Most outrageous fantasy


Literotica Guru
Feb 20, 2002
OK... so it's like this....

I freely admit to an active fantasy life. Some of them are even non-sexual. ;) I'm sure that most of us are the same way...

So what I was wondering is; what is your most outrageous fantasy?

It doesn't necessarily have to be sexual (though with this bunch I imagine most of them would be :) ), but what I'm curious about is how over the top is it? Is it the kind of thing where afterwards even you are saying to yourself, "Goddamn where in the blue hell did that come from?"

Only the shameless apply...:)
Most outrageous fantasy and the only one I have not actually lived...

...picking up my millions of dollars, won in the lottery, in the nude.
Re: Most outrageous fantasy and the only one I have not actually lived...

SempreAngela said:
...picking up my millions of dollars, won in the lottery, in the nude.

Now we're talking!!! :)
Yeah, but right now that's all it is, talk. I really would do that if I ever win. *sigh*
Are we talking dreams or fantasies? When I was a kid, I daydreamed that I was a witch, and I rearranged my neighborhood so my friends lived closer to me and the houses were in a more asthetically pleasing order (no clashing colors next to each other).
Ok guess I should add one of my own

One of the millions I've had over the years....

Being the overseer at the long and drawn out torture of all the members of N'Sync and The Backstreet Boys....

This deepseeded hatred of all boy bands can be blamed on my sister making me suffer through the New Kids On The Block as a young boy...
Mischka said:
Are we talking dreams or fantasies? When I was a kid, I daydreamed that I was a witch, and I rearranged my neighborhood so my friends lived closer to me and the houses were in a more asthetically pleasing order (no clashing colors next to each other).

I would think either or would be acceptable...

And I like that one!
I have this vision of minituare horses, midgets, mimes and "Big" John McCarthy in an Octagon of KY and bowling pins.


Ummmmm... OK.

Hey I said outrageous, guess you get what you pay for...:)
There is one I've had for a while...

Ever since Li'l Johnnie Howard showed his gymnastic skills and went from "There will be no GST" to imposing a 10% tax on almost everything...

When an election is called and the parties/candidates are campaigning, they should have, written down, a list of all the promises they make. When they are elected, these promises are made into a contract, which they sign.

During the run of their term, they MUST do EVERYTHING they have promised, and they CANNOT do ANYTHING which would go against what they have promised (and contracted) to do. Any attempt to avoid the obligation gets them removed from power AND sued personally for breach of their contract (and no hiding behind factional party deals, either - they promised it, they deliver it)!

I know, it's boring AND impossible to accomplish - but big dreams are built from little ones...
Time, space, distance

My outrageous fantasies bend - if not obliterate - the laws of physics so it is best to keep them concealed.
OK new stipulation...

No politics!!!!

Only impish childlike antics will be permitted in here!

There's enough stress and worry in the world right now and this thread will be free of that.

The great and powerful OZ has spoken...:D
I'll have to what for a most horrific fantasies thread to reveal mine.

I suppose the goofiest fantasy I have, which is somewhat sexual and somewhat not, would be okay to share. There is a gag where you shake hands with someone, and then you pretend that you are stuck, and you "try with all your strength" to get free but you alas, "can't". Well, my fantasy is similar to that, except I would do it to a woman I was fucking. I'd pretend she was so tight that I got stuck and couldn't move. :)
My favorite daydreams are sorta like Mischka's only all growed-up. I love to daydream about what I'd do in a given situation if I had Samantha's (from Bewitched, for the toddler set) powers. Common themes are twitching my nose and the house is clean, suddenly having that ingredient I'm missing magically appear without having to schlep to the store, automatic parallel parking, that sorta thing.

Other times it's more like having Serena's taste, though. She surely had a way with unique tortures. :)
Having a maid-cook and a butler to wait on me hand and foot, the bulter would be like alfred from batman. Also I could fly.
I wanna be Bugs and Lola Bunny's bondage love slave. Which is kinda odd, since I'm not normally into the BDSM thing.
I want to be able to start life over at certain points like I can on a computer game.

For example, didn't get to screw the high school cheerleader, reload life file right before failure and try again, and again, until I get it right.
Non-sexual....actually get to be a director and use this film degree i'm working on. I have a script i wrote last summer and i want to wait until i can actually get funding to do that one. I put so much effort into writing it and i have so many mental expectations of it I'd be so afraid of fucking it up. Even if it went and swept the Oscars, i'd be afraid i wouldn't like it.

Also i'd like to be able to stop time. Not 21 and can't buy liquer? No problem! Stop time break into the store and steal a bottle! Drooling over a hottie? Stop time and unhook her bra so i can watch her fidget with her boobs to get it back in place!

Sexual....I would create my own mental dimention. In that dimention there would be a likeness of any woman i would want there. The sexy catalogue model, my best friend, a few women of Lit that have posted pics on the Pic Feedback board, and so on. Then i could appear in this dimention whenever i want and be able to fuck any woman in any way imaginable.

My most outrageaous one is where I randomly decide to buy a lotto ticket for a pot that's worth 200 million, and I have the ONLY winning ticket. Then, I pay off my bills, I buy a new house (Custom made), and hire a maid, a butler, and a cook. :D

Oh, and a nanny. My house would have a seperate childrens wing. ;)
I would like to be able to morph into anyone I want. I would morph into a hot woman and try to lesbian seduce my women friends.

Another one. I am able to control people's actions. So for fun I get hot women that wouldn't normally sleep with me, to romp with me all night long. Then when everything is finished, restore their own control, and see how they react to what the have done.