?

Les Miz: two hours of counting pores and nose hairs plus a half hour of modestly good acting. The only redeeming moment in the movie is the arrival of the end credits.
I recently watched a DVD Movie called The Way by Emilio Esteves starring Martin Sheen and a cast of others.

It's a beautiful story about life and how we live it. Though not a very accurate portrayal of the actual walk of El camino de Santiago, it is a beautiful film.

I really enjoyed it, and found it very emotional and hit some nerves. Lots of tears and laughs. It has left it's mark on me.

I second this nomination. I was quite surprised at the subtle beauty of the movie, both in look and in message.
I saw The Hobbit this week. SPOILER ALERT: It's almost 3 hours long.
id like to see it,i know its along film,worth watching?

I think SPOILER ALERT it was worth watching. I'm not really sure why SPOILER ALERT they changed some things around from the book, but overall SPOILER ALERT it was a decent film.

Double Spoiler Alert!

I think SPOILER ALERT it was worth watching. I'm not really sure why SPOILER ALERT they changed some things around from the book, but overall SPOILER ALERT it was a decent film.


I wanna know how PJ thinks he's gonna get three films outta this. I love me some Tolkien - but really?
yank quoth:
les miz: two hours of counting pores and nose hairs plus a half hour of modestly good acting. the only redeeming moment in the movie is the arrival of the end credits.
surely sir you are completely deranged. but truly, i should not be surprised considering you are one who thinks that chicago-style "pizza" could possibly be superior to the original.

i thought the acting was superb, songs well-performed (except russell crowe for whom i have no use except as worm fodder) and the decision to have the actors sing during filming truly evident. but to each their own.

shewantsmore quoth:
id like to see it,i know its along film,worth watching?
yes at least IMHO.

miles long quoth:
i'm not really sure why spoiler alert they changed some things around from the book, but overall spoiler alert it was a decent film.
several changes are necessitated by extra-textual information contained in other writings which allow for a more cohesive story experience when considered as a prelude to LOTR. my bet is that jackson, who isn't exactly a stranger to tolkien and the copious lore that comes with that territory, expects that people are going to do tolkien-thons, watching all 3 films of the hobbit, then all 3 LOTR films. this to my way of thinking is a sensible approach.

bailadora quoth:
i wanna know how PJ thinks he's gonna get three films outta this. i love me some tolkien - but really?
yep, really. i think it's actually extremely well done. there are certain elements i'm not sure about, wouldn't mind seeing it again in all honesty.

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