Mother's Day Massacre - At Least 6 Gunned Down

We have offered hundreds of ideas. They sit in Congress with zero support from the Fascist traitor Republicans and full support of Democrats. Grow up. I make it about Republicans because IT IS ABOUT REPUBLICANS. If you don't like what we offer...then introduce some Legislation that helps solve the problem.

What is the problem you ask? Too many guns in the hands of unstable people.

Edit: since you want to make it about Democratic cities...shall we break the numbers down to a per capita relationship? Say...murders per 100 or 1000 people? Do a will be very surprised...or not. Fascist traitors don't like looking in the mirror

This is flat out bullshit.

The reason that the Democrats get full Democrat support and no other support is because their gun control plan SUCKS. Republicans and Independents both know this and won't align with "the plan."

Blaming them for not supporting the Unconstitutional and wack job ideas of Democrats is just piling the stupid on top of the stupid. If the ideas were good ones, the Democrats could create a consensus and pass their nirvana legislation. But that's not happening and instead of wondering why, you point the woke finger at everyone else except yourself.
And not one shot was fired by a member of the NRA or a legally owned gun by the legally registered owner.
Why are you advocating for tougher gun laws?

Also, who claimed he wasn't an NRA member and the gun was clean?

I'm not advocating anything. I live in Texas where any citizen without a criminal record will be allowed to purchase and carry without a permit. Just show my ID and wait the allotted time and I'm good to go.

Just like you should have to do to vote.
I'm not advocating anything. I live in Texas where any citizen without a criminal record will be allowed to purchase and carry without a permit. Just show my ID and wait the allotted time and I'm good to go.

Just like you should have to do to vote.

And about your claim, he wasn't an NRA member and the gun was clean?
What kind of monster would do such an evil thing?

The kind that is allowed to a gun. And that is the problem. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. But it has been bastardized from the intention of our Founding Fathers by the Right Wing. Show me how this benefits a "well regulated militia". That's doesn't.
While this was going on, Melitta coffee were busy boosting their social media position. Un caring and heartless. :mad:
The kind that is allowed to a gun. And that is the problem. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. But it has been bastardized from the intention of our Founding Fathers by the Right Wing. Show me how this benefits a "well regulated militia". That's doesn't.

^ Idiot.

Massacres have been happening throughout human history. Using them as a prop to score cheap assed political points because you don't like something ain't cool, it's stupid.

Or did you not learn ANYTHING when you studied American Prohibition?
Well, the last stats I read indicated that the highest number (and most by a large margin) of mass shootings have occurred in areas that have enacted gun control. These are all Democrat controlled areas. Info provided by Zero Hedge.
That works so good in Texas doesn't it?

Facts...for the denialist

Well, the last stats I read indicated that the highest number (and most by a large margin) of mass shootings have occurred in areas that have enacted gun control. These are all Democrat controlled areas. Info provided by Zero Hedge.

Shall we go through this data together? First thing one does is adjust it for population density. Cause see, when you live in a populated state or appears there is more crime. Numbers mean nothing. Numbers adjusted per population means everything. Shall we do the math? Or...should I tell you others have and the data is freely available to anyone that really wants it.

Gotta love when someone quotes someone like zero hedge as proof of something. Maybe, you should keep up to date? They were unmasked...and who they are really does prove how biased they are with their data. But I suppose that doesn't matter to you...does it?
Do you think its ok to have young kids at a party after midnight? I don't. Nothing good happens.

I'm confused here. Are you suggesting that they somehow invited or caused the shooting by keeping the kiddies up too late? Or, are you suggesting that they somehow deserved it; by being bad parents or something? Or is this the most important, and disturbing element in the tragic shooting to you; how late the kids were up?

Seems like kind of a trivial point, given the circumstances. My sincere condolences to the families of the victims, and to the children who will have to process something that is far more than they are ready for. Staying up a bit too late? I think that is pretty easily remedied; coping with a mass shooting in their own home, not so much.
Shall we go through this data together? First thing one does is adjust it for population density. Cause see, when you live in a populated state or appears there is more crime. Numbers mean nothing. Numbers adjusted per population means everything. Shall we do the math? Or...should I tell you others have and the data is freely available to anyone that really wants it.

Gotta love when someone quotes someone like zero hedge as proof of something. Maybe, you should keep up to date? They were unmasked...and who they are really does prove how biased they are with their data. But I suppose that doesn't matter to you...does it?

Can't support your narrative on the straight data so you have to manipulate it?
fuck all y'all

people dead. children witnessing. guns involved. does it take a brick shit house falling on you people?
people dead. children witnessing. guns involved. does it take a brick shit house falling on you people?

Death isn't something to get all heated up about. We will all die eventually and screaming about how horrible it is misses the point; we will all die eventually.

The single most constant in all the shootings is that the shooter was emotionally disturbed in some manner. Some are on medication but even those are often described as "unstable" even when taking their meds. The ones who aren't are worse because they're hidden time bombs waiting to go off.

As it stands, emotionally disturbed people are not "rational actors" and therefore cannot be predicted, reasoned with, or guarded against without incarcerating them for life. And even then, there's still a risk. Taking away what little defense society has when these evil doers come calling is stupid because it's not the gun, it's the irrational actor.

Of course it's easier to point to the inanimate object, and then proclaim that everyone who has one of "those things" is mentally unstable, than to actually address the problem. It's the coward's way out because fixing the problem means we have to address the real root cause.

And that root cause is not political ideology or any of the modern day divisive buzzwords being used to vilify those who commit the heinous offense of not agreeing with your personal partisan viewpoint. It's that mental illness is running rampant in our society because we refuse to face it rationally and deal with it as strongly as needed when it shows up.
Sad isn't it? But it is the Republican way...more guns more violence...more death

Wrong Dribble. States with Open Carry and CCW's have the Lowest gun deaths.

You mean the Democratic Way...more guns more violence...more deaths! Chicago, Philly, Detroit, New York City, Los Angeles. Statistics show there is an average of 10 shootings in Chicago a day! And Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the USA!

Ask yourself WHY Colorado seems to have the most Mass Murders. Aurora, Columbine, etc.

Hummmmmmmmmm :eek: