Most of the "Founding Fathers" owned slaves. They did NOT care about "Liberty".


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
Most of the "Founding Fathers" owned slaves. They did NOT care about "Liberty".

How do you even remotely call a slaveowner a champion of liberty?
No most of the Southern founding fathers had slaves.

Leading northerns including John Adams, Benjamin Franlkin and others never did
Watcha suppose would happen if Uncle Sambo cutoff all the Niggaz chex tomorrow? Lotsa whoopin and wailin is what.

Back in 1865 the Niggaz had dat exact problem. Dem ole plantations had plenny of Nigga diversity befo deh wah but wiff emancipation Ole Marster didn't need no Niggaz dat didn't work. Surprise! Surprise!

Wat happen den wuz all dem liberty lovin white folks from deh Nawth come down Souff and put all deh Niggaz in jail, din lease em out as convict labor.
it was because the church AND state for the longest time considered all non-whites as sub-human or non-human and they could be owned or killed at will.
this mindset carried well into the 1900's. up until the 1960's or so, it was better to be black than native american.
it was because the church AND state for the longest time considered all non-whites as sub-human or non-human and they could be owned or killed at will.
this mindset carried well into the 1900's. up until the 1960's or so, it was better to be black than native american.


Blacks were decoration and part of the scenery. Most of the time they didn't matter enough to be noticed or conspired upon.
Is it bad that I read every JBJ post in the voice of uncle ruckus?? Does that make me a racist?

it was because the church AND state for the longest time considered all non-whites as sub-human or non-human and they could be owned or killed at will.
this mindset carried well into the 1900's. up until the 1960's or so, it was better to be black than native american.
Oh let's not even get into the native American genocide. It far exceeded what Hitler did.
Oh let's not even get into the native American genocide. It far exceeded what Hitler did.

Ehhh, it was terrible, but a majority of the deaths were accidental because we were just disease vectors. It's hard to compare the two. One was prolonged, partly accidental, partly negligent, while the other was a brief surge of intentional murder. They're both awful, but I wouldn't consider them comparable.
Ehhh, it was terrible, but a majority of the deaths were accidental because we were just disease vectors. It's hard to compare the two. One was prolonged, partly accidental, partly negligent, while the other was a brief surge of intentional murder. They're both awful, but I wouldn't consider them comparable.

it's ongoing.
look up idle no more

or read up a little. genocide is more than just war and murder.
Ehhh, it was terrible, but a majority of the deaths were accidental because we were just disease vectors. It's hard to compare the two. One was prolonged, partly accidental, partly negligent, while the other was a brief surge of intentional murder. They're both awful, but I wouldn't consider them comparable.

What part of Wounded Knee was accidental?
Ehhh, it was terrible, but a majority of the deaths were accidental because we were just disease vectors. It's hard to compare the two. One was prolonged, partly accidental, partly negligent, while the other was a brief surge of intentional murder. They're both awful, but I wouldn't consider them comparable.

What is so accidental and negligent about the trail of tears? How about the piles of treaties and agreements the US gov decided to just shit can? Guess that was just a paperwork mix up hua?
What is so accidental and negligent about the trail of tears? How about the piles of treaties and agreements the US gov decided to just shit can? Guess that was just a paperwork mix up hua?

He said partly. You even highlighted it.
There was a time when LT could be talked to. He was always stubborn and unwilling to see any point but his own but he wasn't the troll he is now.

When he came back from his death, he was a changed man.

Zombie LT is a troll.
Death by peanut will do that to a person.

If I were going to fake my own death, it would involve me saving my family from nazis or some shit. And that last bullet caught me, but I managed to stomp his face on a curb.

I would not fake my death through a peanut.
Ehhh, it was terrible, but a majority of the deaths were accidental because we were just disease vectors. It's hard to compare the two. One was prolonged, partly accidental, partly negligent, while the other was a brief surge of intentional murder. They're both awful, but I wouldn't consider them comparable.

Nothing accidental about massacres and purposeful "gifting" of disease blankets. I'd like to see who wrote the history book YOU read.
He said partly. You even highlighted it.

Ok so what was PARTLY negligent and accidental about any of that??

None....we straight fucked them, I'm not crying for a conquered people here.....but let's be real...there is nothing accidental or negligent about kicking their ass and sending them packing.
Nothing accidental about massacres and purposeful "gifting" of disease blankets. I'd like to see who wrote the history book YOU read.

Again, he said partly and that's true. Most of the disease was unintentional. Why is this so hard for people?